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Sananda: Embrace True Awareness, Avoid Deception

Sananda: Embrace True Awareness, Avoid Deception

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

Again, again and again, I will never tire of saying this: That my heart explodes with joy every time I can bring some words to you.

What we have been saying lately does not please many. Many of you understand a Being of Light like that, who removes sins, removes pain, changes an entire context, and you just ask, you just pray. I can guarantee that the vast majority of you still think this way. “I don’t need to do anything, just pray, just ask, and I will be answered.

Effectively, these teachings have led you to who you are today, to all the problems, pains and sufferings that you go through today. Because you were led to believe that I would come back again and take all this weight off your shoulders. But you have to remember that the first time I came, I didn't do any of that; I have not taken away any sin; I have not forgiven men's sins. My death was a consequence of my ideas and non-acceptance by the rulers of the time. It has nothing to do with forgiveness. It has nothing to do with taking away sins. Humanity continued to sin normally until then.

So I will remind you of the following: Praying 24 hours a day will not get you out of your problems or your suffering if there is no action on your part. It is obvious and clear that praying is important, because faith in everything that comes from the Light attracts to you the solutions, the paths, the help needed to free you from the problem; but it doesn't eliminate the problem. You continue to think that you don't need to do anything; just pray. You don't need to change, you don't need to review your concepts, you don't need to review your attitudes, your thoughts, your own words, just pray, and everything will be resolved, including you will ascend just by praying.

So many have felt upset about what we have said here that difficult times will come, that you need to change. "Like this? What you do then only brings us more suffering. Instead of helping us, you bring more and more and more problems to us?” Believe me, my sons and daughters, many think this way, and say they are awakened. This is what is most incredible.

You who are incarnated now at this moment, forget just one detail: the choices are not ours; you make the choices. You choose to follow crooked and rocky paths, not us. Then when the lesson comes, when the feedback comes, we are the ones who did nothing; We are the ones who do nothing, in your opinion.

You always thought we would carry you in our arms, no matter what you did. I'm sorry to tell you that it's not quite like that. We carry it on our laps, yes, when the suffering is intense, when the suffering is desperate, but you are doing your part, you are changing, trying to change, making changes. In this case, we are happy to help and take charge of you.

In any other circumstances we do not do this. We are not the redeemers of your sins. The sins that you commit, if you want to call them that, are the result of your choices, of the choices that your soul has made over time. We are not to blame for anything, but we also cannot change anything. We can't change a lesson you need to go through. We will never do that. We lend a hand, we help along the way, but we never take away the lesson from the path.

So let's stop with useless complaints, complaints that will lead you nowhere, on the contrary, will only cause more problems, because you can't see that everything is the result of the choices you make, what you emanate, what you say, what you do. We don't do anything, we don't punish, we don't put stones in anyone's path. We are always ready to help, but helping a body that is tired from trying so much; So yes, we help, we help him to see where he is going wrong and cannot move forward.

We help relieve fatigue, but we never remove a stone from the path. We give you strength so that you can take them off, if you deserve it. And the merit comes from the attempt, the will, the real desire to really understand and get rid of it. So let's stop complaining about all the things that happen in your world.

We have already said here that each person will go through what they need to go through, to learn from past lessons. There's no point in going to your media and crying, making drama, as if you were the last poor thing on the planet. Complaining to your brothers: “Look what’s happening to my city! Look what’s happening to me!”, you were led to be in this city; you were led to be in that place. It's because? Because you needed to go through that.

So let's stop commenting on your own misfortunes. Let's stop whining with colleagues, with friends, with others, feeling like we've been wronged. No one is wronged. Everyone reaps what they sow. Yes, you can ask for help, to take away some of the suffering of those who have gone through the problem; that you can ask for help. But don’t complain: “Look what’s happening here!” If it's happening and you were there, it's because you needed to be there.

Understand this. Stop thinking of yourself as the eternally persecuted, the eternal poor things, who don't deserve to go through anything. Everything you go through is the result of your own soul choices. Ah, but you don't understand that because you don't know what you did in this life? So learn that your soul is old, your soul is old, and it has already done a lot of nonsense, and now the price is coming. “Ah, but I don’t have to pay for things my soul did!” No? And you are what? Are you a stray energy in the universe? No, you are part of your soul.

So you need to learn from something your soul has done. It doesn't matter when, it doesn't matter how, it doesn't matter what fractal you were. You will have to learn, because the soul needs to learn, and you are its representative at this moment. So let's stop complaining? Shall we stop whining? Are we going to stop wanting to appear that our suffering is greater than that of others?

There are many people who suffer and do not let out a groan. There are a lot of people who suffer and no one knows about it, because they don't want to spread their suffering. The suffering is hers. It's not up to anyone to suffer along with her. If it is hers, she will only suffer; her and the Beings of Light she invokes. This is knowing how to suffer. It is not spreading suffering to others. Let's stop with it. You fill your mouth: “I am awake!” Where, how, when? Because acting this way you are not awakened. You continue to be a being who doesn't believe in anything we are saying. He hears what we say, but he doesn't listen. Doesn't learn, doesn't want to learn.

So why say you are awakened? It is not. To be awakened you need to know how to act, you need to know how to receive what life brings, you need to know how to understand what the lessons have to say. Then yes, you could even say that he is an awakened person, but that is not what I see. You yell a lot, but you also yell a lot about nothing. So let's stop this. Let's stop complaining, and your suffering is yours, you don't need to share it with others.

Spreading your suffering with others does not alleviate your pain, this is ego. “If I'm suffering I'll tell everyone so they can feel sorry for me” Is that it? And be sure many will feel sorry for you. And I'll say more, it's a terrible energy, feeling sorry for others. But that's what you entail. You seek pity from others because you need to spread your suffering, you need to shout out your suffering to the world.

Be effectively awakened. Be those who say they learn, but many I don't see that. Many people I see are beings who continue to be what they always were, and think that we will find a way, that we will solve everything. Pure mistake. We help, yes, when you deserve to be helped, not when you make a simple request or a simple prayer.

Translator : CrystalWind.ca


Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B -  Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner

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