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Goddess of Creation: Ways to Show Up in Your Life
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- Written by Shelly Dressel

I found this to be a really interesting meditation. When you consider the question, do you show up in your life? What does that mean to you?
I believe we are all very busy right now and most feel as if they going in many directions at the same time and perhaps wonder if they can do justice to whatever is happening in their life.
When we arrived in the All That Is, the Goddess had us organize the most time consuming parts of our day. It was work on the left, family and friends straight ahead, and hobbies or manifestations on the right. She then encouraged us to connect with each area, one at time. In doing so, you have a perception of just how much of your focus is there, when you are engaged. She spoke of the importance of understanding and having your own energy bodies aligned and in balance. She also spoke of what narcissistic is versus healthy self-love and balance.
From there, the Goddess helps everyone to truly experience their energy bodies, how to notice if you are draining energy, then heal that part of your energy body and fill it up with energy from your higher self or soul. This is an amazing way to open to a greater perception of your life.
Nama Sika, Venia Benya, I AM the One, I AM the Whole
I greet you, beloved family. I reach out from my heart to yours. I reach out to embrace you in this now moment.
You are here experiencing your life. Your life can be filled with so many different activities. It can be filled with interactions with your family, people at work, and your friends. All of this creates an energy or a vibration that goes within you and also sets up the energy around you.
During our last experience, I spoke about the ways in which you can manifest. A couple of key aspects were to first and foremost create your manifestation in the All That Is, a place of creation, a place that is pure light energy. Then the next part was to ask your Soul what I need to manifest right now.
You as a human are looking at your life, you’re experiencing your life, and that’s of course very important for you. However, sometimes your Divinity or your Soul has a different aspect as it looks out over you.
As you are here in this now moment create an intention that you in your human reality are connected to your Higher Self and your Soul, and that there is an even flow so that you are able to tap into that higher perspective at any time. You breathe in and out gently and easily feeling all of this energy as it’s moving into and around you.
Create the ball of light within and around your heart center. This ball of energy is created from within your consciousness. It’s also created from within your physical body. As you focus upon it you focus on that you can create something outside of you and put it inside, or you can do it all within.
Your energy bodies are becoming much more important to you than they have ever been because the energy bodies are what communicate with the non-physical aspects of you. So focus on your heart and as you have that swirling energy you let a stream of it go down in your upper abdomen, it connects to your solar plexus. It then connects with your sacral energy body around the base of your spine and then down in the root center it connects with that root energy body. As this stream of light comes into contact with each energy body it creates a balance that is in alignment with your heart center.
You send that stream of energy further down. It goes from your root center down into the Earth. As it does so it is connecting into the Earth. You could feel Gaia. Sometimes you go deep, deep, deep within and you can feel the energies of Lemuria. Other times it’s connecting with Gaia and then spreading out so as to have a stronger alignment.
As you feel all of this is anchoring you as it’s connecting you to the Earth that energy then flows back up. It comes up through that column of light, through those energy bodies and goes into your throat and that energy body around your throat. It becomes activated. Your third eye is activating that place that’s your direct link into your pineal gland and it assists you in opening up your perceptions. You hit your head center. You connect to your head center. The light body energy connects from behind you and so both are also connecting in and then you send that beam of light up into your Higher Self.
As you are here within your Higher Self take a moment to look around and see what you have within this space. Are there different things that you are creating in your life? Are there different things that you are monitoring in your life? Look into the corners and see if there are some forgotten manifestations or forgotten things, and as we become aware we just go through clearing everything out. Phew. Clear it all out so that you can be here in the present.
You then follow that thread of energy. It goes even further up moving up from your Higher Self and it automatically connects into your soul essence. As you come into the space where your soul plane resides or where your Soul resides you automatically merge with that energy.
Take a moment and as if you are experiencing the presence, experiencing this moment, just take a moment and feel what it is to connect to your Soul. You are always connected through that line that we just followed or that thread of energy that we just followed. However at this moment you’re bringing all of your awareness into this space so that you can look and see. You can look around and see, “Hey this is me, this is my God’s source, this is where all those many, many aspects of who I am have come from.”
I the Goddess walk in and amongst each one of you. As I do so I reach out to embrace you. I embrace you as your Soul. I embrace you as the person in this lifetime. Then our energies shift into the All That Is.
There is such joy within this space. As we each arrive it’s almost like there is laughter that is bubbling up. Take a moment to look around. Pay attention to what is here. These are also aspects of your energy. Because within the All That Is you have your own section that you come to each time, and then it becomes the in-between with these other areas. But whenever you arrive you are here within your space.
I’m reading the energy of everyone present. I’m asking to know what people would like to do this evening. Sometimes I know exactly what we’re going to do and other times I want to be present with all of you.
Okay, it feels as if that’s the meditation for this evening. How to be present in your life. Consider that, as if you see spread out in front of you a section that may have your job, whatever your job may be. For some people volunteer as their job, retirement is their job, a place where they work 50 hours a week, a place where they work 20 hours a week. But wherever your focus is let that be off on your side a little bit.
Then perhaps in front of you see your relationships. Okay, for some it was a big long line. Let us talk about your primary relationships. Maybe your immediate family, your closest friends. Let them be present as if in front of you.
On this other side let’s look at maybe projects that you want to do, or something or many things that you want to manifest. Whatever it may be we’ll have manifestations over here. Now some of you may have added other categories, but we’ll start with those three that are somewhat broad.
So let’s consider for a minute what it means to show up in your life. In essence to be present. Be available for yourself and for others. So, beginning with work once more when you go to work are you on autopilot? You just get through the days. When you go to work are you really present in the job, connecting with the people that you work with? Then when you do connect with them are you bringing all of yourself with you, or perhaps is it all just working on autopilot? So consider that.
There are times when you choose not to be present at work perhaps you’re very tired of work; perhaps you’re not appreciated; perhaps you’re not acknowledged for the job you do. There could be a very long list but no matter what anybody else is acknowledging, not acknowledging, or doing take this moment and bring all of your essence and all of your energy into the job that you have.
If you open up your consciousness or put forth your awareness to really interact with people, participate, or bring your unique ideas what your work would look like? Okay, I heard several of you say I’ve tried and nobody listens. Okay, so for a moment you show up for your job. You try to participate. You try to make yourself present and then others are not receptive. So how can you be present in that part of your life, because for many of you it’s many, many hours of your week? How can you show up, and be present whether people interact or acknowledge it or not? Indeed I’m hearing a multitude of you saying, “I think it’s time I look for a new job.” This is a way of considering that and what you do want to have as far as your work goes.
When you do anything in your life it becomes essential that your relationship first and foremost is within you. When you consider your relationship and the way that you interact with yourself, are you respectful? Do you honor the gifts that you have? Do you have boundaries? Consider how you can really be present at work and also fully present in yourself. Take a deep breath in and breathe out.
When you recognize that whatever is going on at work begins to be about your relationship first within you and then as that gets the job done, or gets you through the day in a successful uplifting way, you will begin to realize that it’s no longer about pleasing other people but first and foremost acknowledging yourself.
I heard you. There were a number of you saying but I’m not a narcissistic person so let’s speak about that for a minute. Someone that is narcissistic will think first and foremost of themselves but to the exclusion of others. Those relationships are for manipulation but not necessarily for the benefit of others.
When I speak of you showing up it is about being in a nurturing environment while working. It is saying that you listen, listening to what you need. You are performing the duties that you need to do, but when you get to that point where it’s just too much you’re overwhelmed. That’s when you start letting go, clearing out the energies, and recognizing that if something isn’t working then how can you work to change it? In doing so not only are you supported but everybody else you work with will then become supported.
Not 100% sure I explained that the way I intended but the difference is that when you’re in co-creative relationships your realization and acknowledgment of yourself is a reflection out onto others. Then those people have the opportunity to step into that same growth and alignment, and be filled up whatsoever it is that you choose.
Let us shift to your family. How much do you show up and are present with your family? When you’re with your family are you doing leftover work? Is your mind still thinking about what you want to do for work? So how can you clear out your mind? How can you clear out these other things that are happening in and around you so that when you’re with your family you can be fully can be fully present?
Okay, this does not necessarily have to be 24/7, because yes that would be exhausting. But I’m saying can you perhaps choose at least a portion of every day to show up and be present and fully present with your family or your friends? In doing so you become very aware of what they have going on in their life and you can embrace and support them in their life. It’s easier for you to do this now because you’ve learned how to set your boundaries and how to bring down the energy and alignment of your Divinity so that you become nurtured and then reflect that out to others.
When was the last time you had a conversation that you were fully present in the conversation rather than your mind being distracted in many other directions? When you are able to be that present in your communication you are then able to not only nurture and support yourself but your family and friends around you.
Consider what you are seeking to manifest. Consider those other projects or other things you may have going on. Are they just what’s left over after everything else? When you’re looking at whatever that means take a moment to just clear out your energy, anchor down within your Divinity or your Higher Self that flow that energy, that light, and then look at what you seek to manifest. Be open to let it be fluid and change at times.
You will notice that when you allow yourself to be fully present when you are at work; fully present when you’re with your family; fully within your manifestation, when you are doing that and you are not being pulled in every different direction you have the energy for each thing. I hear many people are saying that is impossible. I cannot do it. Perhaps not, but make an effort or consider the words, am I really present at this moment? As you allow yourself to be aware you suddenly receive all sorts of insights and things come from many different places.
We’re going to clear out that energy. If you want to be fully present or balanced in your life I would encourage you to be aware, to be conscious of how certain situations or people drain your energy. As I say that, is there anyone that comes to mind that you realize that after spending some time with them you’re exhausted? Sometimes it might be due to a difference in vibration. Sometimes it might be that if you arrive and you’re wide open that they’re just using your energies. There are multiple different experiences.
So if you are going to show up it’s important for you to understand what you can do to refurbish your energy. Some people do it through breathing. Some people do it by taking a cat nap or something. Some people will read or watch TV. Some people will meditate. Some listen to music. The list is endless. So consider what it is that you may do that allows you to nurture yourself as your Soul, your emotions, your thoughts, and your beliefs. Here we go. Perhaps I should have started with this.
So now I see where many, many of you have like holes in your energy and everything just drains away before you know it. So here in the All That Is create a space where you can be fully present in your consciousness, in the moment, and when you breathe in breathe in the essence of who are. It starts with your physicality. You are breathing in focus and awareness so the intention with the oxygen is that it goes down into your lungs and into your heart.
Then as you continue to breathe in and out take a moment and consider your emotions. Frequently this is where people may have holes in their energy. Or there might be a tear in your energy field and that energy drains out. So look at your emotions, consider your emotions, and if you see a place then connect into it, be present, and be in the moment. For some if you just flow your energy into and out of your emotional body you automatically create a cohesive space.
Consider for a moment your beliefs, your thoughts, your awareness. This is frequently where your mind might go into a cycle or a circle and you just pick up; I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough; I wish I was skinnier; I wish I had more money; I wish I had this… All of those thoughts and beliefs is what can frequently pull you down. Any time that you have a belief that has “not enough” in it, no matter what it may be, it is never in your best interest.
So connecting with your thoughts and beliefs just consciously visualize or feel a flow of energy moving through it. It can be filled with color. It can be filled with intention. But a very basic energy for you to experience is “I am enough. I am present. I am here.” Then if something comes in that is telling you a different reality you can look at that different reality with love and compassion. So look around. Look at these thoughts and these beliefs.
Your spiritual body; we are here within the All That Is so your spiritual body is filled, and all around you in your everyday reality it can be just like it is here in the All That Is. So consciously let your spiritual energy body move through your thoughts and your beliefs, the emotions you are feeling, and your physical so that your energy bodies are balanced, filled with light, and very supportive of you.
As you practice this during those other experiences you will recognize, “Oh I am a little depleted today. Oh it is hard to show up because I have so much on my mind that I am doing.” Phew, clear it out. Clear it out bring in that white light, that indigo, whatever color resonates with you. Bring in that light energy. Let it move through you on every level and it will fill you up and peel off any of those energy bodies that may be leaking. Breathe back in and breathe out.
So we’re going to clear out the All That Is and ask yourself one more time am I able to show up for my life? I now can hear so many more of you saying, yes I can. Yes I’ve got plenty of energy for that. Remember you’ve got the tools, you’ve got the ability, you are here and present in your life. Breathe in and breathe out.
I invite everyone to come to the group. You see within the center of all of you that column of light that connects the spaces where you are. You see the Hologram of the Earth as it comes up within this column. You can all infuse your ability to create that balanced essence of yourself. You can infuse that intention to show up and be present in your work, in your relationships, your manifestations for you all, and whatever else may come your way.
You continue to send all of that intention into the Hologram and it takes on its own energy. There’s a part that goes out to the Universe. The remainder goes down into the earth plane. As it anchors within the Earth. It goes down within the center of the Earth and then reverses and comes back out. It comes up through that cord that you anchored your own energies into on the Earth. It settles within you in your heart center and then into all your energy bodies. It comes up through the water, the trees, the grass, and into the animals. It is available for every single person on the planet.
You allow the remainder of the energy to come back down into the All That Is. Your soul in its expanded state moves back into the soul plane and the remainder comes down streaming down into you through your head center. You take in a deep breath and breathe out.
As you move through your life I invite you to be aware of how balanced your energy fields are. At times when you are using more emotions or beliefs, or physical, physically doing something, whatsoever it may be. So be aware that not only are you utilizing all your skills on a daily basis, but you are also utilizing the energy, the consciousness and the unconsciousness in support of that. So everything is interconnected. You can support from so many different places, be open to receive and know that the more that you work with this energy the more balance, the more rich, and the more comfortable you are within your life.
Beloved know that I am ever within you.
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