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Federation of Light: Unveiling the Phases of Humanity's Transformation

Federation of Light: Unveiling the Phases of Humanity's Transformation

Hello. Last week was a no-go due to a pinched nerve in my shoulder, prompting me to be horizontal for days, as that was the only way to be pain-free.

So much better now, yet, caused my birthday frolicking’s to be rather under par. Obviously, my left wing is having trouble sprouting. Right Ho. Off we go.

Greetings of the Highest order to you, Blossom and Each Soul, who enjoys our conversations as they are delivered.

There was a great response to the Envelope channelling. Do you have any more to add?

Not at this stage. We are aware that many are keen to know what is to happen, how it is to be after such an Event.

In my head, I am receiving the word ‘flip’. As if there is a flip over?

Yes. This would be correct. We are also aware that many have heard of this for so long now that their enthusiasm for such a turnaround is waning. May it be understood that we are aware that it seems such a long wait for you, yet, we do not engage ourselves in timing, for we are unable to do so.

Yes, many have mentioned Being in their 80’s and over and want to know if they shall be around. They have waited so long and don’t want to miss out.

Blossom, no one … on or off Planet … will miss out. For it is a Universal Event in which Everything shall be affected. It is much bigger than you can imagine.

Yet, know this.


For indeed, has not the human race suffered enough?

I should say so, and then some.

This ‘flip’ shall bring such Joy, as there shall be a massive upliftment in Consciousness. In a sense, it shall be like being reborn, for All and Everything around you will have undergone the same transition.

Yet, why would it be then that many would need the help of those who are in the know about what is going on? Why would they need help if everything in the garden is suddenly rosy?

Because, Blossom, the lives of many, many Souls on your Planet, have been undernourished in ways of Spiritual Enlightenment. A change in atmosphere … literally … along with a shift so big that nothing has taken place in this way before … shall leave many reeling and not being able to comprehend what has happened.

So, those who are awake will be able to comprehend, will they?

Indeed. This is the role that many are waiting for. This is when the Envelopes shall be received and understood.

So, to clarify … not everyone gets Envelopes?

Correct. For they have chosen to remain imprisoned in their minds.

So, their envelopes get returned to sender?

For some. Yet, not many.

A way to describe it … in the best way we can … would be that those who received Envelopes, ‘transition’ into a Higher placement of themselves. As if, ‘almost’ literally a ‘Glow of Light’ will be emanating from their Beings.

That’s cool. That would certainly show that we had moved into a Higher frequency of ourselves. Seeing as you cannot tell us when … I guess it just sits nicely to know that one day this will come about. The thought of living in a world of Higher Consciousness and the darkness gone is definitely something to hold on to. … And to know it as Truth.

This is so, Blossom.


… and shall be so very welcomed after the turmoil and upheaval that shall have been revealed to all by then.

I am a little confused. I thought we would be helping those who are asleep during these times of turmoil, not after it has all died down.

You shall be. You shall know how to behave and what to do, as more and more of how your Planet has been run is disclosed.


However, … that is in preparation for the next Phase.

Phase? You mentioned the word Phase! Hold the phone just a rootin’ tootin’ minute! Which number Phase would we be talking here?


Wow. That was loud and clear! Correct me if I am wrong. We are still in Phase One?


You say Phase Two is another lockdown?

Correct. Yet ‘managed’ so differently from the original, a few of your years ago.

Phase Three would be?

Coming to terms with what took place in Phase Two.

Which is what?

The revealing of unimaginable Truths. Both Good and bad.

That’s interesting, and a little less daunting.

What takes place in Phase Two will send the world spinning.

Depending on whether it is flat or round.

Depending on reactions by the Human Race … and many other factors.

So, Phase Three will be the aftermath of Phase Two? Picking up the pieces, sort of thing?

Not just picking up the pieces, Blossom …  putting them back together. Yet, in this Phase Three, life on earth will seem very different and there will not be the waiting around for something to happen. There cannot be … for so much will have happened in Phase Two.

So, Phase Three is coming to terms with what has been revealed … leading into Phase Four … which will be?

The Envelopes … and so much more.

Leading into Phase Five which is?








A world in which you belong …

A world in which you know is waiting for you …

A world where your Soul knows what a Soul’s Love, Light and Truth should feel like.

A world where you can understand why you volunteered to enter into it … in order to exit out of it.

Eh … Say what?? That’s a statement and a half. Meaning? I know what I think it could mean, yet, let’s see what your answer is.

Meaning, Blossom, that yes, indeed, you are trapped within a world where those who had the power to control it, did so, in ways that will blow your minds.


In a good way?

Indeed, for this is the way forward.

If I am following correctly … this ‘flip’ … this ‘event’ … will allow us to break free from this trap?

Yes. This is what it is all about. This is what everything is leading up to.

I have heard about this trap, many have, many haven’t. You have never really commented before.

Blossom … we try to be discerning. Many souls find these conversations. More and more of late, Each One has reached their own particular level, of understanding that which is taking place. Some information is ‘shocking’ to newly awakened Beings. Therefore, we introduce possibilities when we feel it the correct timing to do so.

And yet … even with possibilities such as these, apparently that which is to be revealed is way more out of the box than these things we have heard about. Why do you call them ‘possibilities?’

In order for Each Soul to find out Truth’s for themselves. Do not take our word for it. Feel within the resonance of our words. If they feel uncomfortable … investigate and come to your own conclusion. Your own Truth.

Yet, things I heard of a few years ago, I was not ready to even entertain … and now, I accept them as ‘possible Truth!’ So, Phase Five … is it Euphoria? … The finale?

 Oh no Blossom … Phase Five is just the beginning!

Do you know what? I am going to leave it there. A cliffhanger!  Plenty for us to ponder on. May I just ask before I go? Why now, are you happy to talk about the Phases, when before they were a no-go?

Divine timing Blossom. Divine timing.

In Gratitude. In Loving Service. I AM.


Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channeling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channeling the Native American Indian Spirit Energy ‘White Cloud’ for twelve years now and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of personal readings and group meetings. Webpage: Blossom Goodchild
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