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Goddess of Creation: Aligning with the New Era of 2075

Goddess of Creation: Aligning with the New Era of 2075

We are in the midst of a collision of energy.  The old paradigm of control and manipulation that included small group that have controlled the whole larger masses.

This is all coming down.  his is not going to continue. However, we have all the people on the planet or the vast majority to help to get to the higher frequency.

When in the All That Is, the Goddess helped us look fifty years in the future.  For this, she rounded to 2075.  She said in this higher frequency, we are in our infinite selves.  Therefore, no matter what your age is today, you can move into 2075 and still experience the energy.  The energy was amazing!! it was light, transparent, and the energy looking at cities was very clear.  She helped us to see some major cities, then we looked at the ocean, and lastly farms.  People loved to work on the farm and in fact there were people who were sitting along the edges, sending energy and light into the food.

From there we looked at 2050, and then 2035. Each time it was closer to now, we could feel a huge shift int he energy where it became lower vibration and actually painful after the higher frequency.  This was for us to create a hologram of who were are and where we want to be. By working with the energy that is coming, it pulls it to integrate sooner. 

This is very powerful and helpful to experience the higher vibration.  It is always a great reminding that we have done it!  We are succeeding.

Aligning With 2075
7 October 2024

Nama Sika, Venia Benya, I AM the One, I AM the Whole

I greet you, beloved family. I flow my energies into and around you at this moment in time upon the Earth.

For some people, you may feel or perceive there is no Veil, there is no separation between you and your Source and Divinity. Others may feel as if there is still a separation. Others may feel as if that separation is gone when they consciously remove it. But I referenced back to about 5 to 10 years ago when people, even in meditation, needed to make a distinct shift or have a clear intention. Almost as if you’re walking across the bridge to get to the energies of your Divinity and your Soul essence.

So when you consider it in that regard, indeed the Veil is gone. But the Veil is anything at all that is between you as your human reality and you as your soul essence. Be in this place of openness and awareness. Be in this place where you allow for all of your expanded energies and awareness to be present within you in your everyday life. This is the evolved you? This is you from that perspective of the human experience of this current lifetime.

I know that great changes are taking place. I know there is a lot of turmoil that is happening because of these changes. I know that completely moving from one paradigm or one time-space reality into another one as a collective of billions of people is something that is very unique and different.

So be aware of the many, many, many changes that are taking place. Be aware of not only who you are in the process of all of this, but who everyone is that is around you throughout this process.

Because at this time, it is so important to be a part of the whole Nama Sika, I am the one. I am my divine essence. I am that soul expression of me in this lifetime, Venia Benya, I am the whole. We have used this most often as a means of linking to one another. When we say that phrase at the beginning of this meditation, it’s bringing everyone together as a group no matter where you may be in the World, no matter when you may listen to this meditation. It all comes into this now moment.

So that being said, kind of the next phase of what is happening with this is Venia, Benya as a part of the whole. Humanity is going to begin to understand that when others suffer, they suffer. When others are experiencing trauma and shock and you know, whatever it may be that goes on, hunger, then the others are feeling an impact of it. You are not there as yet, but this is what you are moving towards.

So another reason why this is coming up like this is for you as humanity to choose to be in a place where not only are you connecting with one another, supporting one another, feeling the love and light of one another, but you are also lifting up those that may not as yet be in the flow of energy, in the flow of life, or the understanding and awareness of all that’s been going on.

So, Venia Benya. I am the whole I am as an individual person intrinsically connected and aligned with everything that is taking place on the Planet. That’s pretty significant. It’s always been that way. But the distance of the Veil or the separation was such that you could not feel that connection even if you tried, even if you reached out and tried to.

OK, so let’s see. As we are creating this space, as we are in this flow I invite you to go into your heart center. As you take a moment, you allow your focus to be within your heart. You are not only feeling the alignment between your lungs, your breathing, and your heart as it’s beating, but you are connecting to that energy body that takes up that whole space.

This is how you connect with one another. This is how you reach out to each other. This is how you can read the information from others. So as you feel that flow of light that is that energy body, you then let a portion of it move down. It goes down through your solar plexus, through your sacral center, your root center, and it goes down into the Earth.

Take a moment and ask, is this aspect of Gaia with where you are connecting, is this the aspect that is in my highest and best interest? The reason I say that is because there has been a greater delineation through Gaia that was created at this time. There are some individuals that are able to go deeper into Gaia and into that place that is known as Lemuria.

As you take this opportunity to be in this space, to be in this flow, ask to know where am I linking with Gaia? I just heard someone say I’m actually linking within me is my connection to Gaia. So instead of sending an energy from you down into the Earth, it’s almost like the Earth is coming up within you or you are feeling that deep alignment.

That flow comes back up within you. It goes through your heart center. It goes up through your throat, your third eye, your head center, your crystalline energy body, and then it moves up into the space of your Higher Self.

As you are here within this space, take a moment to look around. As you look around, you may be able to see some of those projects that you are working upon. You may be able to see potential and opportunities for things that you’ve been looking for. But this is your space for expanded awareness, knowledge, and information. Just breathe in and be open to receive.

If you notice that, perhaps there are other things around your Higher Self that are not being addressed at this time, or that you have completed, phew, clear them out, let it go. You then send that stream of energy even further up. It moves up through that thread of your Divinity until you connect directly into your Soul.

As you connect to your Soul, as you feel that merging or that blending take place look around. What do you see within this space? Do you have that perception of yourself as this massive brilliant light? Do you perhaps see other lifetimes that you are either currently experiencing or have in the past? What is this space to you?

I the Goddess, walk into the amongst each one of you. As I move into and around you in this energy, our energies merge and it amplifies your alignment with Source. This also moves us into the All That Is. Take a moment to notice the All That Is. This is your space of creation. This is a place where you can communicate with other aspects of yourself. This is a place where you can tap into the energies and frequencies of the Universe so as to shift your vibration. The All That Is can be whatever it is that you seek to have in this now moment.

As was commented upon by Shelly at the beginning, we have had a number of meditations that assisted you with the expansion into your Soul, with healing, with finding balance, and with creating an understanding of who you are. I know that a great deal of what people speak about on the Earth is about the completion of a cycle. But for this evening, let’s look at the new beginning for something new and different.

I invite each one of you to kind of clear out your space. For some, it may just be wide open and cleared off already, for others you may have that perception of things that are happening around you. But what I’m going to invite you to do… I can already hear some of you talking. But what I want to invite you to do is if you are whatever age you are right now we are going to jump forward 50 years. So let’s say it is 2075 and here in the All That Is I invite you to just open up your consciousness and be in that vibration that will be associated with that year.

At the beginning here I notice that it is very generalized just looking around. Cars are different, your roads are different. The energy is incredibly transparent and it feels like there’s a fraction of the people on the Earth plane. The energy of the Earth still feels translucent and light.

As we take this moment and look into the future by 50 years ask to see in front of you what your life looks like. Again, I know many of you will say, well, I’m not going to be alive, just let that go that is irrelevant. In this energy and in the All That Is you are infinite. So ask to see what the world looks like to you 50 years in the future.

I will share some of my perceptions and maybe it will trigger for you. The air is very translucent, it is very clear. I look at some of those major cities around the World and they look different. In part because there is no pollution. In part because people continue to move and be active and they’re very intent on their life. I’m looking at New York City right now. But then I see San Francisco, London, Tokyo, Sydney, all of these major cities around the World and they all look consistent. There is a transparency to the energy. People, although moving, are not frantic. There is a slower pace that is taking place. There are cars but they look different. I keep electing not electric but to use the magnetics of the Earth.

Let’s take a moment and shift our focus to something that is around the oceans. Let’s look at some beaches. The beaches they’re clean. The water, it almost sparkles, as if it has a life of its own and the flow of the waves feels as if it’s more purposeful than what it was before. Let’s look into the oceans. They feel cleaner to us. They feel as if there’s a lot of wildlife and civilizations that are being discovered.

Let’s look back to the parts of your country that are considered rural, smaller towns, perhaps farms. Let’s take a moment and look at the farms. I notice that in certain parts of the World in the farms, there are groups of people that sit at one end of the field and the other, and they just send waves of prayer and meditation into the food that is being grown. Again, out in this place there is no air pollution. There are no chemicals. People have a way of reconnecting to the land and those that choose to be in that space are there.

I mentioned my perception that there were way fewer people. You have a large number that are incarnated at this time due to the transition. Many of those are here to play a part and they are not here to have a whole, entire lifetime. So there will be at least what you would consider a billion that just disappear and they are forgotten. They are not remembered. It is not something that will hurt the individuals like their families. Because these individuals never really connected to have a family.

So as you receive this information and this perception of looking at your planet. Now turn around as if to look at yourself. How do you look? How do you feel? Where are your interests? I do see that some of you will have transitioned back into Soul. So you’re coming from this place at this time, from your Soul. But no matter the age your bodies recreate themselves through healing techniques, through meditation, and other experiences. So age becomes just a number.

So look at yourself in 50 years. Many of you will see that you are actually healthier than today. Many of you will see that you are more athletic than today. Many of you will see that your relationships have transitioned.

As you look at this time-space reality you may notice that flow of energy and light that comes directly down from your Soul. It’s just this constant flow of light and love. It is filling you up. It is assisting you.

I invite you to look before you from everyone as a group. What does the Earth look like to you when you look at it as a whole versus looking at it from where you are? An important thing to pay attention to is the energy movement between the Earth and the other planets in your Universe. You can feel that flow. You can see that flow. You know that movement.

As you’re looking towards this image of the Earth, do you see non terrestrials that are interacting with you? Do you see the ways in which people communicate are different? The teleportation from place to place is different. So in the not-so-very-distant future, there are massive changes that will be taking place.

Let’s clear out the All That Is for a moment, and now look 25 years in the future. At 2050/2049. You can still see the residual energy of what you are experiencing right now. You can still see that there are massive changes that have taken place. There’s already a large decrease in the population as you look at the World as a whole. The larger cities are not 100% cleaned up at this point, but they are working towards that.

So look at yourself. What does your physical body look like? What does your energy look like? If perhaps you have certain problems right now can you see between now and then when they may transition or when they may heal? If there are certain things or messages that your future self is giving you ask to bring it into this now moment that you may have that experience right now instead of in the future. And what I mean by that is that you can receive this information and integrate it into your now reality. Your physical body may not go there immediately, but you are setting up a potential to step into it even quicker than 25 years down the road,

OK, OK, I heard someone say let’s look at 10 years, so 2034. Immediately can you feel how congested and tight everything is? So 10 years from now you’ll still feel a significant amount of these energies that are clearing out. Why don’t we take this opportunity and let’s reach out 25 years in the future, tapping into that energy for yourself and the rest of humanity and then let’s just bring it backward, almost as if it’s filtering through the collective consciousness. It’s filtering through every individual. Feel it as if you are literally pulling it back from that time-space reality and pulling it back into first of all 10 years from now and into this now reality. Use it to just clear out everything. Send it in two situations if you choose. Send it into yourself. Send it into everything.

While it does not clear everything up 100%, it feels better because now when we jump to that 10-year point, the energies feel much better than what they did when we first connected to it. You can see the difference between just that short period of time being on the Earth in that high frequency and then trying to come back into what it is now. It’s a big difference.

So, take a deep breath in breathe out, and be fully present in this now moment with that clear alignment to the future where you’re bringing that energy back into you, into a place that allows you to feel better, be healthier, have more energy, everything that is involved.

I can feel the waves of energy just moving through. Let’s clear out the All That Is again and I invite you as if you see yourself as a Hologram. If you were to look at your essence as if it were something outside of you what do you perceive? If you look at yourself now, look at your life what about the relationships, your job, your living experience, whatever it is, that’s on your mind right now? Look as if it’s all a Hologram in front of you, so that you may see it as it’s disconnected, which allows you to perhaps perceive your life in a new way.

It makes me smile. I see several of you like brushing away those relationships that no longer serve you. Those relationships that keep pulling you down again and again and again and I see you say nope, nope, nope, nope. You will find that as you move forward from that you are then able to experience new relationships because you are more fully within the higher frequency. You can always make that connection, you can always have friends and family around you that are of a different vibration, and it’s just as if there’s a little bridge that allows for that connection or communication to move through. It feels good does it not?

If you could choose one primary goal what is your goal or what is your intention, say, perhaps looking at the next month, six months, a year, whatever it may be? What would you like to see manifest within your life? I see some are still looking at this as if that Hologram is showing you what you seek to have. Others may have reabsorbed within you and you’re just working with your own energy. What is this to you? Is there anything within and around you that keeps you from receiving that which you seek?

What is interesting as I ask that question of you, I noticed that some of you looked around and realized it’s right here already. It’s right here. I also noticed that others of you were looking around and had so many different distractions. So let’s clear the distractions, phew.

Be present in the moment. Gather these many different perceptions that you’ve had during this. Gather your future self and as if you are becoming a magnet, you let all of those energies come back within you and it moves through all of your consciousness. It moves within the energy of your Soul and it moves through, going all the way down within you the human.

I then invite you to come back together as a group. You see coming up within you, that Hologram of the Earth. It’s the Hologram as it is today, but you see superimposed the Hologram of what it looks like in the future once these energies have all cleared. So as you send your energy into this Hologram, have that clear intention that they merge, or that that flow and movement happens more easily.

You then send an aspect of that that goes out anchoring within the Universe and the remainder goes down into the Earth. It anchors within the earth, into those crystals, the magnets, and it comes back up through the energies into each one of you. It comes back up to where you anchored at the very beginning. It comes up into all of humanity and the grass, the trees, the animals. Everything feels that flow of transition taking place.

Bring all of your consciousness back within you. You go back up to the All That Is.  You move back through your Soul, your Higher Self, coming down within you. Can you feel it within?

This meditation tonight was important for you for a number of different reasons. First of all, this is showing you that it is very, very easy for you to shift your focus into a different time frame and then bring that vibration and frequency into your now moment. Everything that you are doing in living your life is in the now moment. So, when you get stuck or when you’re in, you know, having a problem or lower frequency, then one of the ways to shift out of that is to shift into something that feels good to you and to bring it into your now moment and it will move through everything else that’s going on.

There is a great transition taking place. Remember to stay in the higher light frequency and understand that all of this is here for the ascension of humanity. Be present in the moment. Know that this is all working? Know that the higher light frequency is here right now.

Beloved, I am ever with you and within you.


You Can Heal Your Life - Goddess of Creation


Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this channel, but we ask you not take any portion of it out of the body of the channel and to retain this copyright message. For further information please check out our website: www.goddesslight.net
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