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Sanat Kumara: Awakening to Universal Love and Truth

Sanat Kumara: Awakening to Universal Love and Truth

Dear souls of Light, to all of you who are among us at this moment, we send all our energies, all our benevolence, all our good will, to act and work in the direction of a Conscious humanity, a benevolent humanity.

There are currently several of us in this group through this channel. I am Sanat Kumara, and I will be the spokesperson for what will be stated here.

The period you are experiencing this week in particular is a crossroads, an important time.

Oh ! I'm not talking to you about these American elections that you mentioned before. They are important, yes. They will modify the human aspects, yes. I am talking to you above all about a much longer period than that, a period which has already begun and which will continue for a few more months..

The universe, your universe, is preparing to manifest divine Spirit. Yes, this is good news in itself, because it is about putting an end to many diabolical influences on this Earth, which are and will continue to be in resistance for some time, who will still wish to impose domination on your world, a lack of freedom.

These influences will soon no longer exist. Soon, I know that for you it will never be soon enough. We know this, we hear this, and we know that a few months sometimes can be an extremely long time for humanity.

These few months could even turn into a few years, yet we know God's victory. We know through this term, not that there is a fight between the dark and the Light, it is human perception and it is understandable, when we say that we know the victory of God, it is that we know that evolution is natural for incarnate species.

So, whatever the circumstances, you learn. You learn to Be with a capital E, to Know with a capital S, a divine Knowledge, a state of divine Being, a spiritual Essence which descends upon you and reveals you in the Light that you areYour ability to perceive Love grows. This is what is happening right now. This is what happens in this period.

Furthermore, your ability to perceive fear also grows. Accordingly, you cannot feed these two energies at the same time, and that is up to you. Because yes, we know, would you say, victory of Peace and Love in your world After this transitional period again, and we know how much Today you are — we will come back — in a big crossing.

Now, you see, if we are ready to help and to work, it is because we are ready to help and work so that each human being awakens to Himself, to his higher Consciousness, to a state of Being so great and so powerful that nothing can turn him back.

It has been said to you: 'He who has seen will see. He who has heard will hear.ʺ Therefore, once you are open to your truth, to your full Consciousness, even for a few minutes in your existence for some, awakening will take place. You will no longer be deceived and you will no longer be afraid, no more fear.

You will not be able to be afraid of dying, since you will be aware that this is only a transition. He who is not afraid of death, as you say, is undoubtedly the Being who can finally reveal Himself. It's not about becoming a suicide bomber or offering your body as pasture to this world, just about stopping being afraid of a fatal, unique, overwhelming outcome. This is not the case.

Your planet has chosen a powerful upward movement. She chose to pursue this path of Peace, which is hers, this path of Love which is hers.

In current experience, this path brings many upheavals, many upheavals on Earth. Know that the Earth itself is capable of rebelling against all manipulations that are done to it, and with it, whether these manipulations are of a geological, biological or meteorological nature.

We don't make her do what she wants. It has its character, your Earth, and its character is to let it carry you and to let people who want peace carry it, in the expansion of Consciousness which is necessary for them..

This is why Earth's Wrath exists. It's not furious anger. This is not vengeful anger. It is a spirit of revolt, a spirit of awakening of a humanity which falls asleep, which falls asleep in fear.

The fears in your world are injected by those who should inform you, by your media as you call them. Today, they choose the information that is necessary for you and hide from you the information that they think is useless. On the other hand, they decide for themselves what is necessary and useful. This will soon no longer be the case either, because once again, he who has seen will see, and he who has heard will hear.

You are moving into an era of revelations of great truths. We have said these words before. We have said these words many times before. And once again you say « When ? When ? When ? »

The question is not so much 'when', which depends on your state of planetary Consciousness and this is growing, don't be afraid, the question is rather 'why'. Why are these revelations coming now? Because Love cannot accept everything, because evolving in a Land of Love also means being Aware of the disharmony caused by certain activities, certain people, certain behaviors. This disharmony prevents some from evolving in a global state of Consciousness.

Therefore, those who have turned too easily towards Evil, towards extreme lust, towards acts of great barbarity towards weak people, towards children, these now deserve to receive their own experience heavily through the truth of the revelation of their behavior. It's important. This is important because it is linked to power on Earth. It is linked to this ruling power which currently oppresses this world.

Dear friends, your Light is great. Your Light is powerful, and you will know how to rise when the time is necessary, when the time is right.

In order to continue to evoke this important intersection that you are experiencing, we would like to use an image. The image that we are going to use will be deliberately French, even if it remains an image that does not necessarily correspond to extreme reality. Your world is a big crossroads, a complicated crossroads, a dangerous, strange roundabout. The image we are going to use is the Champs-Élysées roundabout in Paris, France.

In this roundabout, the cars seem to be constantly turning in search of some sort of exit, sometimes being obliged to make another turn around this square to get out, or to move a little further away, or to find the exit. This is finally the state in which your world finds itself today, knowing its outcome, despite this stuck in this roundabout, seeking at each turn to extricate itself from it, to move away from a center or a stop to, towards the outside, find the exit which is necessary.

To find the exit that is necessary outside, your humanity must accelerate, increase its Consciousness, this is the speed that allows you to exit. And just when you thought you could get out immediately, other obstacles seem to arise, making you go around that roundabout again, around again and again. Despite everything, your will must remain the same, your courage must remain essential. You must be the Light in the darkness, take actions and do them again, start again and not get tired. Don't get tired of apparent failures, there are no failures. The victory of the Righteous is pronounced by Heaven, then it will take place.

It is not up to us to know the exit from this tunnel, just to know that you will come out. You decide what maneuvers to take. You decide when where you have to get out of this lethargic state of only being able to see one setting.

The world you are going to tomorrow, you do not yet know it, you do not know it completely. You don't know, maybe there will still be other obstacles? It's likely. It’s likely, my friends. This roundabout that we are talking about - this is perhaps not tempting in which you are, inside, hoping with each important international event to leave this roundabout, to finally find a solution, to finally find an exit, you are right to keep this hope — it is the human will to leave this environment, this tense energy, even wondering if your own vehicle will have enough gasoline to continue its journey. Yes, you will have enough fuel to continue your journey, because the path becomes clear. The obstacles that were there before, the density of circulation of energies that were there before are dispersing, diluting, thanks to planetary increase.

So, it is true that this planetary energy increase will cause what you will call natural disasters. It's true. However, it is also what allows humanity to make more essential, less superficial choices, because in truth, it is superficiality that in your world causes slowdowns.

Instead of dealing with a general trajectory, you try to highlight small details, small attitudes, small behaviors that only concern a very small percentage of the population, because you believe you can manage these small details. and fail to manage the big ones.

We divert your attention from your destination, hoping that in this way you will succeed in being occupied or diverted from your primary desire for the world. Don't let yourself be diverted by all these trajectories, by all these artifices, by all these guilt-trips. You are led to believe that you are someone else's executioner. No.

There is no people to put forward other than an entire humanity.

There is only real peace when humanity is assembled, gathered together, together.

We invite you to have the highest possible vibrations in your energy. What that means in your energy is don't give up, don't give up, don't give up. Continue on your way. Pursue your path without constantly wondering if it is the right one or not. It's useless. The momentum that pushes you to follow a path is already an opportune path.

Many of you would like to change now to fairer, simpler conditions. The time is not favorable. We invite you to wait a few months, maybe a few more years, before finding this marvel that is within you, this perfect work which is currently emerging but which you still cannot grasp sometimes.

Patience is the most important virtue today. In a few years, this work, this path, you will find it for those who have not found it now, for those who do not yet think they are there. Don't worry, the corresponding energies will be there in a few months or a few years, depending on YOUR speed, depending on YOUR decision. These energies will lead you to your destination both physically and mentally, that is to say as much in the right place as in the work, the work you would say, just.

For now, we ask you to carry the Light where you are. God's work is perfect, beauty is everywhere. So stop seeing the shadow everywhere.

  • Start seeing beauty where you are.
  • Start spreading love, peace, wherever you are.
  • Light the path that is yours, that of your family, that of your loved ones.
  • Focus your energy and attention on those who lack everything, on the weakest, the most deprived or the alone..
  • Pay attention to these brothers and sisters. Do not designate one more venerable than the other.

Loneliness has no color, no religion, no borders.

Your humanity is awakening, and it is a wonderful moment that this crossroads where you are particularly in this month, in this energy. On the other hand, we tell you, we still invite you not to make decisive choices at this time, individual choices we hear. Collectively, humanity will reveal itself.

This period of secrets revealed will be a great victory, a very great victory of the universe, of the Consciousness placed on you. You are heading towards a time when all problems will be solved. We are talking to you here about a distant time, certainly, perhaps several decades, in any case, within a few decades all your problems will be resolved. Energy problems, food problems, all of this will be solved.

I'm not telling you that you're going to experience what you're currently experiencing for another ten years, no. It will be over soon, we said it. The different revelations will be proof that you are moving forward on this path, this important path.

In these moments, through all these energies, all these apparent catastrophes, our work is to help humanity to awaken, to awaken to its divine Consciousness truly, completely, sincerely.

Dear souls, be at peace, at peace with yourself, at peace with your neighborhood or your family as much as possible.

There is a work on which Lady Nada, who accompanies me, particularly wishes your presence, and that is prayer.. Don't give up on prayer. Do not believe that this is a tool from the Middle Ages, a useless tool.

Prayer is a request for help that comes to us. We can help through you, through all your requests. However helping is not completing the journey, simply doing it with you.

This is why I did not mention prayer while Lady Nada – I understand her – insists on this point. I didn't insist because I heard too many people asking us to do it for you. « Save this world ! » It's not us who save the world, it's YOU who can save the world. We can save souls, bring them to greater purity, to an opening of Consciousness, help you progress on this path of multiple lives which is yours, ensure that you understand where the lessons of love are. This is our work, and at times you ask us what belongs to you.

However we will help. We will help through instinct. We will tell you the truths you need. We will show you a direction to go, a simple direction, not necessarily a complete destination at least one direction already.

Why can't we do more than that? Because in truth, believe it or not, it is all of humanity that wrote its destiny, that wrote this path that we are following. Indeed, you have written multiple paths, multiple paths, some more pleasant than others, some simpler than others. We try to lead you on the brightest path.

We try to lead you to an opening of individual and global Consciousness so that the progressions, the experiences that you have desired, happen with the least possible clashes, the least possible difficulties..

We are like teachers who try to have a sufficient didactic spirit so that you understand without suffering, to do multiple exercises in an extremely repetitive manner. We try to be clear enough so that your instincts, your energy, open up to understanding what is being done and playing out in front of you. This is our work.

When we speak to you, we speak to your entire energy. Sometimes we only speak to a part of you, just one body among other bodies.

In this tormented period, we can count on your capacity for love. As I said, I repeat, your capacity for love increases, your capacity to perceive love increases, Light, beauty, grace, and at the same time, I also said, your capacity to perceive fear increases. However, this fear only exists when you look at one of your lives, when you don't look at the path you've taken, you just look at the step you're taking.

It's important to look at the step you're taking, it's important to look at the present moment, of course, obviously. It's important Also to look at where you come from and where you are going. It doesn't matter whether you go to your destination or not., the truth, of course, is on the path and not in the destination. Yet, see, from time to time you still have to ask yourself this question ʺwhere am I going ?ʺ, otherwise you will never leave this roundabout of lost consciences.

Find your strength and vitality. Regain your confidence, my friends. Don't lose faith. Indeed, continue to ask Heaven to help you, at the same time, help yourself. Help yourself, Heaven will help you, you have always been told this. It has always been said, but has it been heard ?

We have often heard and perceived this other questioning of your galactic brothers. They are much more active than you imagine, children of Earth. They act so that those among you who belong to extraterrestrial races, and who use certain powers and abilities of a psychic order, can no longer manipulate the earthly spirit, given that, yes, we can say, some extraterrestrial races are among you and have an influence on planetary advancement, or even planetary retreat we might say. Truth be told, your galactic brothers and sisters now know and a great hunt has begun. It is not a question of punishing these beings, it is a question of putting them back on a wiser path.

As for those who expect to see galactic ships, of course that will be and is in your future. In fact, they are already partly there, already at work, and they remind those who do not pay attention to the details of their presence.

  • Maintain a collected view of your world.
  • Maintain a unified view of your world.
  • Don't look at the divisions.
  • Look at an entire humanity that can collaborate together in a spirit of Peace.
  • Be patient, this is the virtue you are currently developing.

We can now answer some questions from you.

The first question we see asks why some people chose to come to Earth as autistic ?

We could answer for disabilities in general that they correspond to people Who chose to understand that they were not just the body, to live through a disturbed mind for some, a disturbed body, a physical body, in order to focus their energy on another body, on a spiritual body, on an emotional body, and to see how this emotional body reacts and vibrates in different conditions. What seems like a handicap to you is an experience for them..

Also know that for some people you call autistic, it is also about testing a more Conscious humanity. They are in truth more open, more loving, closer to a reality of the heart than to a reality of form.. So they test the path a little bit. They set milestones. They look at how this world behaves and if it is ready to receive even more love.

All these forms of experience are difficult to understand, and we repeat, they consist in knowing that you are not just the body, that the body carries you in the experience, that many other things carry you. And while you seek a cure, you fail to understand that the experience itself was desired.

It is difficult, but it is an experience which brings a lot to certain human beings, which brings a different understanding of difference.

How to help yourself ?

This is a question that would lead to 8 billion answers, to completely individual answers. I don't think you can help yourself without helping others. I don't think helping yourself is the real issue..

The real answer here would be to realize that ’by helping others you help yourself, that by perhaps even doing for others what you would like others to do to you, yourself, you will more easily lay the seeds of change inside yourself. Therefore, it is not so much about helping yourself as it is about understanding that by helping others you are helping yourself, because there are no others.

When you focus the experience too much on who you are, you lose part of your true nature, part of your connection to the whole, thinking you are an individual. I understand that you want to get better, above all, when others, your loved ones, those on whom you can act or what you can act on will have changed, at that moment, in any case you will have changed too.

To help yourself, help others. It's a way, there are many, I said it but it's a general principle. You won't be able to truly help yourself if you don't help others..

How to Help Souls Transitioning From Childbirth ?

I think you know how to do this. There is only one word to say with love which helps souls transitioning into childbirth. These words are simple, they come deep from the heart and they say this : Welcome ! I love you. Welcome ! I love you.

These are indeed the words you will hear after your transition to the Hereafter: Welcome ! I love you. You will hear them deep in all your bodies. So why don't you say them to the one who arrives on Earth for this experience? Say them now: Welcome ! I love you, and you will help. You will help.

Why these floods of water ?

Water is the great marker of change in this world. We told you, the Earth has decided to evolve with or without you.

She decides and wishes to bring as many souls as possible into an evolution and an awareness. It will take away the rich and the poor if necessary, the powerful and the weak. She won't sort.

It must evolve, it must move. She must take her place where humanity decided to take its place, and choose what her body, her veins, her blood should be, now. She takes her place.

Do not fear the souls who are leaving. Do not fear anything from these deaths, we have announced it to you. For several months, several years, we have said ʺthere are going to be waves of departuresʺ. All these are welcomed. All this is prepared. Each of these souls is perfectly aware of the ordeal. Don't experience it as a failure.

Just tell yourself that this is part of this transition, and that each of these people, who leaves or who will leave during these circumstances, will continue to help and work for this world from beyond with wisdom and perspective.. This is posed.

Your galactic brothers, put them back on the right path, do they have Consciousness or are they devoid of Consciousness ?

They have a conscience, but they also have orders coming from beings sometimes more Machiavellian than those you know on Earth, and who would like place humanity in a kind of slavery. This will not happen. This will not happen. This is not written. Nevertheless, they have a will of their own, of course.

How to stay in high energy, not easy right now ?

No doubt. Obviously, there are plenty of periods in your life that correspond to this.

Turning your gaze away from fear, stopping being afraid is the key number 1:

Bring joy back into your life.

Look at what makes you laugh, what amuses you.

Look where the beauty is and not the ugliness.

Look where the simplicity is and not the complexity.

Look where your heart is and not your head.

Don't confuse your emotions with your heart. When we say ʺlook with the heartʺ, it's looking at it all in perspective, focusing on what increases your energy, and not spend your days focusing on what weakens your energies.

We see part of your youth focusing on what is wrong, watching screens constantly relaying bad news or good reasons to be afraid. However, we see this same youth from time to time too, looking at the things that make them laugh, that make them laugh, looking at what distracts them, diverts their attention from this reality that sometimes scares them.. There are no good or bad solutions, just choices that are made here as for you.

What vibration do I choose? ? And, what led me to this vibration, what I am told about the world or what is really happening in the world ? And then, is it that serious? Will I be able to take a step back from what is happening or not? Will I be able to remember Who I am to tell myself that I have the choice to vibrate high or vibrate low? ? I really have this choice.

Let me tell you one thing absolutely, you don't experience a vibration, you choose it. In many cases this is correct. There are some exceptions but in many cases YOU CHOOSE your vibration.

Can feelings fade if not nurtured ?

Yes. Of course. If you don't nourish love, you will lose love. If you don't feed fear, you will lose fear. Obviously.

Emotions are powerful energies, revealing and even driving your vehicle. They are the fuel and direction of your vehicle. SO it is up to you to choose the emotions you want to nourish.

What prayer contents are best suited to this time ?

These are the prayers that do not divide, that do not ask that one side win rather than another, truly prayers that ask for peace, love and joy for the whole world and not just for one part of this world, or for one victor.

Any prayer bringing humanity together into one Humanity is welcome.. Afterwards, it is up to you to choose according to your convictions, according to your energies, the words which are best suited to delivering the same thing for all humanity..

Do not divide in your prayers, your world is already divided enough.

Why does all this exist? ?

We have already answered it in so many works !

Through these trials, you are invited to learn what love truly is. Through this illusion you are invited to learn what love really is, and I insist on that.

When you are in our world here, you will find that loving is easy, simple, and even obvious! You will understand through powerful Knowledge that the Creative principle is behind everything, behind every event, behind every atomic structure, behind every object. You will understand because you will have brought your vibrational state to something very high, on the other hand you will have done it automatically.

You have asked to come to this field of experience of the Earth, to know how we increase our vibration, to know how we love more.

You are, for Love, mechanics. Instead of being the driver of your car, through this earthly experience you seek to know how to repair it, to know the exact functioning of each part. It's easy to drive a car, to find that it takes you from point A to point B. But is it easy to know how it works? What happens when you brake? What happens when you accelerate and why there are occasional breakdowns ?

Getting into this mechanics of Love, getting into this mechanics of the vehicle of Love, is something exceptional, because you are the ones who will then be able to build Love, build a new vehicle of Love bigger. To go from one dimension to another, you must know how to build a living and true Love, no longer simply being the conductor of an experience, but being the one who can completely create this experience..

You have therefore come not to undergo the illusion but to create it. And to create it, the creative force is Love. He who loves can create any experience, can work miracles. You came for this. You came to have these experiences.

You have come to undergo all these breakdowns to know how to repair them one by one and to be these most powerful mechanics of Love that there are, to be able to reposition Love wherever it no longer seems to be, and thus create an experience of Vibrant Love allowing you, even in this world beyond, to continue your path towards Divine Love, towards this Love of God which is so powerful, moreover, by understanding that you already are, by understanding that you are you also capable of creating both souls, to become in this way yourselves higher Consciousnesses. However, it is not enough to know it, experience is necessary.

This is why this experience is given to you. This is why these tests are given to you. Without breakdowns, you would not be able to repair your vehicle. You wouldn't even think to look at what's wrong. Here, the breakdowns are these trials that you go through.

Is it wrong to want success when you are an isolated artist and passionate about music, to do good what's more? ?

It's not bad to want success, but it's dangerous. This can lead you to pride. It can push you to many things.

In this case, It is absolutely not wrong to want success, on the other hand, you must also know how to accept defeat, accept not succeeding.

If you push your desire for success beyond the capabilities that you have even created in your experience, your body will no longer follow and your experience will no longer follow, you will go through difficult trials..

Wanting success. This is something important that is part of this courage that you must deploy. However, I repeat, also know how to accept what is, is important. Accepting success, you will see that it is not necessarily that easy, and accepting your defeat or defeats is not that easy either. Despite everything, courage is to continue and continue, but I insist, without forcing, with patience and rigor.

Patience, I repeat again, is the virtue that you develop in this era, in this time, and believe me, the opportunities will be given to you. It's necessary. If you only knew how patient the creative principle is! Accept this.

When you say ʺsucceed to do goodʺ, I will answer this: who really knows what is good? ? Trust in the One who truly knows what is good for humanity.

Are all current floods natural? ?

No. Some of these floods are part of energy manipulation, But these manipulations represent a very small part of the floods, so it is difficult to give you an absolute answer. You humanly have the technology to create floods. Nevertheless, the majority of floods in this world are currently natural. Don't mix it all up, and you won't really be able to recognize one or the other.

On the other hand, remember what I told you, nature will take back its rights. It will not allow itself to be manipulated as Consciousness, and the weather on Earth somewhat corresponds to the emotional body for you.

Will the world be profoundly disrupted in the coming weeks? ?

We cannot answer this question. The speed at which the world will evolve depends on humanity's Consciousness and its acceptance of the truth.

Your world still cheats, but not for long. Your world, your powerful ones are still trying to control through earthly and non-earthly energies. It won't last, however, it's not so much a question of weeks as of months, maybe years.

In this space, in everything that is happening or has happened, YOU HAVE YOUR PLACE, you have your journey to make: towards each other, men towards women, women towards men, young people towards old people, old people towards young people.

It's about understanding that each of you is in fact ruled by a powerful will and a powerful love, apart from a few exceptions led by a few more shadows who can no longer really control you unless you give them a huge amount of space. Most of you have this desire for Peace and revelations.

Your world is changing. It will change profoundly. To prepare for it, you must and you are invited in any case, from the point of view of a Conscious humanity.

  • Accept this change already.
  • Accept that all your rules will change.
  • Accept that every financial aspect of your world is going to be shaken up.
  • Accept that climatic aspects will be disrupted naturally by planetary growth.
  • Almost accept, I would also say, the arrival of your galactic brothers not as saviors but as an awakening.
  • the path is there.

Through prayer we will help you individually and collectively. Let your words be carried by love, your thoughts carried by the wind towards us, towards the world.

We too pray at our level. We pray that every human being will awaken and be ready to awaken, not ready to keep every possession but ready to work together.

Love is not something that can be seen alone, for yourself or simply your family.

Love is something that is seen on a planetary level at least at your level.

Look at it this way, and you will begin to see with the eyes of the Creator.

Brothers and sisters of Light, be blessed in Love.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Public channeling of May 7, 2024 by Sylvain Didelot, transcribed by Marie-Claire.

Very pragmatic training as a quality specialist and computer scientist, Sylvain Didelot has been interested since his childhood in the world of the paranormal and spirituality. Initiated in multiple healing arts, he discovered canalization in 2005. Since then, accompanied by many beings of light, he has also been a lecturer, writer and spiritual accompanist. Its work is to guide and make each one accept his own divinity, thus revealing to all new possibilities of interpretations and manifestations of the world around us.

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    Saint Germain & The Pillar of the Violet Flame

    More than fifty thousand years ago, a golden civilization thrived in a fertile country with a semitropical climate where the Sahara Desert now is. It was filled with great peace, happiness and prosperity and ruled with supreme justice and wisdom by Saint Germain.

    As the High Priest of the Violet Flame Temple on the mainland of Atlantis thirteen thousand years ago, [13=4=4th dimension=time] Saint Germain sustained by his invocations and his causal body a pillar of fire, a fountain of violet singing flame, which magnetized people from near and far to be set free from every binding condition of body, mind and soul. This they achieved by self-effort through the offering of invocations and the practice of Seventh Ray rituals to the sacred fire.

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Spirit of Gray Wolf

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The Ash Tree - February 18 - March 17

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