One Who Serves: Q&A - Next Level of Ascension by Sananda
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- Written by James & JoAnna McConnell

One Who Serves and Shoshanna – Q/A session
Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, Om, Om Om, Getting through one is so clear.
And yes, we will tell you right off the bat here, you have this saying, we will tell you that the one that came through and took over this meditation was not the personality that is speaking to you right now. It was one of our what you would call collective of the One Who Serves, that indeed was the one that came through and expressed as best as that individualized consciousness was able to do of the Kundalini energy and the rising of this and all that is connected with this. So this one has come through this one before, but if we find it was quite some time ago that this one was able to be a part of this expression with all of you. So we ask you now, and this is going to be a little bit different as we do this here, we ask you to share, if you would, whatever you experienced through this meditation, this Kundalini energy meditation, if there was a feeling, a special feeling or an energy that did indeed rise and you felt it within your physical body. If there was that tingling or that electrical impulses or whatever it was or whatever you might have had a visualization of that came as a result of this. What were your experiences? Please share if you will.
(Guest comment)
Yes, this is Linda. I would like to share. Yes.
So first of all, it was just peaceful. I think that’s just my general radiance right now. And then I sway back and forth, energy in, energy out, as it works through my chakras. And it really has remained very much so in my heart chakra and my high heart chakra. And I can still feel this light pressure there and the pulsation of my heart is quite strong.
And I have a general feeling of coolness throughout my body. And then as I was feeling all of this, I saw this very large diamond, diamond light just shining and sparkling, not necessarily within me, but just this image of the diamond. And I’ve seen it before, you know, briefly from time to time over the years, but today, it had a light like I had never seen. And I wish to thank that one of the council of One Who Serves for that beautiful imagery.
(OWS comment)
Very good, wonderful. Thank you for sharing this. Would there be other sharing of their experience?
(Guest comment)
Hello, this is Robin. Yes, yes. I was experiencing as the Kundalini was rising, a warmth within me. Once it reached my third eye and my crown, that was where I could feel the electricity and stuff going through me. And my visions that I got were of the new earth that I was helping create when I did my meditation at the eclipse part. And so what I had created then, I could see before me. So that it, and then after we kind of came back into our bodies or I came back into my body. My heart chakra was in a state of like expansion and in like aching almost pain, but not quite pain. But yeah, so that’s what I felt. Thank you.
(OWS comment)
Very good. Very good. Anyone else share here?
(Guest comment)
This is Cheryl, I’ll share. I was with my twin flames playing on Venus. Um, just hugging and celebrating and music. Um, I see my chakras as diamonds, like diamond suns, felt the electric energy. Um, just a wonderful experience. Thank you so much. There’s.
(OWS comment)
Anyone further here?
(Guest comment)
I’ll share. Yes. I also felt a movement in the Root Chakra. Literally felt like a movement. And then I didn’t feel the heat coming up my back like I did that time at the Advance, but I did feel the activation of the chakras and I can still hear the Soul Star Chakra above my head at this time. I can hear it.
Amazing. I didn’t have any visions, but the experience was great. Thank you.
(OWS comment)
Very good. Now we would like to say here that because of the solar eclipse that just occurred was why we were able to provide this type of experience for you as a group here. We’ve done this before as individuals here, but not as a group process.
But because of that eclipse, because of the higher energies that have now come into the Earth from the solar sun here, which then before this originated from the galactic central sun, we were able to have this type of experience, this higher energy level, because indeed the energies here throughout the Earth now are higher.
And many of you will feel that energy. Those that are akin to the energies, feeling and knowing energies, will experience this more and more. And indeed, the ones that have said this already previously in your discussion, that the sun is brighter, it is indeed much brighter. And for those of you that have the eyes to see, you will experience this.
You either look at the sun or just feel the rays of the sun on the back of your neck, that center within yourself that radiates, is able to radiate this energy from the sun throughout your body and then out from your body out to others as well. It is all a process that you are going through as you are moving through this transition and through this ascension process.
We are ready for your questions. First of all, Shoshana, do you have anything you wish to say here before we go to questions? (We do not.) Very good. Then we ask if there are any questions here from… We almost say the peanut gallery, but that is not quite appropriate here. But we said it anyway, so there we go. Would there be questions here?
(Guest Question)
I have a question. I saw a video of the eclipse where a gentleman was videotaping the eclipse and then during the darkened portion, he turned around and showed the moon was behind him. Can you tell me if that was real and if it was, what exactly did cover the sun?
We can tell you that the moon was what covered the sun, but there were extenuating circumstances in terms of those that would have the eyes to see that would be able to witness or experience the advent of a great ship that was shown in the skies for just briefly. It was only there briefly and then recloaked itself we will say here. But again, it was only for those that would have the eyes to see. Now, through your technology, in terms of your pictures and videos and these types of things, then it was, we will say, kept for later being able for more to be able to see, to be able to experience. So of course, your media, your mass media news was not going to show any of these types of things, but it was there. It was available and it was indeed something beyond this realm here. Okay. So Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?
(Shoshanna adds here)
We have a perspective to share. May we share your sister?
( Yes, please). Dear sister, all planetary beings have a twin soul. What was shown in the sky was the twin soul of the moon. Namaste.
(OWS comment)
Very good. Would there be any other questions here?
(Guest Question)
Yes, I have one. Trump proclaimed, apparently Trump proclaimed that Nesara would be released today. Do you have anything to add to that?
(OWS comment)
We always hesitate to comment on the use of dates here and timeframes. So we will not say today or tomorrow or next week or next month, but we will say that it is in process of being introduced to the population of this planet. It is not only the population of the country of the United States or America but it is also the world. So there is a movement, we will say, in that direction at this time. And it will gain momentum more and more as these days and weeks continue on. So, Shoshanna, do you have anything to add? (Thank you.)
(OWS comment)
Very good. Are there any other questions here?
(Guest Question)
I have a question. Can you hear me? Oh, okay. At what level is it the fifth or sixth dimension where we reunite with our twin flame?
(Shoshanna comments here)
This is difficult, dear brother, but we can share our perspective on this if we may. (Yes, please. Thank you.)
Dearest brother, as we understand, the twin flame of each has never left, has never departed, and is there with you even now. The issue that has always been there is the great veil of the third dimensional consciousness. The great darkness that surrounds the planet keeps you from knowing this, to keep you from experiencing this. And the great darkness are the programs, the programs that penetrate the deep consciousness of the human that traverses the third dimensional plane.
So what we will tell you is that any time that you can release the darkness, release the programs, your twin flame is free to join you. You do not have to wait for another dimensional consciousness. Although it is easier at that point because the programs have dissipated and may even no longer exist at those dimensions. So it is easier, you see. But we must tell you that it is possible in this dimension. Namaste. (Thank you. Thank you.)
(OWS comment)
Would there be any other questions here before we release channel?
(Guest Question)
I have a question. Yes. With your meditation, with the Kundalini rising, I have this, with whenever I’ve had the Kundalini experience, it’s like a pull, like an electrical pull, magnetic pull of it’s like my soul wants to be pulled out of myself. Um, I, and it’s a euphoric feeling, but it’s not, um, is there anything to that, that, my soul is striving for that?
(One Who Serves comment)
We will tell you that it is a different, different process or experience for everyone that utilizes this raising up process here. So it is not so much that the Kundalini energy is different for you. It is the same energy in each and every one of you. You just experience it differently. So the energy that has arisen within you is that this question, and as you have asked, your soul is striving for this experience, has been for quite some time, for even many lifetimes here, to have this experience. And the more that you can, we’ll use the term relive this experience as much as you can, simply by listening to it again and recreating it within yourself, the more it will express within your soul here as a, as a continued process again of the event. Okay. So Shoshanna do you have anything to add here?
(Shoshanna adds here)
We can add a perspective here, dear sister, if we may. (Sure. Yes.)
Dear sister. This energy that is primal, that is part of the spiritual energy that exists in your chakra system is somewhat difficult to experience. And that is because the beings that you are somewhat fearful of experiencing this as it is new and it is charged with great light and great energy. See, so in order to fully experience this energy one must let go. One must have faith. One must long for it. One must desire this great energy, this great enlightenment that occurs when the Kundalini rises. So we must tell you that your soul is not trying to pull out of your body. And we will tell you why. Because your soul does not exist inside your body. It does not reside inside the human body. It is an energy that exists all around you and within you, but it is not, it is not something like an organ that exists inside your body and it cannot be pulled out.
It is, if we can explain this, a complicated issue, as you are the experience of your soul. Your soul is experiencing you; you see. And as it experiences you, it grows in stature and consciousness. So once again, we will tell you that in order to experience this great energy rising from the Earth Star Chakra to the Soul Star Chakra, you must let go. Namaste.
(Thank you. Thank you.)
(OWS comment)
We need to release channel here now. Shoshanna, do you have any important message here?
(Shoshanna comment)
We will just say that all of you that participate, all of you that listen are on the path to enlightenment or on the path of ascension. Often in your day -to -day experiences, you do not know this. You do not truly experience the energy and amazing path that ascension is, but you are on it, you see. What must be now is that you know this, that you embody this in your movement, in your thoughts, in your experiences, that you are on the ascension path and that nothing can move you off of it. Namaste.
(OWS comment)
Very good. And we just simply add and reiterate here, as Shoshanna has said, you are on the path. And we would say to you, just continue on that path. And know that there will be times when you will be off here and there, but you will always, always return back and find yourself fully again on the path toward your ascension.
Thank you, Shanti, peace be with you. Be the ONE.
These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on 4/14/2024. Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author website is clearly stated. Sunday Call Channeling transcriptions. James McConnell:
James & JoAnna McConnell
Spiritual Facilitator/Counselor for 25+ years, James has spoken on behalf of and channeled the Ascended Masters at many gatherings for varied audiences. He has facilitated the spiritual paths of those that are searching for their own truth through weekly groups, speaking engagements and workshops. His journey started over 25 years ago when his Marriage and Family counseling business began using past life regression and spiritual teachings as the basis for helping his clients resolve their issues. He has led expeditions in Mexico in search of ancient records and conducted retreats in Sedona and Flagstaff. James has an MS degree in Counseling Psychology.
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