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Master Kuthumi: Full Speed to Ascension

Master Kuthumi: Full Speed to Ascension

Even if everything sometimes becomes cloudy, even if you sometimes have no answer to the phenomena of the times that are now emerging, rest assured: you are experiencing the last gasp of a world that is doomed and whose downfall is now taking place.

Step out of the shadows, step into the light! Have no more fear, put your fears aside and stand up for your own affairs courageously and fearlessly! You will be supported in everything by the spiritual levels of light, because a person who fulfills his divine assignments on earth receives everything he needs from God.

Time is up!

The Creator's love for his creation is infinite, the Creator's love for people is infinite!

The battle between the light and dark levels of being is being fought on Earth today, for it is about the Earth providing an abundance of life that is unique to a planet of the 3rd dimensional density of being. Entities that can only exist on this grosser material level have appropriated this earth and are making use of the creatively divine powers of humans. Since they themselves are unable to feel holistically or think creatively, they borrow from humans without humans being aware of it.

The earth, everything living on it and people are exploited and abused as a source of food. This has been happening this way for thousands of years, this has been happening since the fall of MU, Lemuria and Atlantis. A dark era had dawned, a time in which this was possible and permitted. That time is over today, time is truly up! That's why everything is now moving towards becoming conscious, towards awakening, towards ascension.

Step into the light!

In many incarnations, people have patiently endured their fate and patiently submitted to their karma and faced their fate. Life after life you descended and you knew that the great upheavals and your liberation would not come until today. You have been reduced to victims and you have forgotten yourself.

Your divine origin, your true descent, could not be revealed to you throughout your life, because the veil of forgetting was too thick and the interventions of the 3D world on your lives were too massive.

Today we have reached the point of awakening, today we are in the time that changes everything and transforms all people. Today the meaning and dimension of the experiences that you have created life after life on this earth are opening up to you. Separated from Source, you have retained the inner core to remember who you really are today. This resurrection of humanity is underway today, for the time for the cosmic game described here is over and the time for the elevation of all life has come.

Even if everything sometimes becomes cloudy, if you sometimes have no answer to the phenomena of the times that are now emerging, you can be certain: you are experiencing the last gasp of a world that is doomed and whose downfall is now taking place. Step out of the shadows, step into the light! Be afraid no more, put your fears aside and stand up for your own affairs courageously and fearlessly! In everything you are supported by the spiritual levels of light, because a person who fulfills his divine tasks on earth receives everything he needs from God.

The success of a project today depends on how closely the project follows your blueprint. How much you comply with your orders, how much you live your orders, that is the only yardstick today that determines the success or failure of a company. No one can stop you when you're in the flow - everything becomes impossible when you stray or live off track.

This is how it happens that people are led to their true missions.

More and more people are finding their way from work to vocation and from what is necessary to what makes them happy. What seems impossible is tackled, because what is possible is no longer decided by the world, but rather by YOU!

Old ways of thinking no longer work, old concepts have had their day - old times, you are over!

Probation in everyday life

People rise up in everyday life. They become designers and give up their victim mentality. They become self-confident and give up their submissiveness. They focus on their own inner goals, they overcome their own expectations and ignore other people's expectations.

Awakening is a process in which people move from external control to self-determination and it is a process that is now being activated in more and more people. 

Awakening happens in the middle of everyday life when you prove yourself in small everyday situations and grow beyond yourself - until you become aware of your own power and strength. This shift in human consciousness is now taking place on a large scale.

The forces that create evil are confronted with the fact that people become braver and more determined under pressure, and that the pressure energizes them rather than paralyzes them.

The malevolence of measures can no longer permanently frighten or block people. You take the initiative yourself and are no longer impressed by certain circumstances or distracted from your own path. The mood has shifted and changed. It is the mood of departure and claiming one's own power.

This is how everything comes to an end. One world passes away and the NEW WORLD arises - with people who are fully aware of creation as creator beings.

You are loved and honored beyond measure forever!


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translation by CrystalWind.ca
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