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Message from Hilarion: Balance Amidst Challenging Times

Message from Hilarion: Balance Amidst Challenging Times

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM HILARION!

We have brought a lot of tools, a lot of gifts, as you like to call them.

At this moment, we are giving you the conditions to remain in balance, to remain intact, despite everything that will happen around you..

The difficult times have already arrived. They are already happening. Many people don’t understand when we say this, and they just say: “But I don’t see anything.” So, at this point, don't doubt what we are talking about. At this moment, be grateful that you are not living through a difficult time. But leave your ego aside. And remember: What are you in relation to the planet? A grain of sand or maybe even smaller.

So don't look at the world, at its center. Look at your world, your planet, as a whole. Look at all your brothers. And realize clearly, if everyone is as well as you. It is necessary, my brothers, that you have a new look. You were used to always looking at your own navel, without caring about what happens around you. The concern is always just for you. “The others are not my problem. Everyone takes care of themselves.”

Yes. I wouldn't say this is entirely wrong. Because everyone effectively has to take care of themselves; but it is not looking at others with disdain, or looking at others and thinking, “What happens to them doesn’t affect me”, because this is not true. Everything that happens to a sibling indirectly will, at some point, hit you. Because you are immersed in the same environment, on the same planet.

So, don't look at things as simply as you want. You have a way of thinking that, if a brother is suffering on the other side of the planet, this will not affect him. I will state that directly no; that you won't feel anything. But everything that brother went through reverberates, generates a wave, and that wave will one day reach you. One way or another. And it's up to you whether you connect to it or not. It's up to you to be in balance, to be centered, so that when that wave arrives, it hits you and nothing happens to you..

But it will continue to spread, because no energy is eliminated. All the energy dissipated affects the environment. You may not understand this yet. But it's like a glass full of water, where a single drop causes several waves on the surface to become unbalanced. On the surface? And did you see the bottom? Depending on the power of that drop, it may reach the bottom.

So don't make statements that you don't have the ability to understand.

So, everything that happens to a brother anywhere on the planet will affect you. Indirectly, but it will reach. So don't be boasting; “Ah, I’m in a magnificent place, nothing happens to me.” So I would tell you to change the prose. I would tell you to say: “Gratitude to my soul that brought me to this place. And I can safely be in it today. Gratitude! Gratitude! Gratitude!". Because this is the great truth. Your soul led you to be in this safe place. Not being there in the midst of the planet's imbalances.

So understand, my brothers, you are not privileged. Don't see yourself that way. You are only reaping what your souls have sown. No one is special to Father/Mother God. No one is different to Father/Mother God. Everyone is equal and it doesn't matter what mission they have. Each of us, to Father/Mother God, is equal to you. We just have different roles. Let's say that we have roles that are a little more difficult than yours, due to our level of evolution, because we have reached where we are. But everyone is equal before him.

Our Spark that shines, yes, we still have a Spark, it is the same as your Spark. There's no difference. Because we are all His children. And He knows exactly what is assigned to each one. “Ah, is this impossible?” No, it's not. Not for the energy of Father/Mother God. He is omnipresent and omniconscious of everything that happens in the universe; of every Spark that He created, because they are all part of Him. So, if a Spark is out of balance, he knows it, he feels it.

So, my brothers, let's have different stances. Let's be grateful, all the time, that we are not actually going through difficult times. So I ask you, are you not going through difficult times externally, but what about internally? How is your mind? How is your body? Perfect? Everything is running smoothly, or are you having to deal with a bunch of problems that suddenly appear out of nowhere??

So I ask you the question again: Aren't you going through any difficult times? So stop wanting to think you are untouchable, you are unattainable because you are on a journey; just because today, you met us, because today you hear our messages; because today you know the path to follow. Don't feel privileged about this. That is, just choose your souls.

Their souls chose to follow us. Their souls chose to listen to us. Their souls decided to take the journey. So, they do deserve merit. To bring you to all this knowledge, to this moment that you live today, to have our guidance, to gain so many attributes, to gain artifacts that protect you. No, no, you are not better than anyone else. You are just further along that road to evolution.

Everyone can get to where you are. All. And many will arrive. It may not even be in this time. But there will be their time. So, don’t think you’re privileged, don’t puff up your chest and think: “Ah, I’m the best!” No. You are what your soul has brought you to this moment. So be grateful, not proud. Pride right now is not a good feeling.

You need to be grateful. Thankful to your soul. And I will make a reservation, I would say that you can, to a certain extent, be grateful to yourself. Because you have a conscience. And this awareness today is that, directly speaking, who dictates the rules, who makes the choices. It's as if your soul has brought you to the beginning of the road. Now it was your conscience that made you choose to follow this road.

Of course your soul is disturbing you, talking to you, telling you and bothering you all the time to do it. But you could choose not to follow. Tell your soul to shut up. And you have your own choice, in fact, as many did. And today they regret being so far behind on the journey. And I would say that they are actually far behind. They are very late. And I'm going to say that many won't make it. Because they lost time, they missed the exact moment to start walking.

But, they didn't lose everything. They will be preparing for the next incarnations. They will be more evolved beings than those where they go. And many, I will say, at this point, are giving up because they already know they haven't gotten there. So, for these I leave a message. Do you want to go back to being entirely the way you were? Or do you want to continue on this journey, becoming a better being for yourself and for everyone? Because I tell you the following: If you continue the journey, you contribute to the entire process, you contribute to increasing the energy of the planet, you contribute to helping the brothers who arrived at the end of the road. And of course, these will not have the slightest condition.

Then you will be doing it for the Whole. Yes, you won't get there, there won't be time. But you will be doing it for yourself, yes. Because you will be walking the walk, walking the road of evolution and doing a lot for this planet and for your brothers. Ah, but you are very selfish, you only think about yourself. “If it’s not for me, it’s not for anyone.” Very good. Make your choice, go back to the end of the line, immerse yourself entirely in this disgusting mass that is there, from the Third Dimension, that you see on your outside.

Dive in and experience everything you once experienced. I would tell you that it will be difficult for you to dive, because your body will no longer accept it. You will be kicked out. You will return to the same point where you are there, with a little delay due to the action you took, but you will not be able to return there..

So, continue your journey, don't be selfish. Do it for the planet, do it for your brothers, but most of all, do it for yourself, because you will be evolving. And on the next walk you take, you'll almost be there. You haven't lost anything, it just won't be now, but it will be a little later. Nothing will be lost. So don't come back. Don't try to get into that sea of ​​mud that forms around you. Because you won't make it. Unless you start vibrating only non-light; then you will be able to be inserted into that environment.

So, my brothers, the choices have already been made. It's up to you now to move forward. It doesn't matter where it ends, it doesn't matter if there is time or not. What matters is that you are on the path of evolution, and each one will be receiving, proportionally, what they have already done, what they have already changed, what they believe in.

Don't be selfish. Be grateful for everything, for every difficult situation you are going through.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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