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Goddess of Creation: Master Life Balance Now

Goddess of Creation: Master Life Balance Now

I noticed that our last several channels were about working with our souls. 

These channels allow you to experience the ascension process for yourself. Everyone has a different way of manifesting or interpreting how they receive information.

People have a tendency to live life day to day, just going through the motions.  This can be true because they are just so busy.  However, no matter how busy you are in your life, if you take the time to become aware of the choices that are made and your reaction you can create a massive change in your life.  Sometimes people do not want to deal with the ascension process.  Sometimes it can be very painful to look deeply at your choices and how you got to where you are. When you make that choice to pay attention, suddenly it is as if the floodgates open.

During this channel the Goddess invited everyone to just look at the All That is and create what they seek.  Can you do that?  If you had a blank canvas and started with absolutely nothing, what would your life look like?  I noticed that once people began and they became comfortable with change, they were able to create truly amazing potentials for their life.  They then walked inside of their creation and looked from the inside out.

Lastly, this was channeled a few days before the Fall / Spring Equinox, so everyone had the potential to stand in the energy of balance that comes with each of the Equinox. When I stepped into the energies, they felt very relaxed, energized, balanced, and helped to release anxiety.

Creating Balance in Your Life
September 16, 2024

Nama Sika, Venia Benya          I AM the One, I AM the Whole

I greet you, beloved family! I reach out from my heart to yours. I reach out in this now moment to embrace you as you are in your everyday life.

You are coming upon the Equinox once again. For some of you, it will be your fall equinox, some the spring. This is a time of balance. You are equal in your calendar year from one aspect to the other. This is always a time to consider balance. This is always a time to begin to filter out from the summer as you begin to align with what you may need for the winter. And for those of you that have depleted your winter stash and hibernation, as you look outdoors and you start to look out towards the summer.

This is a wonderful way in which the planet has that balance. This is a wonderful way in which you are able to connect within yourself, connect with aspects of the planet, which is, of course, connecting with the universe. Take in a breath, breathing deeply within yourself, and allow that focus of balance to be within you. Breathe out any tension or stress.

At all times throughout your day, it only takes one or two of those focused breaths to bring you back once more into center. So, consider, if you will, those things that may have you stressed out at work, or perhaps relationships and other things happening in your life. Just breathe deeply down into your heart center, hold it for a minute, and as you breathe out, phew, let go all of those things around you and be balanced within yourself for that moment.  And then as you go back and look at things once more, perhaps there will be a difference or a change.

Breathe in and breathe out.

Next, I invite you to create that ball of light within your heart center.  As you do so, you can pull from your energy bodies, the emotions, the thoughts and beliefs, your spiritual, your crystalline, and create that ball of energy from all that is you. You take a piece of it or a part of it and you send it down through your energy bodies. As you do so, it goes down, out from your root center and into the earth. It connects with Gaia going out in all different directions. And as it does so, it is anchoring you here within this place.

You then let that energy come back up within you. It comes back up through all your energy bodies. It circulates once more within your heart. And then you send it up through your throat, your third eye, your head center, your crystalline energy body.  And it goes upward until you align with your higher self.

Look around at this space. This is you as an aspect of you from your human experience.  But also, there is the energy of your divinity, of your soul essence that also fills this space, activating or assisting you in your everyday life. You then send that stream of energy. It follows that thread as it moves all the way up and connects to your soul.

As you arrive within the soul plane, you immediately merge with your divinity. This allows you to become conscious of other aspects of you. Sometimes it just helps you feel more full of that dynamic life energy.  Sometimes it just simply gives you an expanded awareness for who you are.

I, the Goddess, walk in and amongst each one of you. As I connect with you, our energies merge. In doing so, we expand into the All That is.  Look around at the All That is, look around at what this place is for you.

What is interesting is that what I see through people’s eyes or perceive, it sounds like a band. It sounds as if there is music playing, as if there is a celebration as if there is a time of awareness. And it is directed at each one of you as you move into this space.  Open up your consciousness, your consciousness, and your awareness so that you can perceive what is here.

Whenever we get together for these gatherings, the intention is always to assist each one of you with understanding where you may be in your life. These are also about healing, about ascension, about transformation, about all the various aspects of what it is to not only be human but to be your soul essence living in this experience.

So look around. I still hear the music, however, I’m also seeing ocean waves.  I’m also seeing some high mountains and as these create a backdrop, I’m watching humanity as a whole. However, each one of you that’s here in the All That Is, is taking this opportunity to create your reality.

Consider that for a moment. We’ve talked about this many, many times over the years. Sometimes in the past, when I spoke about creating your reality, it was a great idea, however, very challenging for each of you to do.  This evening, as we walk into this space and I see these snippets from so many things, I only named a few, I’m being shown the importance for each one of you to create your reality.

Begin by considering on a, I guess, an expansive level, what resonates with you. To be outdoors, to be indoors, are there certain colors or fabrics? Here in the All That Is, I invite you to create whatever it is that in your imagination really, really aligns within you at that deep heart or that deep soul level.  Consider what that is.

I now see some of you creating it feels like an outdoor space. Some it feels like it’s a whole house and each room becomes a different location that you can create. In others, I see you creating perhaps what it is you wish to look like or feel like or perhaps relationships or a job. In some regards, it’s as if having zero limits makes it even more complicated. Whatever it is that assists you in understanding, begin in a big way and then begin to allow it to come in as you give it more and more detail.

Be aware that certain colors enhance your frequency. There are certain colors that assist you with vibrating at that higher frequency. Become aware of what you have around you.

Do you have any crystals that can anchor the energies for you? Do you have an open flow so that you may move easily from space to space? There are a few of you that feel something as loose as this is too overwhelming. So if this is the case, then start with what it is that is your most important intention to manifest. And then take a step out, a step out, a step out from there.

You can feel it.  You can feel when you get to that space that it all resonates within you. So, as you are creating as if from scratch that which truly resonates with you, what you are doing is you are kind of slowly going inside of this space. So when you have a moment, you allow yourself to turn around and look at this space as if from the inside looking out.

What is truly amazing is that for a number of you, it is as if we are looking at a kaleidoscope that is constantly changing in colors and shapes and images of what you created. I see for others of you that felt as if you were just grabbing little pieces of nothingness. You turn around and you look at it and it is entirely what you’ve been seeking to have.

So, the messages for you about this are kind of twofold. It is telling you that you can grow from a very expanded space, creating a framework, coming down into the particulars. You can also start with something that is specific and go out as if in pieces from there.

Sometimes when people feel as if it’s just too overwhelming, I just don’t know, I just can’t figure it out, try starting with something small and seeing where it grows. There we go. Within this space, the energies can transform instantly into something new.  So you think of something different and it’s like it all slides and changes and creates a new image for you. One of the important messages from this is your realization about just how talented you are.

You have the ability to create change on so many different fronts.  You have the ability to create something as if from nothing and that becomes your reality. The energies and frequencies of the All That Is continue to transform. The more that these energies become aligned within you living in your everyday life, the more that you draw from the universe or from a higher frequency so that it always is in a state of balance.

Feel what it is for you to ultimately have balance within your life. Consider that if you can create something as if from nothing, go into the center, and look out, you are seeing different aspects of the same thing. It is giving you the balancing energy that you need in your life. As you consider what these energies are for you, now is the time to let go of those old anchoring energies.

So often people hold on to things because it is comfortable or they are accustomed to it.  So now from this brand new creation that you’ve experienced inside and out, let go. Old experiences, old energies, old relationships, old jobs, whatever it may be, let it go. Once you do so, breathe in even deeper the vibration and frequency of what you have created.

How often in your life were you told, that isn’t yours to decide, that isn’t yours to create, that isn’t yours to be a part of. However, you know in this now moment that you are the master creator of your life. You can do anything and it will support you, nurturing you throughout your days.

Just let those energies of what you created, it just finds itself constricting down. Perhaps it becomes a symbol, perhaps it becomes a ball of energy. But your creation or the essence of it is here, it’s always here.

However, you can also take it with you. So maybe it’s an image you imprint. Maybe it’s a ball, a symbol, whatsoever resonates with you. Find out what that is and then bring it into your consciousness and let it integrate through you.

Within this space I just heard several of you say, I didn’t think I could create that, I didn’t think I had that ability. You do have that ability and you can create. As if from nothing you can create everything.

Let’s look again at the All That Is. Those bands and oceans and mountains and all those things are now shifted as they were part of different people’s creations. As we come up to the equinox, the energies are still somewhat muted. But walk as if you go through the All That Is. Walk into the space where you feel that alignment of the earth, the moon, the sun, and the stars as if everything is finding its balance.

You put forth that awareness that on a day such as that, where the energies can be so strong that you wish to be a part of it, you can step into this energy. What’s interesting is that we’ve done this at each of the Solstice and Equinox for a while now. Sometimes those energies are incredibly intense. This one feels very soothing and balanced. It’s full of energy and intensity, but it doesn’t feel frantic. It feels calming and balanced. So step into that. I see several holding out their arms. Find that balance within you. Become the energies of the Solstice (Equinox).

As you feel that, when that actual day comes up, well, as you know, several days before, the day of, and several days after, so that’s six or seven days around it, let those be particularly powerful and balanced for you that you can manifest in your everyday reality that which you just created. So, the balance of the Equinox is another way of anchoring your creations into your life.

Take a deep breath in and breathe out.

You have a sense of stepping out of that flow, and as you look around the All That Is, you can feel your own space that is in alignment with you. But as we look around this space of the All That Is, feel the joy. Feel the excitement of being a part of a creation. Let it be you.

I invite you to come back together as a group. You create that circle of energy.  As you do so, you have within your consciousness all that you have been seeking to create. In addition, is see that some of you are trading energies back and forth, so I see these threads of energy going back and forth across this circle. What it is, is that someone needs help here, so someone else is sending it.  Someone has a question, so someone else is answering it. Someone else has extra time or energy so they are sending it.  All of these different ways in which it is creating balance and allowing people to assist one another within this whole process.  This is the beauty of humanity. 

You see coming up within the group that hologram of the Earth. As this hologram comes up within all of you, it is turning and twisting. You send your energies of light into it. You send that creation be it stuff that you are 100% aware of or things that you are still learning.  It all goes into the hologram.

There is an aspect that goes out to the universe, the remainder goes down.  As it comes into contact with the earth, it is shifting and clearing the collective consciousness. It’s moving through the energies of the Earth. It goes down into the center.  In doing so, it anchors within the center of the earth with the crystals, with the rocks, with the energy, and with the magnets.  And then it turns around coming up through everything. I could hear people laughing seeing magnets!  The core itself is magnetic. 

You then let that energy come back up within you. As it comes back through that place where you were anchored within Gaia.  You once more bring it up within your heart center. You allow your energy to bring your consciousness back down. You pause in the space of the soul plane. It comes back down in your higher self-anchoring here within you, within your heart. 

As you become acclimated to that, the rest that was anchored in the center comes up through the parts of the Earth. It becomes available for everyone. Can you imagine if every single person tapped into their creativity, into how can I create the life that I am seeking? What magic and transformative energy that would bring to the whole.

Allow your consciousness to come back in, bring it back down within this space.

Finding balance within your life.  What does that mean when you say a phrase like that to you? To everybody, balance can be interpreted in a different way.  Balance can be in your emotions, and in your physical reality, it can be balanced in your thoughts and your reaction to things. So, consider balance in your life so as to bring you to a place that will ultimately invigorate you, brings you peace, and allows you to feel that richness and that love that is from your own soul filling you up and allowing you to shift as you look in every direction.

Beloved know that I am ever with you!


You Can Heal Your Life - Goddess of Creation


Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this channel, but we ask you not take any portion of it out of the body of the channel and to retain this copyright message. For further information please check out our website: www.goddesslight.net
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