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Master Kuthumi: Why Do You Eat Animals?

Master Kuthumi: Why Do You Eat Animals?

Wars are the result of unconscious everyday behaviors. Eating blood-dripping flesh is of the greatest importance, because it provides the individual human being with sufficient destructive energy to make inhuman things possible.

Inhumane behavior can be seen in the way humans treat animals and affects how people treat each other. You can watch the consequences on the stage of this world. Today more than ever, because today more than ever people absorb the suffering of animals and ensure that it spreads further.The inner preparation


Dear ones,
it is up to each and every one of you to place your life in the light of God. Why do you complain about the conditions in the world and the violence that people do to each other or to each other? When you yourself commit violence against your brothers and sisters from the animal kingdom? Silent!

Why are you so hard-hearted?

This message is an urgent call to all light warriors who have maintained their habit of eating animals to this day and do not think about changing it. Your prayers, your mediations can never produce the desired result if you sin against God, God's nature and God's law on this point.

For the universal law of God says: Nourish yourself through God and from the light. For this, an infinite number of plants, fruits, grasses, berries serve you on earth. But this earth has an unmanageable variety in store for you and for your siblings from the animal kingdoms.

You, however, tend to feed on the suffering of animals; to absorb their flesh and blood within you! Do you have no scruples, do you know no shame? As long as this fact remains, there will be no peace among people on earth! Notice:

The war you wage against the animals, the suffering you bring to your brothers and sisters from the animal kingdoms through your eating habits, this misery falls back on yourself. To each and every one of you.

Because every injustice creates new injustice and every conflict between humans has very often been preceded by insubordinate behavior towards animals. Certainly, I'm not telling you anything new. But I say it again, more insistently and demandingly, so that you recognize the necessity and become aware of your lack of love towards animals. By behaving of eating animals, you prolong the misery on earth and the wars between peoples can never end. Everyone has a responsibility for this.

It's all about the natural vibration!

For this reason, and only for this reason, the evil archontic lineages are hell-bent on providing you with an oversupply of energetically contaminated and chemically destroyed food on a daily basis.

(Archons are spiritual invaders and mind parasites. The Gnostics called this occupying power archons. "These Archons had the ability to duplicate reality in order to deceive us. They were jealous of us (the people) because we have a soul that they do not possess, and the Nag Hammadi texts describe this and also the appearance of the Archons. Some look like a reptile, others look like a baby or a fetus that is not yet fully developed." Jay Wieder, From the book "Der verräte Himmel" p.140ff, by Dieter Broers).

The lower they keep the vibration of the individual, the easier it is for them to manipulate him and wreak great havoc on his soul.

All "civilizational" diseases are based on the fact that this "civilization" is based on the meat of animals. All black magic occupations of individual people and even entire peoples are only possible because people access animal food on a large scale. Death is omnipresent on this earth, suffering is commonplace and the pain of animals is unimaginable - and this fact passes by many a light warrior without a trace!

As if animals were soulless objects whose only raison d'être was to serve humans as food or clothing. There is a great change in thinking and feeling to be made here. Do not ask why there is so much injustice in the world between people and peoples, as long as you do this with your brothers and sisters from the animal kingdoms. Not eating animals doesn't make you a better person, but it certainly makes it easier for you to get there.

Not eating animals does not automatically protect you from dark energetic attacks. But it certainly allows you to think more clearly and be less emotionally agitated or confused.

If you want to identify and remove foreign energies, you must have a clear perception. Anyone who absorbs the suffering of the animals is full of superimpositions and impurities that block perception and keep the natural vibration constantly low.

Don't look for excuses

or explanations! Do not justify this shameful behavior by referring to the primitive peoples who use animals as a source of food. Study their behavior, recognize the need for it, and look at how carefully most of the peoples who are affected by it and to whom you refer deal with it. However, this "civilization" of yours is far from needing animal foods for survival. That is what I am referring to in this message. I'm referring to you, who haven't really questioned this topic until today.

What does eating animal carcasses mean to me? Do not invoke peoples who have to do this for different reasons, but judge yourself. Leave the level of cheap excuses and justifications – it is not worthy of yourself or of those to whom you play this deception. Begin to question every habit clearly, uncompromisingly, and decisively. First of all, the habit of consuming animals of all kinds.

JJK: Some people think that fish can be eaten, especially since fish offer nutrients that are hard to find anywhere else?

MASTER KUTHUMI: Those who do not want to let go of their behavior always find explanations to justify it to themselves and to their fellow human beings. Not eating animals is what it means and includes the animals of the water and oceans of this world. If this message concerns you, please start changing your eating habits today. Don't pick up anything that harms you. Be aware: What begins with animals continues among humans.

Wars are the result of unconscious everyday behaviors. Eating blood-dripping flesh is of the greatest importance, because it provides the individual human being with sufficient destructive energy to make inhuman things possible. Inhumane behavior can be seen in the way humans treat animals and affects how people treat each other. You can watch the consequences on the stage of this world. Today more than ever, because today more than ever people absorb the suffering of animals and ensure that it spreads further. Consider this:

How are you going to change the world if you don't change yourself? Repent!

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translation by CrystalWind.ca
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