One Who Serves: Q&A - How to Follow Your Dream by Sananda
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- Written by James & JoAnna McConnell

One Who Serves and Shoshanna – Q/A session
Master OWS
Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Mani Padme Hum
Greetings to you, One Who Serves is here, Shoshana is here and we are ready for your questions if you have them, no message from us at this time, so please proceed with your questions.
Hello, this is ******, I have a question. So, last night I was sitting in my TV room; I just came up and downstairs, so excuse me.
Master OWS
We are ready for your question.
last night, I was just watching TV and actually for the last week or so before I continue I have been noticing I’ve been hearing this real loud pop from time to time, and I have not heard that before but it’s been intermittent. And so last night I’m here by myself. It’s always when I’m home by myself and I’m just sitting, watching TV and I hear the pop and suddenly there is a single file line of like five or six beings walking from my kitchen into the TV room that I’m sitting-in, and they’re all light, they’re all light beings and, and the middle of that line is my mother, and when I saw her I immediately got very emotional and started crying and then they were gone.
I’ve been knowledgeable of the Agarthans and the, and the mentors who’s supposed to be coming to help us; who have been helping us, I guess my question is – they were mentors, I believe, but now, they came just to, just to present themselves or had a message, which I may be interrupted with my emotional state? That’s my question.
Master OWS
We will say here that the pop that you heard it first was their announcement that they were going to be showing themselves, and the second part of that, is that these are the glimpses that we have spoken of many, many times where you will begin to see into the other dimensional frequencies. And in this case you are seeing into that dimension, which is the part of those that have passed-on, not all of them were though. But you are, are getting those glimpses; we will say, and this is something to not be afraid of, not be afraid over it, just accept it for what it is in terms of you’re moving forward in your ascension process. And being aware in a higher vibrational frequency of those that are also in a higher vibration of frequency, you see.
Okay, yes.
Master Shoshanna
We can share.
We heard a comment there, do you wish to comment dear sister?
I was just going to add that, I wasn’t afraid because in the moment I realized what was happening, but I guess I didn’t expect my mother so when I saw her I just got emotional but it wasn’t fear or anything and so, but when I did get emotional they were gone.
Master Shoshanna
Well, we will tell you, we can share dear sister, maybe we share?
Oh, sure.
Master Shoshanna
Dear sister, we have said this before, there is no veil and those that are breaking the myth of the veil will open themselves up to all these beings that are there to assist, you see, and we believe that you are one that’s broken the myth of the veil, as there is truly no veil. The other thing that we will tell you, is that there is no death. There’s truly no, no death. If the physical body dies, it is just an avatar and you will continue on in consciousness and in understanding at a higher vibration, you see and you may know this as well.
We will suggest that these things will continue to happen and that when they do, and you see the marks of these light beings coming to advise you, that you simply calm yourself and listen, because they will communicate with you telepathically; they do not speak, they communicate with you telepathically, and also continue this in your dream state, especially the idea that your mother was present, you can continue this in your dream state and ask this one; since this was prevalent for you, to give you her message in your dreams state. That is what we have to share with you, namaste.
Okay, thank you so much.
Master OWS
We’re ready for next question if there is.
Yes, I have a question.
Master OWS
It’s about DNA, because I’ve been watching this whole business of the talking about the Jesus strand and also exploring you know, some of my heritage and all and I know that we are all, everything. One of us the blood strings if you are all so mixed and we all have connections back to the Grays and we also have spiritual connections back to the angels and archangels of course. But I’m curious you know, talking about this Jesus strand or this increased DNA, if you will just a little I guess higher level DNA, I would say do you think that is connected in some of our lightworkers, and the fact that we could sort of see things and understand things even from a young age, from a broader perspective, like we didn’t buy into what was being given to us. Do we have a sort of that increase that DNA in us and, and I know it’s all changing, and we’ll be getting more DNA, but we better, even more increase DNA, but do we have that already to begin with? did we?
Master OWS
We will say to you, it’s not so much a sense of increased DNA. it is a sense of reconnecting the DNA that is already there, and those of you in this group and that would resonate to these words are parts of that expression of the DNA reconnecting once again. And the question about the connection with the Yeshua, and that DNA strand or that blood line, you are all part of that in a sense, we will not say actually in that blood line, but moving back from the times long ago, you have been a part of that expression or that blood line. So, know that is why you have all been brought together, you all found your way here to this group. and to this understanding of who you are. So rejoice my friends, rejoice in that you are a part of the expression of higher consciousness that is here now on this planet.
Shoshana, do you have something to share?
Master Shoshanna
well it is complicated, but we will add if we may dear sister?
Yes please.
Master Shoshanna
Well, we will ask a question if we may, what do you believe?
HMM, well I can see that at least the dark side thinks there’s really something to this DNA business, cause they’re trying hard to kill off anybody who might have that, Jesus DNA, or any, any relic of that, Jesus DNA. I kind of do, but I don’t think it’s like, I kind of do believe there is a, a special DNA that the light workers originally came down with. But I don’t think it’s like, unachievable by anyone else, I think that other people are going to maybe be able to achieve this for sure by activating their dormant DNA. But I think perhaps we had it activated. Like I think that’s maybe what the Jesus strand is, it was already activated to some extent. And so that when you know, you’re in that kind of blood line then it’s already to some extent activated and then of course you can activate it more. Does that make any sense?
Master Shoshanna
It does, and do you believe that you are part of this line?
Yes. But I don’t believe, I’m, I’m, I don’t believe, I came from Jesus but I believe I came, from the where Jesus came from, If you will. Like, I believe, I’m, I believe I’m connected to the line that Jesus was born into?
Master Shoshanna
Well, we will say, we will say some perspective here.
It is important to understand that this is not a physical matter. This is not about blood. This is not about the physicality that you here, this is about the etheric DNA. The etheric DNA is what connects you to spirit, which that connects you to the higher realms, that connects you to the ascended masters, that some have a body and some do not you see. So we will say Yeshua was and as is an ascended master and that your connection to him is etheric not physical. Now, we will say that during your meditation we would ask you to meditate upon this etheric DNA that is contained within the etheric body. And as you meditate, you will see the strand of DNA that is represented by your science, that shows you what the DNA strands look like. Meditate upon this and you will watch; and this is exciting, you will watch and see that strands light-up and you will watch and see the what they call the silly notion of dormant DNA, you will watch that light-up as well. And what we will tell you is that the race of beings that you are, are connected to many ascended masters, not just this one known as Yeshua, and the ascended masters such as Buddha, such as Krishna, such as Moses, all these attended masters that have contributed to increasing your level of conscious, to understand who you are. You are connected to. And it is true that these strands of DNA has been disconnected somewhat, but in your meditations you can watch them light-up and reconnect them yourself, namaste.
Wow, that is cool so, can I, can, I don’t know if any, we’ll let somebody else go if anybody else doesn’t go then maybe I’ll have another question. Okay.
Master Shoshanna
Master OWS
Would there be other questions here?
Yes, I have a question.
Master OWS
Well, I’m trying to state this again correctly, I think just because I’m trying to move forward, not trying, sorry, I am moving forward is how do we, if all variations are reality or other realities, are frequency and vibration, how do we start training ourselves to access vibrations and frequencies at will?
Is this a higher function that I will attain really, more after ascension or is that something I can start working on now?
Master OWS
We would say that this is somewhat that you are you are already doing and your very thought processes you are moving higher in vibrational frequency and in your ascension process. So just continue to do as you have been doing and continue to believe and you will see, continue to know who you are and what you are here for, and everything will continue to work out as it needs to. Do not be concerned about whether you are doing it or not doing it, just do it. That’s all Shoshanna?
Master Shoshanna
Well we can add here, if we may dear brother, may we add?
Absolutely dear sister, of course.
Master Shoshanna
Well, we will ask you a question then. What frequency and vibration do you wish to achieve?
Haha, I would like to be able to access any vibration if we could see that I choose at will, that’s the ultimate state that I would like.
Master Shoshanna
Then choose, and choose one now, that one you wish to achieve, and tell us what it is.
Oh well, okay, let’s just say, massive abundance, you know, that’s one that I think most humans and folks down here can relate to. So let’s say massive abundance, I don’t know, all the gods abundance in the world, whatever.
Master Shoshanna
Well then we will ask you what that is to you, what is massive abundance to you because you see your mind is working on this so you must clarify, what is that mind is working on?
I actually think it’s changing right now because what I used to think is the abundance is not really necessarily what I’m thinking abundance is now, does that make sense? It’s kind of evolving what I think abundance is, but the frequency I’m in now, I believe everything around me, for the most part but we still have I think some program in there that’s, that doesn’t see it that way. So, I’m sort of getting training my brain to shift it perspective on what it sees and interpreting and I’m training my brain to see everything as abundant, everything around me is abundant, I live in abundance.
Master Shoshanna
Well then you are on the right track, and then the program that is prevalent on this plane, on this third dimensional plane that is prevalent that seems to invade the consciousness of the beings that live here is lack.
Right, that’s correct.
Master Shoshanna
So there, there is, there is lack and there is abundance. So for this brain and your mind and your entire consciousness, achieving what you know as massive abundance, all lack must be gone, there must be no thought of lack, there must never be a thought of lack, and that is difficult. But we will tell you that you are on the right track. So to a …, you see the idea of massive abundance, the first thing that the beings here think about; that are kind of flat lining, they’re really not expanding their consciousness. They think about money, that this massive abundance means that they can have as much money as they wish to have. But that is really not abundance. What you are, what you are attempting to achieve as a state of mind. So, that is what you are focusing on, is the state of mind, to see abundance, to feel abundance, to believe abundance, to know abundance, and continue to define that for yourself. What is abundance to you, for us abundance is unconditional love, for us abundance is compassion, for us abundance is awareness of the divine, because when you are walking in unconditional love. When you are living in the divine all things are abundant it does not matter. You feel that and what you have in your possession, which is dimensional conscious, is irrelevant. it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter anymore, you see. So, when you achieve the state of unconditional love, even if it, if it is for just a moment in the day, and when you feel your divinity even, if even if it is just for a moment of the day, you have achieved what you call massive abundance. Now what the goal is, is to sustain that feeling.
That state.
Master Shoshanna
Yes, does that make sense dear brother?
It does because I’ve been in that state and like you said even if it’s short lived, it perms all other states almost, it just like it doesn’t matter, like I think you simply nailed it, just money in abundance and all these things in the third dimension don’t really matter whenever that state, cause they’re kind of irrelevant.
Master Shoshanna
Exactly, dear brother, and once again we must emphasize that setting aside the program of lack will assist you in achieving this bliss, namaste.
Master OWS
And we will add here along this that, what is it then is that you take with you when you leave the physical body?
Absolutely, nothing. Well my spirit.
Master OWS
You take love, you take unconditional love with you. That is what you continue on with, everything else is just part of the illusion.
Master Shoshanna
We wish to add here as well. May we add one more thing?
Okay absolutely.
Master Shoshanna
as, as you achieve in your, in your state of consciousness, the feeling of unconditional love, the feeling of divinity, the feeling of god, self, as you achieve those states of consciousness; as one who serves has given, at the moment that your avatar is laid-down, and you move past the third dimensional conscious state you take those states of consciousness with you, you see. So, anything that you achieve here, anything that you feel here is added to you, and is and, and it goes with your consciousness as you move past the third dimensional …
So, so like kind of soul record is what you’re talking about, and but if we’re not taking, if we’re not actually laying down our avatar this time, and we’re actually taking it with us in that transitionary state, into fifth dimension, we are literally just moving into pure and unconditional love, that state right?
Master Shoshana
Yes, but you are, but you are setting the physical avatar aside dear brother. The physical avatar cannot ascend, the LightBody ..ascends..
Oh, that’s right. It’s light, body LightBody okay. So when we lay that down, we will just bring our experiences and everything we learned which was the whole point of the soul record and unconditional love, that’s really all we’re taken with us, right?
Master Shoshanna
Yes, and, and you will experience it exponentially it will be total bliss.
Yes, I’m looking forward to that.
Master Shoshanna
Yes, and in the meantime, yes but in the meantime, enjoy the process, you are here for a reason, enjoy the challenge, enjoy and in enjoy that you are challenged by this and that you are attempting in the physical to achieve it, you see.
Yes, I’m starting to appreciate the challenge far more recently, is I look at it as the experience that is, is meant to be.
Master Shoshanna
Yes, wonderful, wonderful, namaste dear brother.
Namaste, I love you.
Master OWS
We are finding within this one’s consciousness; the James here, that there was a movie called “Ghost”, and in that movie at the end when the one, the character that was the Patrick Swayze, the body, what was it that he said, continued on?
Love, I think, yes I Remember that.
Master OWS
“Love is what continues”.
Love it.
Master OWS
Very good.
Master Shoshanna,
Very exciting yes.
Master OWS
Very good, we do need to release channel. We take one more question if there is one and then we release channel.
Hmm, I have a question.
Master OWS
Somebody suggested that Bashar, you know that channel who gives us so much good information was deep state because he said that Kamala would win the election. And I wonder why they would say that cause I don’t, can’t imagine that would be true, was he trying to foster dissension?
Master Shoshanna
We will answer that question here, may we share dear sister?
Master Shoshanna
Emphatically no. This one that you know as Darryl that channels the entity known as Bashar, is a pure light being. And if he is saying that
your election will be won by the one known as Kamala, then that may occur, may not occur, because you see, predictions we are not in the business of prediction. And when someone is, as one who serves has given many times, the consciousness of the being that is channeling filters through to the entity and often things are said that the entity does not wish to be said and it is a, it is a prediction, you see.
So just wait and watch and trust the plan that has been given, this has been given so many times – trusting yourself, trust the plan, and everything will be okay, and everything is working out. The light always wins, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good.
Thank you.
Master OWS
We are done, we are done for the time being now, Shoshanna do you have parking message?
Master Shoshanna
We will say stay peaceful. No matter what occurs in the third dimensional plan of consciousness that is chaotic and crazy. Raise your vibration to the level of peace. Be peaceful, be peaceful, be loving, do not see others as corrupt or dangerous or hurtful, do not see others that way, you see, because when you project that onto others it will come back to you, you see. So stay peaceful, stay loving, stay compassionate, and trust, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good, and we simply say as Sananda said – “follow the dream”. Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!
(End of Q and A)
These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on 24.11.03. Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author website is clearly stated. Sunday Call Channeling transcriptions. James McConnell:
James & JoAnna McConnell
Spiritual Facilitator/Counselor for 25+ years, James has spoken on behalf of and channeled the Ascended Masters at many gatherings for varied audiences. He has facilitated the spiritual paths of those that are searching for their own truth through weekly groups, speaking engagements and workshops. His journey started over 25 years ago when his Marriage and Family counseling business began using past life regression and spiritual teachings as the basis for helping his clients resolve their issues. He has led expeditions in Mexico in search of ancient records and conducted retreats in Sedona and Flagstaff. James has an MS degree in Counseling Psychology.
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