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Saint Anne: Join in Prayer for a Just World

Saint Anne: Join in Prayer for a Just World

ENERGY OF ANNE — Questions/Answers — I invite you to pray regularly, to connect to your family in Heaven, to focus on the Love within you. Accept yourself as God accepts you, that is, as you are here and now.

Dear children of the Light, I salute you. I am the energy of Anne, the mother of Mary. I am present with Sylvain and many other people to help them, to help you, to continue your path.

You are present here, now, in this energy of Love and Peace to experience these wonderful, fabulous but also strange moments that your Earth, your beloved planet encounters..

I am here at your side to re-teach a few points too. You will sometimes find me moralistic, I will disappoint some, and comfort other people in their position in this world. It doesn't matter. My role is to help people maintain the righteousness of mind necessary for the advent of a better world, the advent of a bigger world., because you have the possibility to make this world grow, each and every one of you.

First of all, I would like to invite you to pray regularly. What is the point of prayer? ?

The primary point of prayer, dear children — allow me to call you that without it being pejorative, just to say that I bless each of you, and wish to place the image of a protective mother on you as well. —, prayer therefore it is not a supplication, it is not just a request. She is above all a way of associating yourself, of associating yourself with your invisible parts, and I'm talking about these parts of which you are often unaware.

So of course, reuniting with Christ Almighty within you is one of those invisible parts. Your higher Self, your higher Consciousness is and will remain your main guide in this human experience that you live inside these bodies of flesh, of matter. All this seems immutable to you and yet you are entering a time of miracles. You are entering an era where the rules are more flexible. You are entering a time when each and every one of you will find your spiritual Essence much more easily.

This is why, in the same way that you feel connected to your physical family, to your brothers, to your sisters, to your family of soul and heart, I invite you to connect to your family in Heaven. The one that most of you do not yet know and of which we are part, because just as you choose your friends on Earth, you also choose your family in what you still call Heaven, the Beyond, the Invisible.

Each one, each one of us was placed at your side not by the simple will of God, above all by an agreement that we had together before your birth, before your departure for this world, this world of matter. This world so dense, so complicated, so dual, on the other hand, where the learning of Love is so powerful, so strong and so intense, that each of you can hardly escape the possibility, the test I was going to say, of recognizing oneself in Love, that is to say of understanding that all resistance is useless. It is not a question of resisting in this world but of existing in Love.

What does this mean? Not to not oppose what generates fear, what and those who generate fear, that is not what I am talking about here. What I mean is that sometimes you resist more to the Love that is given to you by this Heaven, by ourselves, you resist more to this Love unconsciously than to what would deserve your real attention, than to what really seems to take your attention on Earth. Thus, your mind is disturbed by futile, useless things, which do not teach Love, on the contrary, rather division, hatred, provocation, injustice.

I invite you, urges you, to take the time to pray because prayer is also an act of Love, an act of Love for this invisible family that we are. This prayer, these times of prayer where you can recite whatever you want, this time of prayer will allow you to receive the Love of Heaven, to feel connected again with your true Nature, to feel appeasement, a break in what seems so harsh, so difficult, so untenable, simply to remind you that all this is once again only a necessary, desired and desirable test of Love, in which you have never been abandoned.

Then we saw how many had abandoned prayer. We saw it. You can live an existence without praying. You can live a complete existence without being connected to your family in Heaven, however, this is a shame. For what ? Because we are present to give you instincts, to give you small answers, not big answers, little nudges, little impulses, encouragement, to follow and continue this path, which is yours in this time, in this time particularly.

You are so lost in this time. This is normal. The majority of your benchmarks in the coming years will be disrupted. It's a bit like you're losing the signposts of your existence, like you're losing the directions, or they even seem to move, for some. In these circumstances, and understand this well, prayer will put your inner compass back in the direction of this North that is Love.

We will put you back in tune with your existence. We will make sure that you can see and even hear our little clues, which will allow you to feel like you are in the right place, which will allow you to perhaps change the small behaviors, attitudes and habits that have led you to eventually derail from this path of Love.

Life, human existence, is made up of many trials which most of the time do not harm you, do not serve to tell you that you are nothing but serve, on the contrary, to tell you that you can change everything. So, this pressure that some feel and experience badly, they sometimes interpret it badly.

When you feel completely lost, another direction is possible. You don't see it, you don't understand it and that's where you need help from Heaven, not only Guides when I talk about Heaven, but above all, I repeat, of connection with your Higher Being, of connection with your Higher Consciousness. This connection obeys a single line of communication and this line is Love.

Accordingly, I invite you to love the most beautiful part of yourself, the beautiful aspects of yourself, ALL of you, even! Love these beautiful aspects if you can't yet love the whole of who you are, and yet is innocent, adorable. I invite you to focus on the Love within you.

We need — the word ʺneedʺ is probably a little strong — in any case, we hope to feel your love, not to feed on it, to make it the thread of an increasingly present communication, more and more existing for you, more and more pragmatic for each and every one of you. These little instincts, these little clues, these little adjustments of which we are capable with you require times of prayer, since prayer is a time when your body and your energy receive this information from Heaven. They will not necessarily immediately be formal, tangible information, understandable directly by your consciousness, but your body will have heard. Your mind, open to this possibility, will already begin to make small changes in your existence which will seem imperceptible, despite everything, which will take you on a much more joyful and pleasant road..

Illness, for example, is not a test desired by God, rather a kind of derailment, a kind of obligation to get back on the path and on this path of Love and acceptance, since generally, not all the time but generally, the illness corresponds to a refusal to what is, to a refusal of a situation. You might see her like this quite often. This is why accepting change is one of the important keys in your world.

Accept this change. Accept what comes into your human nature to present itself as a necessity for evolution.

You see, some of you will evolve in your couple with a need for both, in this couple, to change their behavior, to change their habits undoubtedly to move towards Love, towards what is common , towards these common values ​​that you share.

Others will have to change their attitudes in their work, to understand there too that they have chosen their colleagues to be the tools for polishing conscience, to the extent that by understanding people rather than wishing them to be like you, you could take big steps, a step towards greater understanding. If this step is too big, you will understand that you have to leave.

However, never leaving a couple, a company or a place should be an escape from the work that is offered to you.

If you have to leave, I want you to understand this, the new place will already be present in you, the new person will already be present in you, the new job will already be present in you. This means that it will not just be a desire, but a real opportunity, something that will be obvious, like a revealing principle that it is time to move on, and not as I say again, an escape.

Through my words, which I try to be as understandable as possible for your time, I try to say that yes, yes, you have work to do on yourself again and again, which you must undoubtedly take the time to polish. this diamond that you are.

And you know, to physically polish a diamond on your planet, you usually need another diamond disk, something that's at least as hard as you are to move forward, to be polished. You don't polish a diamond with a very soft cloth. A diamond is polished with a stone or structure that is at least as strong as the diamond. However, in your world, nothing is more solid and fragile at the same time than a diamond.

This is the case of your Consciousness and this work of Love that you have decided to do, in order to become the Living Diamond capable of receiving the Light and reflecting it, in such a magnificent way around you that your radiation cannot that make you joyful, since the world you perceive reflects this polishing. See, a diamond can be very dull when it is unpolished, at which point very little light gets through. And if this diamond could talk, maybe it would say : « Oh ! I only see a little light. I see people so much brighter than me ! »

Dear friends, agree to be polite by your existence. Accept the trials you go through without trying to escape them, understanding that each of these trials actually brings a new facet of your own diamond making you shine even more.

You have an earthly expression that didn't exist during my last existence - even if there were equivalents - you say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That's totally correct. And you don't have to be killed to be stronger, just understand that the work to be done is a work of liaison with Heaven and Earth, of being an intermediary, of being a medium between these two planes, to accept that Love can change everything, that when you associate yourself with something, with someone, you already begin to make more and more rapid changes in your plane of existence. That's why I talk about miracles.

It is a very great Love, it is that of the Lord, it is that of God. And this Love, to receive It, you must position yourself in a state of acceptance. Stop saying that you are not worthy of receiving this Love. This is probably what has created a lot of confusion in your world.

I call you my children, because if you have been a mother or if you are a father, you have not always considered whether your child was worthy of your love. You gave him your love. You love it. Whatever this child is, even if you wish that certain facets of this child were already a little more polished even though he is just a diamond in the rough, you already love this diamond in the making. You already love this being. You know what he can become. You know all the hope that exists inside this character that is your child and that you love.

Well, through your love, this child can reveal himself. He will try to shine like you or even shine more than you. That’s the meaning of the story! In this case, don't turn off his light. Don't try to tell him that he will never achieve that perfection that you don't see yet, and do the same for yourselves. For yourselves, dear souls, for the simple reason that Heaven will never tell you that you will not reach its level of energy, its level of Consciousness : this constitutes you.

For us, to tell you that you are not capable of miracles, not capable of anything, would be as if a mature plant having already produced its flowers, its fruits, told a seed that it cannot is capable of nothing. The seed contains all the potential of the plant. Of course, yes, it needs love, it needs water, it needs warmth for it to progress. And within you, dear souls, it is up to you to accept both the warmth of Heaven, we could call it rain, but also the warmth of the Sun, Love, and you are your own sun.

Not loving yourself is actually a separation attitude. Not loving yourself is wanting to do it alone. People who don't love each other, people who are in a principle of unworthiness are people who are possibly still too attached to this notion of Good and Evil that the Earth seems to represent. And in this fight between Good and Evil, their decision of what is good or evil truly prevents them from having a broader, happier vision of a perfect celestial Plan allowing you to reveal yourself to your own Light. So, unworthiness is wrong. Indignity only poses an image rather than a mirror. Unworthiness is wanting to see yourself as something other than what you are.

Accept yourself as God accepts you, that is, as you are here and now. This state of diamond in the making, this state of child, we love it deeply, intensely, passionately.

The times you live in will reveal many truths to your world. It's going to get harder and harder to lie.

Indeed, in this time when prayer is important because there are going to be many changes of reference in your world, in this time therefore when leaning towards these spiritual Beings, towards this higher Self, towards us, in this time where even Mary will still appear to ask you to pray, lots of people will tell you that it is of no use, that it is useless, that it is on the contrary a trick of the astral to get you back, that you are losing your full power to look for clues outside — I said clues because it is always you who will do and be — many will try to distract you from prayer.

These people, these spirits, perhaps precisely attacked by those who still try to resist the advent of the Kingdom of God in matter, the advent of a greater upstream, full of Love, broader in every sense of the word, this resistance, don't listen to it. Pray and pray again.

You do not nourish the astral by praying to beings who only wish for Good on the entire Earth, you simply connect to these beings, I repeat, that you chose at your birth to give you a little boost of energy. thumb, to give you some clues that you are lost in a very dense forest in your time.

All those who try to divert you from this path of prayer, you will see, will in fact place you in your ego, in your character. They will supposedly try to firm you up, however, the more firm you feel, the lonelier you will feel. Therefore they will tell you : « It's normal that you feel alone because you are, alone, the solution. » The solution is not for one. The solution is for the world or it is not !

In this battle between shadow and Light, a shadow that confines and a Light that liberates, you will find your steps, your right steps, respecting a time for you and a time for us, your friends from Heaven.

On this subject, there are many nuances between your friends on Earth and your friends in Heaven that we are. What are these nuances? In truth, we don't expect anything from you. We want your plot, your most wonderful plan to come true, and we are here I repeat, to help you with little clues, not by giving you the exact solution just clues. We seek to lead you either towards your own Awareness of the solution, or towards a Being who through his Love can do EVERYTHING for you. This Being is Christ, it is God. I repeat it, you have chosen this Earth as a land of trials, a land where the path is and remains to be made.

The other difference with friends on Earth is that we have no obligation in return, no special exchanges, we do not want you to invite us to dinner. Perhaps the only thing we ask is don't forget us. Don't forget us, because we don't forget you. I repeat, you owe us nothing. But you see, from time to time you will hear about Guides who cry, like my daughter Marie. Sometimes you will hear that she cried in certain appearances. She doesn't cry so much about the fate of the world - which she wishes to be different of course, which she has always wished towards the Light - she cries about your potential, about the ignorance of your potential, about the fact that you leave so much space in the shade that you do not allow yourself to receive all these little lights, all these little glimmers, all these little candles that you have placed in your path.

In this way, half of the candles, half of the milestones of your path are on Earth, the other half are in Heaven. And Mary, when she asks you to repent, to turn to her, her request in truth is to turn to your soul, to turn to your Conscience, to turn to that which in you is in fact seeking what is just for the world, not just for you alone. Selfishness will have been — and I am already speaking in the past tense — selfishness will have been your perdition, which will have allowed non-light to take up a lot of space in your world.

And now, you begin to understand, first in small groups: the family, the village, the country, you begin to understand the importance of taking care of your own. And then you will understand that a strong community can take care of an even bigger community. Yes, you have lost your way in wanting to help a person on the other side of the world while letting your neighbor waste away. There was an error there too.

Everything you asked for to evolve is indeed right next to you, literally and figuratively. All the phases of existence that you have desired to be evolving, you have placed them at your side, not on the other side of the world, not on the other side of your world, indeed next door. Next to. It's important.

Life has obviously always been a trajectory of love. If you want to leave this world in peace when it's time, when it's time, ask yourself if you loved enough, if you loved again, if you loved every minute, if you loved every moment, if you loved until the last second, last second of your existence.

If the answer is no, continue this path until you understand that it is not done than that, than this possibility of loving and kissing. Understand that what prevented you from having does not prevent you from being. This work is there.

I told you, I am perhaps excessive in my words as I was with Marie, as I was with Marie. I had to be uncompromising. I had to leave no room for the demon so that my daughter would follow the path the angel had spoken to me about..

Children of the Light, children of the Earth, I now wish to answer some of your questions.

I hope that you will have understood this message, this preamble, which asked you to become aware that everything you need to evolve is already there, which asked you to pray, to pray - not constantly but regularly, and constantly for those who can — to understand that your friends in Heaven are as important as your friends on Earth, not more important, that's not true, just as important.

I hear and listen to you now.

How to feel the presence of our soul family even when we feel deeply alone ?

Know this, dear soul. I repeat, we will never abandon you, wanting to feel is perhaps a mistake. I said maybe, to the extent that wanting to feel our presence, it's paying more attention to who we are than to the message we're trying to convey, than the clue that we will place in your existence, in a form of coincidence, of synchronicity.

Don't focus your attention so much on the idea of ​​feeling as on the idea of ​​changing your state of being. Accept that we change your state of being.

When you try to communicate with us, when you pray, do not necessarily try to feel our presence. Don't try to hear an answer but see what evolves within you. See your state of being evolve. See your Consciousness grow. Feel this path that is already taking place and which will allow you to seek in life, in matter, in what is present around you, this answer that you are waiting for so much, this real feeling.

Of course, for those who have slightly greater psychic abilities, yes, you will feel us, yes, you will hear us. For others, it is this change in state of being which will in fact be the mark of our presence at first, this acceptance of an evolution, this little path within you which will say : « Ah! I was heard ! ».

ʺI have been heardʺ does not mean ʺI will be heardʺ, because you have traced your paths. And God, Christ can change EVERYTHING, nevertheless, we can only give hints of the paths you will have built on this Earth already. This change of state of being in you will already be the mark of our presence.

I told you, we're not exactly like your friends on Earth, you don't see us, you don't hear us most of the time. On the other hand, actually, something in you touches this Beyond constantly. Something in you knows that you are, as you say, close to touching it, close to feeling it not physically, but emotionally, mentally, like a breath of air. in your existence.

Allow yourself this time of prayer. Allow yourself this contact time. Allow yourself this time to increase your own energy, and you will find some of your answers.

As for prayer, you ask how to pray, you ask what form should a prayer take ?

I want to answer you, never mind. If you learned prayers as a child, say them. Recite these prayers that you have learned by heart without really understanding their meaning, however, pronounce them while trying to understand each word, the meaning of each of these words.

To pray is to honor. Sometimes, to pray is simply to say, to speak, in a common conversation : « I know, we know, that you are here alongside us. I love you. Thank you for putting these clues in my path. » Once again, every word counts. When you say ʺI love you”, it doesn't have to be just words, it must not be hollow, it must be carried with this love.

We love you so much! We just want you to accept this Love. In prayer, you will receive this Love, then you will love us in return because Love is shared. Love is passion. Love is tolerance. Love is acceptance. Love is joy. Each of these words is a form of Love.

Therefore, whether you pray by repeating sentences as least mechanically as possible, truly in Consciousness, or whether you have a simple conversation with us, it is a prayer. It's a prayer.

Prayer is a free, voluntary act, that of turning towards the Invisible. I repeat, no, once again to demand answers, all the same, in the awareness that you will potentially have clues. Like when you go to your friends, I repeat, they may not have a solution but you know that these friends can possibly give you clues. It is the same for us.

Come see us with this in mind. If we can do more, believe me, we will do more. At the very least, we will try to put you on the path. We will position your body to understand certain messages in a way that is appropriate for each of you.

To pray is to turn towards the Invisible in the Consciousness of being loved, not in a supplication like asking for some kind of royal pardon, simply in friendship and in love ultimately, dear souls.

You ask how to educate a child without formatting him ?

I educated Marie, you know that young man. I educated Marie, this has been my role in the Divine Plan. Accordingly, I had to format it, as you say. I had to be a little tough sometimes. She was very kind, very cheerful, always very loving, often a little teasing. However, I didn't let go of certain principles that you could call formatting, and I made him see in truth what Love gave, and in truth what not loving gave.

I then frequently expressed to him this phrase which is “How do you feel? ? ».

She came to tell me a story :

― Oh ! I was a little harsh on this man.

― How do you feel after being harsh with this man ?

― I don't feel well.

It's already a lesson ʺhow do you feel?ʺ.

― Ah! I helped this man on his way down this road. I helped this person search for his lost sheep.

― How do you feel ?

― I feel happy.

See, this ʺhow do you feel? It is already a lesson in existence for a child.

« How do you feel about what you are experiencing? — Did you separate from the other or did you join forces? — Were you afraid or did you try to overcome this fear ? »

It is, I must admit, even more difficult in your time than in mine to overcome fear. I tell you, it is more difficult in your time than in mine to overcome your fear, as long as this spirit of community already existed in my time, while you are in the process of reconstituting it again.

But, you see, instructing is necessary, and educating is sometimes forcing the simplicity of certain beings. When I say simplicity, it is the taste for simplicity, the taste for non-work, for non-work which is a little simple. This was not the case for Marie. This is the case for many children today who are made to believe many things by telling them that everything can be simple. This is not true. You are not in a world of simplicity, you are in a permanent work of love, a trial, not constant though regular.

You ask me why there is so much suffering, violence and disease in this world ?

I will answer you, I don't know anything about it and I don't want it. What I'm trying to explain to you is that human beings created suffering. Human beings created violence. Human beings created disease. It is not a creation of God.

It is a path that you have created to understand the ordeal, sometimes to force the ordeal, to go beyond simplicity.

When I say simplicity, understand that I pronounce this word a bit like you would say laziness. If there was no suffering, no violence, no diseases, many of you will tell me : « the world would then be an ideal world ! » I probably agree with you, but what would you decide to learn? What would you decide to cross? What would you decide to understand? Why do I say it, suffering, violence and illness are not the will of God.

There are paths that are not catch-up paths like these, But paths of Light, of divine understanding which require keeping Peace and Love within oneself permanently. It is a work which requires precisely this permanent connection between Earth and Sky, this feeling of never being alone all the time. In this case, the path is made simpler, because it is not entrusted only to this ʺIʺ that you honor so much, but to this divine ʺweʺ that you have desired and which is desirable..

Is meditation a time of prayer ?

Most likely yes, dear friend. Most likely, yes. If it's not an escape, Yes. Yes.

You ask this very right question. why limit yourself to what is right next door since we are ONE ?

You cannot be ONE if already what is next to it is ignored.

You see, when a plant grows, it doesn't grow in twenty places at the same time. It begins, for its flowers which progress on the Earth, it begins first with a space and they grow in this space. And it's the same for a tree, it doesn't grow everywhere. He will first make deep roots in the surroundings, and his roots will be in the surroundings.

And it is these roots that I am mainly talking about today, these roots that you have forgotten. You are so focused on the future that you forget the past. And it is necessary to return to values, yes, past. Returning to past values ​​would be true progress. We make you believe that progress is the future, yet, progress is succeeding in moving forward into the future while taking the past into account, constantly. Because to ignore one's past, to create a new future, is to ignore work, to ignore the necessary work. We cannot build a solid world on such fragile foundations.

So, yes, I urge you once again, for those for whom this is necessary, to start its roots in the place where you are: family, friends, the work circle, the city circle, the city circle of the country, before, yes, spreading yourself throughout the world. Because seeking this ONE without having solid foundations where you are is useless, you are wasting your time. It will be illusory, you will make yourself believe that you are connected, in fact you will not be. It will be a fake UN.

Yes, you are ONE, of course. Everyone's mind plays on everyone else. Despite this, I repeat, you planted yourselves as seeds where you are, so it is to grow where you are first, unless Heaven sends you on another path. The one who knows the ONE, unity, and the Holy Spirit to whom it is desirable to connect, will explain to you that it is time to take root before developing. A tree that grows very quickly, very high, very far, with very few roots, this tree will collapse in the first storm. So don't collapse at the first storm, and understand that what you do around you is your roots.

Dear souls, my teaching is perhaps more uncompromising than others that you will still receive, on the other hand, it seems necessary to me in the times in which you are, and I will come back again, and again, to repeat this as many times as necessary.

Aren't your thoughts and wishes prayers? ?

No. Your wishes are not prayers. Indeed, they are not exactly connected to this unit theoretical often, but only at ʺI want for Meʺ, ʺI wantʺ. No. Thoughts are not complete prayers. It is of course, a dialogue with the universe, we agree.

When we talk about prayers, we talk about addressing your friends. Your thoughts are a dialogue with the universe, and therefore will join similar thoughts and create things. Your thoughts are wishes, but they are not prayers.

Really, behind this word prayer, we want to talk about conversation. You could replace the word prayer with conversation, Really.

Can we pray without using religious wording? ?

Of course. I told you earlier, prayer is a dialogue. When you talk to your friends, you don't say 'amen' at the end of the sentence.

To pray is to communicate with us. The only thing perhaps - it is not religious only common sense - the only thing we could ask you is to ‘have at least as much respect for us as we have for you.

Otherwise, without having exactly your character, we do not have to respond to people who are without respect, who would treat us simply as their servants and not as their friends, because that is a lack of love. Gold, the lesson is indeed a lesson of love here, without exception.

We are together, present at your side in what we could call the Communion of Saints. We help you. We love you and we want to continue this journey with you.

Receive now our blessing and our Love.

May you find your strength, your energy, your Love in the Light.

Public channeling of December 3, 2024, by Sylvain Didelot, transcribed by Marie-Claire.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca

Very pragmatic training as a quality specialist and computer scientist, Sylvain Didelot has been interested since his childhood in the world of the paranormal and spirituality. Initiated in multiple healing arts, he discovered canalization in 2005. Since then, accompanied by many beings of light, he has also been a lecturer, writer and spiritual accompanist. Its work is to guide and make each one accept his own divinity, thus revealing to all new possibilities of interpretations and manifestations of the world around us.
Source Here

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    Many average, reasonable men can conceive wisdom only under the boring form of a sermon and think of the sage only in the semblance of a clergyman. For such men prudery, hypocrisy, and the most abject enslavement to ritual habit and prejudice must be the everyday virtues. When therefore it happens that a genuine sage, by way of amusing himself, mystifies his contemporaries, follows a woman, or lightheartedly raises his glass, he is condemned eternally by the army of short-sighted people whose judgment forms posterity.

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  • The Violet Flame Open or Close
    The Violet Flame

    FOR CENTURIES, alchemists have sought to change base metals into gold. But the transmutation of metals like lead into gold is symbolic of a higher and more noble alchemy -- the alchemy of self-transformation.

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  • Saint Germain & The Pillar of the Violet Flame Open or Close
    Saint Germain & The Pillar of the Violet Flame

    More than fifty thousand years ago, a golden civilization thrived in a fertile country with a semitropical climate where the Sahara Desert now is. It was filled with great peace, happiness and prosperity and ruled with supreme justice and wisdom by Saint Germain.

    As the High Priest of the Violet Flame Temple on the mainland of Atlantis thirteen thousand years ago, [13=4=4th dimension=time] Saint Germain sustained by his invocations and his causal body a pillar of fire, a fountain of violet singing flame, which magnetized people from near and far to be set free from every binding condition of body, mind and soul. This they achieved by self-effort through the offering of invocations and the practice of Seventh Ray rituals to the sacred fire.

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Wolf Medicine

Wolf Medicine

Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan ... Read more



The Stone of Truth Aquamarine can provide a significant boost to the immune... Read more

The Ash Tree - February 18 - March 17

The Ash Tree - February 18 - March 17

Celtic Symbol : The Trident Or Sea - Horse Zodiac Degrees : 28º00` Aquarius... Read more

How to Use a Pendulum

How to Use a Pendulum

Pendulums remain one of the simplest and fastest methods for divination. Read more



PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20 Spirit: Search for security Read more

Candle Color Meanings

Candle Color Meanings

Candles, when combined with prayer and faith, can produce miracles. Read more

Ostara: Spring Equinox Secrets Revealed!

Ostara: Spring Equinox Secrets Revealed!

Celebrated on the Spring Equinox, around March 20-21 each year. Ostara is a... Read more

Big Winds Moon

Big Winds Moon

Cougar -  Turquoise -  Plantain -  Blue and Green February ... Read more



The Focus And Study Stone Fluorite helps to assimilate ideas and informatio... Read more

Spirit of Gray Wolf

Spirit of Gray Wolf

Spirit of Gray Wolf Role: The Teacher Lesson: Adaptation to Change Elemen... Read more



Plantain Helps you feel grounded Read more

Birth Totem - Wolf

Birth Totem - Wolf

Birth Totem Wolf Birth dates: February 19 - March 20 Read more

Ostara Magic! Spring Equinox Rituals & T…

Ostara Magic! Spring Equinox Rituals & Traditions

Easter gets its name from the Teutonic goddess of spring and the dawn, whose n... Read more

Sun in Pisces

Sun in Pisces

Sun in Pisces February 22 through March 20 An Overview of Sun Sign Characte... Read more

Pisces Mythology

Pisces Mythology

The Mythology of Pisces By most accounts, the mythology of Pisces follows a... Read more

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