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Walking in your Power and Trusting Fully ~ Sanat Kumara

lord sanat kumara

We want to talk to you today about what is happening in your world. Many of you are feeling the flux of energies that are pushing and pulling you in directions you may never have anticipated. While you may feel in transition in your personal life this too is being modeled in your political, financial, and social arenas as well.

Not knowing your future whether personally or for the world at large can create much anxiety and fear. However, you must understand that all is happening as it should for the soul’s growth. In each moment you have a choice, you can engage the fear, worry and anxiety you feel or you can simply observe it and allow it to pass knowing that all is well. This is your choice and one that we ask you to ponder on. For it is these choices that determine the course and the ease which with you transverse the changes coming your way.

When one is not fully trusting of their highest aspect, change can be seen as a negative and undesirable. We understand, but ask that before allowing such thoughts to dominate your frequency that you sit and connect to your inner guidance. That you open your heart and see which thoughts are of your lower mind, the one entrenched in survival, and which are of your higher mind, your Divine guidance.  How do each of these feel in your body? In your heart? Sit with it and ask why you choose to entertain the fear, to give it life and form in your reality. Understand that when you allow your mind to wander into scenarios that you are indeed changing your frequency and thereby your outcome. It is your job to bring yourself back to the present moment so that you can see that you are still on your soul journey and all is happening for your soul growth.

While it is your responsibility to monitor your own thoughts and reactions, it is also your responsibility to not feed into the fear of the collective. Much is happening and the disinformation on your planet is very prevalent. Before sharing with others information you find, use your discernment and only share what rings true within your heart. If the information creates fear within you, it is your responsibility to not give it further energy. This is especially important on social media, where there are those beginning to awaken. Many of you who are awakened went through deep fear and sorrow when you began to understand the deceptions taking place on your planet. While it may have been necessary for your growth, it is not necessary for all those awakening to follow this path.

Understand that awakening is not about discovering the deepest truths of your world as you perceive, but the deepest truths within yourself. Each of you that are awakened are being asked to guide your fellow brothers and sisters back to their souls, to be the guiding light. This can be done by showing them their power, their divinity and not their limitations.  When one merges with their soul they are shown that it is they who are in control of their vibration, their frequency and the manifestation that corresponds with each frequency. It is time that you not only master this, walking and creating from your heart centered power but that you guide others to do the same. When one blames their circumstances and emotions on another person, group or entity they give away their power and instead of embracing love, embrace victim hood and anger.

For those reading this message now, we ask that you step into your power and choose in every moment to not allow fear in any form to alter your frequency. Embrace the changes taking place and know in each moment that you are supported, guided, and loved.

Sanat Kumara

Personal note:

This past weekend I had many fears surface, some I let go of easily, others I allowed to grow in my mind until I was able to step back and question what brought them forth.  I went and spoke to some of the Masters who explained that humanity was scanned as a whole to see how much fear is present. How resistant we are to growth. How ready we are for full disclosure. The prognosis is that fear is still very entrenched in the collective consciousness. This is why we are being asked to examine our fears and our reactions to them and to guide others out of fear.

I noticed that my personal fears were mirrored in articles posted on facebook. This gave me the opportunity to see within where I still have issues trusting my highest aspect, my very soul. It shows me where there is old programming running and for me to actively change it verses allowing it to become entrenched in current programming.  This is a process and one that isn’t done in an instant and we need to have patience with ourselves and others.  As we actively work on observing our thoughts and fears we allow for our Divine guidance to come forth.

As the universe always does, it comes forth with guidance and reassurance in many forms. My husband and I went to see “The Heart of the Sea” at the dollar theater. This was a tale of Moby Dick and the whaling industry. At the end of the movie, it was mentioned that someone had found oil in Pennsylvania from the ground. The characters were expressing the hope that this would end the harvesting of whales for oil.  They approached the change with hope and joy. Yet I am sure that there were many people that were in fear; those who felt that this change would damage them financially and threaten their very existence. There were probably groups that did their best to suppress or demonize the technology. No different than what is happening today with the suppression of free energy and environmental sound technologies.  Change is a process.

It is up to us to embrace ALL the changes, to see them as positive, even during difficult transitions and KNOW from our heart that all is happening in our highest good. As we do this we keep our frequency high and impact all around us.

I am holding all of you in the highest light and with the deepest love. May you all be blessed. Thank all of you who have shared and supported this work.  It means more than you will ever know.


Jenny Schiltz is a Bridger between the dimensions, she is able to hear and see those in other dimensions, creating a bridge for the information to flow. She channels some of the Ascended Masters delivering messages for humanity during this exciting time. She also uses this ability to help others get in touch with their spirit guides, who offer support and guidance for the journey. 

If you are interested in a reading or Ascension guidance sessions please email her at 

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