Sananda - What I Represent to You
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- Written by Vania Rodrigues

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! AM SANANDA!
My heart is always filled with joy when I can once again be together with all of you. Always feel our energy with each one of you, don't look for us in images, don't look for us in prefabricated prayers, look for us inside your heart, we were never outside, we were never unreachable.
You were led to believe that this was the truth, that you were petty sinners, not worthy of having any Being of Light near you, let alone within. And many to this day still believe that. What is sin? It was created for you to fear, for you to be afraid of, for you to be ashamed of Father/Mother God and every other Being of Light.
Father/Mother God and every Being of Light in the universe, love unconditionally. So there is no sin, there is yes, the result of his actions. But not as a punishment, just as a result. Every change of energy in the universe generates a product, a result. And this is a law that applies to everything; the energy of thought, the energy of feeling, the energy of action all generate results. But this result has never been, nor will it ever be, punishment from Father/Mother God or any Being of Light.
So why do you insist on waiting for my return? Why do you insist on thinking that I will appear in your skies to save humanity again? I saved humanity when I died. What happened to humanity? Did you become saints, your sins were all forgiven, you never made mistakes again, were there no more results of your own actions? So what did I do when I died?
I didn't die to save humanity, I died because my voice was silenced. So let's stop imagining that I'll come back to save again. Who saves each one of you, it's not us, it's you. Let's stop these beliefs that only delay your journey. You want miracles, you want ease, you want forgiveness. But they don't want to give up anything, they don't want to change anything, they don't want to evolve, they just want us to find a way.
Thinking this way, you will not go anywhere, because the change has to come from the heart, not from outside. Not us, nor Father/Mother God, the decision to change is yours and it has to come from your heart. And why your heart? Because she needs to be sincere, she needs to be true and when she comes from your mind, she is none of that, she is your ego acting. And he will always find a way to circumvent what you want to believe, to make it easier for you, as if saying: “No, you don't need to make so much sacrifice, just do what's good!” And you believe.
So any change, any thought, anything that is done in the name of evolution, has to be done from the heart. A heart that is full, full of Divine Light, because the Divine Spark is inside, it is what keeps you alive. So Father/Mother God, a little piece of Him, minuscule though it may be, is in there within you.
It's a piece of him, you have a piece of him, because you are his creation. Everyone in the universe is a creation of Father/Mother God, so everyone contains the Divine Spark, there's no way not to.
When the spark goes out, when it goes out, if there is a physical body it dies, if there is only one soul it also dies. To make the passage, the soul momentarily extinguishes its Divine Spark, so that body disconnects from it. But it soon shines again, lighting up so that soul can continue on its journey.
Understand my sons and daughters, let's stop hypocrisy, let's stop beliefs that lead to nothing. It's no use praying 24 hours a day to have something better in your lives if you don't do it. You are the ones who define your paths, you are the ones who define your future or rather, the next moment to come is not us, each one writes his future, the moment ahead from now.
Don't throw this responsibility on us, because it doesn't exist. Everything that comes your way, was brought by you, was created by you at some point along the way, not by us, not by Father/Mother God. So asking for our help, as if we were far away, unreachable, unattainable, only reduces your ability to improve your own path. Because when you believe that we are there in your heart and you feel us in your heart, your journey becomes lighter.
Being there doesn't mean there won't be stones, there won't be obstacles, there won't be mountains to be crossed. There will be, but we will give you tools, strength, intelligence, wisdom, so that you can overcome each obstacle in the easiest possible way. Because you know, trust, believe that we are there, that we are inside your heart. Now if you think we're out there influencing something, we're not. You're putting us out there, you're saying, "No, no, I don't want you in here, I want you out there helping me!" It will be difficult, because we can only act when the will comes from the heart, putting ourselves outside is something of the mind, we don't act.
So learn to put us in there, learn to find a little corner for each one of us that you want, because we don't enter without authorization, we are not necessarily in there. I am the Planetary Christ, soon to be Maitreya, he is already sharing this post with me. So, as I Am the Christ of this planet, each being has me inside, along with the Divine Spark. Even if you don't believe me, my spark is in everyone's heart.
Now, the other beings are only there if you allow it, if you want it and they will be a big family inside your heart.
We're out looking out for everyone, we're inside the heart helping everyone, that's how everything works. Do not blame us for what happens to you, for the problems you face, for the diversities of life you face. Everything is the result of your walk, only you can make it lighter or not. It's your choice, if you've got us in there, just one thought: "Show me the easiest way to solve this problem." And rest assured that we will show you.
Believe me, we are capable of this. We won't be showing you the way, because you are the one to choose, but we will be able to show you several options. And your wisdom will tell you the best way, the choice will be yours, not ours. So let's stop this nonsense, that I will come to save him. Again: I never saved them and this is not the way I will save anyone.
I don't remove obstacles from anyone's path. If I'm in there, I can help you, that's all. It's not because I'm inside your heart that I'm going to stop your journey from happening, it's the fruit of what you create. So you will have to live it, you will have to be responsible for every energy you emanate. Because the energy is yours and it comes back to you somehow. It's like a boomerang, each emanated energy will return to you in some way, it depends on how it was emanated and what the purpose of that energy is.
So, open your hearts and, above all, open your minds, to those little stories that they tell you, that will lead you nowhere. Nobody will see me in the skies to save humanity, if I have to appear, I will appear physically, not in body, but on Earth on the soil of Gaia, not as an apparition in the skies. And whoever has a heart, whoever has me with Love in his heart, will see me. Everyone will be able to see me at the same time, I don't need to appear in the skies, everyone will see me whenever they want, just call me from the heart.
Translation by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B - Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner
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