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Lord Arcturus and Lord Kuthumi

ArcturusLord Arcturus and Lord Kuthumi

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan,Timing & Purpose.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of synchronicity, of healing, of purity, and innocence. Greetings, beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Sisters, our gathering here today is for a greater purpose other than assisting the human kingdom align their consciousness with the higher vibrations of healing. The grid we create today is one that will combine all the kingdoms of life, harnessing the vibrations of energy emitted by these kingdoms, so as to assist the formations of sound, of light, of harmony, and knowledge to assist each of these kingdoms in integrating the power of that which each kingdom represents. This is necessary for all the dimensions of healing to be integrated on a harmonious level for all kingdoms.

Lord Arcturus' presence in itself, will cause a deep shift within your body. The shift will come initially from your mental body, working through your emotional body, then into your physical body. Once the presence of his energy has moved into the physical body you will integrate that presence into your spirit body. The reason for him entering specifically through the mental body is for the purpose of harmonizing the higher frequency of the higher mind of the universal wisdom and that of Mother-Father God to override the lower conditioning and belief systems that have manifested limited beliefs regarding your body's ability to heal and to respond to the higher vibrations of healing.

Let us now begin with preparing your energy to receive Lord Arcturus. He brings with him a very high vibrational energy. This energy is so fine it is at times difficult to feel the vibrations of your own energy moving through your own body. By this we mean that at times it may feel that your physical body is not on earth, therefore not being able to feel the vibrations of your own physical body. Some have experienced a shortness of breath in his presence. If you have any of these symptoms while you are in his presence, simply draw breath all the way down to your base chakra and invoke the presence of your healing angel to adjust your energy to synchronize with his. We will re-calibrate your energy throughout the process of this initiation. It is important that you try your utmost not to hold onto any thoughts or feelings of negativity, fear, stress, anxiety or limitation during this transmission. Is this clear to all of you?


Close your eyes now sisters, begin your process of breathing in deeply and exhaling, and in so doing harmonizing your body. Call upon the presence of Lord Arcturus to be in your presence. Call for his light to merge with yours. Call forth all your personal guides. Call upon your master guide, your doorkeeper guide, call upon your celestial master, and any other being of light who you have an affinity to. We call forth the presence of Lord Sananda, we invite in Lady Mary, and we call forth all the healing lords and ladies of your solar system. You need to breathe in deeply, exhaling, as you continue to do this, I shall take my leave to make way for Lord Arcturus. Blessings be with each of you. Adonai.

Arcturian PlanetI am Arcturus, Lord of Arcturus. Welcome.

We have come to facilitate deep inner activation of the realms of consciousness, stored within your chakra system, levels of consciousness hidden within your DNA that you, at this point, do not understand the functioning of. Your response to this initiation will assist your personal activation of these hidden keys and memories of many cycles past. The purpose of awakening these memories will help the collective consciousness of all the kingdoms inhabiting earth, to respond to the energy we, the Arcturians, bring to planet earth. I come to awaken my ambassadors of light and each of you are these ambassadors.

There are many who respond to the light of Arcturus, in order for your energy to integrate that which we bring forth, your keys must be realized. Your inner realization and opening of these keys will unlock dimensions of inner knowledge, understanding of the mechanics of universal energy, and most important, how quantum energy is utilized in every moment of existence, even by those who are unconscious of its mechanics. To begin the process of such integration for the greater collective consciousness, the balance between the mental, emotional, and physical bodies must manifest. This is reflected in every aspect of life. Everything the human being experiences and undergoes in the form of healing and release will create an impact and transformation in your physical world.

The reason why human bodies have difficulty responding to vibrational healing and as yet are unable to rely purely on energetic healing, is because of the astral plane's collective energy. It weighs upon humanity like a toxic cloud, and this shower of toxins seeps into the subtle bodies. This is the reason why children especially are unable to clear dis-ease and illness from their bodies without the assistance of allopathic intervention. It is your responsibility as ambassadors of light, not only the ambassadors of Arcturus, but the ambassadors of light on all levels to eradicate the toxic dimension i.e the lower astral plane - the lower plane is the 4th dimension.

4th dimension is made up of 2 levels – lower and higher. Each of you, through your personal development and manifestation of awareness of that which you have come forth to experience, and how it is that you perform through the obstacles and challenges of your initiation, determine how energy transmutes in your body and in your presence. The keys stirring inside of you as we transmit, are within your base and sacral chakras, and your crown and 3rd eye chakras. It will take 7 days for you to complete the integration of the lower aspect of the astral plane, and transcend it into the higher dimension of the 4th dimension.

The integration of the lower plane is simply the understanding of the association you as a human being have with the lower vibration, as a result of your personal conditioning and belief systems. You will enter into the dense vibration of your genetic imprints, and raise its vibration into the higher octaves of liberated thinking, feeling and divine expression. You have walked through many of the dark nights that brought your soul to the greeting of the new dawn, where new light has been absorbed into every level of awareness you are conscious and unconscious of. That which you are unconscious of now comes to the consciousness of the realms of higher wisdom that you have been in the process of connecting with over the past 8 months.

My coming forth to connect with each of you in this manner, closes the cycle of the past 8 months, and raises the entire vibration of your physical body to a higher octave. Eight is a very important vibration for each of you, which is why on the 8th day after the completion of your 7 day cycle, you will undergo an integration of yet another level of energy which will raise your fully mastered and Christed self of light into the 12th dimension. You will be transported into the 12th level of the 12th dimension where I, Lord Arcturus, will personally come and meet with you and accompany you into the 22nd level of the 12th dimension where you shall meet in council with the Galactic Federation of Light.

You shall receive an imprint which shall release the keys stored within your solar plexus and throat chakras. That will take a further 7 days. The cycle of the 7 days will begin on the 9th day. In other words, the first day after your 8th day, becomes the beginning of your next 7 day cycle. On the completion of the 7th day, as you come into the 8th day, I, Lord Arcturus, will meet with you yet again in the 12th dimension, accompanying you to the 13th level of the 12th dimension, where you shall come to meet with the Galactic Council and Hierarchy of Shambala. This will carry your consciousness into the 44th aspect of the 12th dimension, the level where all the hierarchies of light gather.

This collective gathering of energy houses the vibrations of sound which bring energy healing to all planets resonating through a specific frequency of light, which can only be harmonized through 6th dimension. 6th dimension is that of the fluid energy of love, which each of you must harmonize with in order to bring the perfect balance of unconditional and divine love into manifestation in order to harness the vibrations of light and sound,and of colour. This combination of energy dismantles the toxic cloud of lower vibrational consciousness in 4th dimension. It releases the consciousness of limitation that prevents the physical body from accepting the higher vibrations of energy healing.

The velocity at which you will integrate this energy will intensify. I will personally hold your energy for 12 days after your final meeting, and it is through these 12 days that your heart chakra will undergo its integration of the 44th level, and the 6th dimension, to bring to the fore and therefore into your conscious consciousness, a deeper understanding of the essence of fluid love, and why it is necessary for the earth kingdom to integrate its vibration. You are ascended masters in a physical form. You have forgotten a great part of who you are. However, you have also remembered a great deal of who you are.

I, Arcturus, here in the presence of love with each of you, contribute to your reawakening. Each of you are vital ingredients in the realigning of the planetary grids that will anchor the vibrations, of light, sound and colour, which will assist all kingdoms of consciousness inhabiting earth to surrender to the vibrations that the Galactic Federation of Light, and the Galactic Council and Hierarchy of Shambala bring. This particular grid of energy which you establish within your mental body, which you shall bring through into your emotional, then physical body, will establish a communication network with us, the Arcturians, and your personal Arcturian mentor.

This particular group of beings, will create further templates of communication of a telepathic and mental nature with the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Venutians, the Andromedans, and the Neptunians. Each connection is linked to a key within your chakric system. Each group holds an octave that stirs the deeper awakening. What they bring to the fore are the memories of Masters you were fully conscious of in Atlantic, and in Egypt. Your presence on the earth plane is a key in itself. We are establishing additional networks of communication with groups in South Africa, in the United Kingdom, and in Egypt.

We are establishing networks of communication in the United States of America, in Russia, and in Australia. All these places are transmitting stations for communication and for contact to be made. We will have anchoring stations in Greece, Italy, in South America, in Geneva Switzerland, in Alaska, and both the north and the south pole. Along the equator we are establishing 3 very important anchors and transmitters in Iraq, in Turkey and in Morocco. Even though there is immense physical disharmony in some of these areas, you must understand that it does not prevent the higher plan of earth from unfolding.

Arcturus Relative Size Compared to SolEach of you are encoded with the divine plan. As individual conduits of energy, you are also anchors and transmitters of information. This information is emitted in the form of vibrations through sound, and through touch. Your presence in itself holds a signature. That which is in harmonious resonance with that code responds and activates. You are the 4th wave of ambassadors of Arcturian consciousness being brought to life. By this I mean, being awoken. You are currently receiving your colours as an Ambassador as the Arcturian Groups of Light. I, Lord Arcturus, welcome all of you into the ship of Arcturus. Our ship travels through all of the galaxies within your universe, gathering sound, light and vibration to assist the collective integration of further vibrations. This allows for the raising of consciousness for your earth, and for all kingdoms that inhabit earth.

Humanity's consciousness has tremendous power. You are aware of this power. You have seen the destructive ability of this power. You are reversing the impact of this power. Time is of the essence because you experience a linear existence. We, the Arcturians, with the assistance of the Pleiadians and the Sirians, are re-educating and re-harmonizing each of you in your individual capacity, as group souls, and as communities of light, re-adjusting the templates of energy, re-calibrating your personal energy to remove you from the constraints of time so that you can impart the energy and wisdom you embody. This impacts upon the collective consciousness in such a way that it appears to be as an acceleration of time.

People are experiencing the sensation of time running out because it is necessary to create this illusion so as to ensure that all is brought into the divine plan of Gaia. The illusion of time has been created by humanity collectively. We utilize this creation to bring the plan into its divine place. All of you are aware of the accelerated rate at which energy is moving through time and space. The greatest reason why you are having difficulty remembering from one moment to the next, is because you are in "no time". You have stepped into the here and now, and when you are fully in the moment, what happened an hour ago, or what will be happening in an hour's time will elude you.

Do not concern yourself with what you are missing out on, or concern yourself that you are losing your mind. Celebrate that you have manifested your ability to be present, as you move into the next moment of presence you will have recollection of that which must be experienced in that moment. The more you try and force yourself to remember, the more you undo your quantum doings. Keep a record of what is required of you, if you must, but do not lose yourself in time.

We, the Arcturians, have been creating grids of communication with each of you over the past 8 months. We, the Arcturians, are Masters of quantum energy. We gather to show you, to guide you and mentor you in mastering the quantum world of everything. I, Lord Arcturus, personally facilitate the raising of your mental, your emotional and physical bodies' vibrational frequency into the 8th level of quantum energy. You are already beginning your ascent from 7th dimension into 8th dimension. You, however, will not be granted full access to 8th dimensional energy of the quantum nature until you have successfully completed your integration of 6th dimension, and the fluid energy of love.

It is not permitted by the Galactic Federation of Light for any lightworker to have access to the full power of the 8th dimension of abundance without having integrated the 6th dimension of fluid love. The Galactic Federation, and the Galactic Council and Hierarchy of Shambala, will not take any chances that any soul moves past the rings of light will access such power, for this was the cause of the fall of Atlantis. The rings passeth not, will not be allowed to be touched by any soul unless they wear the mantle of 6th dimension. I believe you understand our motivation. You are initiates, and have completed many levels of your personal initiations. You have integrated your colours, and vibrate through the vibrations of these colours. Your personal group of Arcturian mentors have already united their energy with your chakric system, and now you begin your entry into the Arcturian realm of creation.

In this world you co-create with the healers of your universe. We begin by uniting your chakric system with the Lords and Ladies of Healing of your Solar System. This process is currently being activated, and your vibrations are merging to begin with, on a cellular level, you will move into your mind, your heart and your physicality over the next 3 hours. Each breath you take brings additional energy into your body to sustain you for the cycle ahead of you, and to ensure that your physical body can withstand the velocities of energy you are integrating, especially with your transportation into the 12th dimension and its inner levels. You are required to begin your choice regarding your energy's association with an aspect of planetary consciousness shift and healing.

Your choices revolve around the medical fraternity – medicine and vibrational healing. You have the choice of being aligned with the vibrations of bringing healing on an ecological level, healing the ozone layer, and bringing the healing to the earth, replenishing the minerals that she has been robbed of, replenishing these minerals will replenish the physical bodies of humanity. You HAVE the choice of working with the consciousness of humanity as a collective body, and reversing conditionings of limitation and ignorance, supporting the deeper understanding of the earth's purpose and divine plan. You can choose to work with similar energies utilizing the animal kingdom, or plant kingdom, or crystal kingdom.

Take a moment now to consider this, and make your choice. This choice shall be interwoven into the communication systems being created. Choose your words with care. You are requested to verbalize your choice, beginning your verbalization beginning with "I", and stating your name, and vocalize what you have chosen. Please move in a clockwise direction when you are ready. Group expresses their intentions. Over the next 44 days, each of you will be assisted in integrating the foundation upon which the structure you shall use to bring this into manifestation. This foundation includes all aspects that you have vocalized.

Integrating this energy can at times leave you feeling quite drained of human physical energy. Do not concern yourself. Rather feed your body with as much raw food as you can possibly ingest. The vibration of raw food will assist the downloading of information you require to activate the keys that will keep your foundation securely anchored to Mother Earth and with your Arcturian mentors. Each transmitting station and anchoring system of energy brought to planet earth will create a shift in vibration. This will contribute to some of the physical earth changes. Her tectonic plates will shift majorly again. She will come to release the toxins of her emotional body, as many of you have too. This has been the result of many of the illnesses associated with your winter colds and flu.

One of the reasons why many are having trouble shifting this particular illness is because of the depth of the detoxification currently in place. It is important that you are aware of the fact that your detoxification process is not limited to what you are experiencing in the here and now. You are detoxifying many of your parallel and alternate connections which is part of the release that you have created as a result of the initiations you have chosen over the past. You are being liberated from the sins of your forefathers, therefore is it no longer necessary for you to carry the imprints. Your body has chosen stages of detoxification; having to deal with it all at once will have left you completely debilitated and without energy to even feed yourself. Some of you resonate with different levels of energy therefore your detoxification has been different.

Many are experiencing their detoxification through the emotional body at this current time, as a deep inner resistance to change. This is manifesting in the forms of depression, deep seated anger coming to the fore in the forms of irritation, inner resentment toward people that may not even have bothered them in the past. People that have not even been thought of over the past years, suddenly rise into the fore in the form of memories. It is essential that you be rid of all of the toxins that keep the toxic cloud of the 4th dimension in place, so that your world can understand the importance of harmonious vibration so that your bodies can respond to the vibrations of healing that will liberate you from the onslaught of subtle attack brought on by the negative thoughts emitted by those staggering through the dimensions, as a result oftheir disconnectedness to self, and the higher aspects of the God-Goddess self.

Reuniting medicine, ecology and healing of all forms with the higher vibrations is now upon you, and more necessary than ever before. You are already clearly seeing why this is so important. The children of your world are especially in dire need of this concentration of negative energy to become diluted. It will not be an immediate eradication; however as it dilutes, it loses its power, and vibrational healing will have a greater impact. This will result in the collective consciousness realizing why so many doctors are having difficulty diagnosing and why so many of the modern medicines are having no impact or very negative impact on the human body.

The level of sensitivity in the human body has already changed quite dramatically. You are finding your body's responses very different to a few months or years ago. This will continue to change, and I am sure most of you are aware of this already. The first level of focus is the children in human form, and the other kingdoms, plant life, animal life, and mineral life. Bringing these systems into harmony will be the springboard for all other levels of harmony to manifest. Lightwarriors, such as yourselves, have already undergone many of the shifts required to bring about states of harmony which you shall impart energetically to the children, the animals and mineral life forms.

These life forms will establish a method of communication with you to ensure that your anchoring of light always be in a state of harmony and balance. You will all receive recalibrations every 3 hours over the next 44 days to ensure your energy can withstand the velocity of light coming forth. Your emotional body is responding in a harmonious way to the energy your Arcturian mentors are currently filling you with. It is for your benefit that you ground yourself regularly today because of the vibration you are being exposed to, you may have difficulty concentrating, focusing on anything for longer than 15 or 30 minutes. Use what best supports your personal grounding function. It is time now, for us to transport your consciousness back to the physical earth plane, grounding you back in your body. Use breath to bring your consciousness into your chakras – welcome back!

It is important that all of you feel yourselves completely grounded in your body before you leave this space today. We do not want you clashing personalities with anybody else. Breathe deeply and visualize each chakra filled with colour and light. Visualize spinning in a harmonious flow of energy. Continue to breathe until you feel completely at peace being in your physical body, fully conscious and aware of all within you and around you. Sisters of light, I shall now take my leave and hand over to Lord Kuthumi, who will continue supporting you and offering whatever guidance you require.

I am Lord Arcturus, may you remain well, light and blessed. Farewell.

Thank you. I am Kuthumi, and I return at this point.

Greetings sisters. Greetings. Beloved sisters, the initiation that has taken place today is perhaps one that may impact on your physical body, unlike the others you have experienced in the past. Therefore it is important that I reiterate Lord Arcturus, speaking of feeding your body with real food. This energy is necessary to assist you in sustaining your physical energy levels. Do you all understand this? Yes.

Now, are there any questions regarding that which Lord Arcturus discussed with you, that you are not in harmony with or do not have clarity in?

Question: Yes, Lord Kuthumi. Lord Arcturus spoke about the 6th dimension, that we need to integrate into the 6th dimension into the liquid love before we can move forward. Are any of us already through that, or how can we actually accomplish this?

Answer: The process has already begun. 2006 will be the time where the greatest part of completing the initiation will take place. It is bridging between 6th and 8th dimension. At this current time, none of the initiates have fully passed into 6th dimension. It is still in the process. Do you understand?

Question: Yes, I do. Is there anything that we need to do, or to just go with the flow?

Answer: Your personal guides will guide you. There will be information that will come forth from various sources that will guide you through your initiations. We will also bring forth all information that is necessary and that will harmonize with those who are willing to work with the vibrations of the ascended Masters, the Lords and Ladies of the Star World, with the animal, the plant, and the mineral kingdoms. Is this clear? Thank you. You are welcome. Blessings be with you, sister.

Question: Lord Kuthumi, what I verbalized during Lord Arcturus' transmission is that my focus would be with bringing about change in human consciousness, but I would want to contribute towards the earth and all the other kingdoms as well. I just thought that there was only one that we had to choose, so I didn't verbalize it. But I would like to contribute to all the other kingdoms as well. How does that impact on what I said?

Answer: You can add this to what you gave to your Arcturian mentors. The process will take a complete 3 hours, therefore you still have time. Thank you. You are welcome.

Question: Lord Kuthumi, what exactly is fluid love?

Answer: Fluid love is an energy that holds no condition. This means it can penetrate and access any level of energy, even if there is a wall of defense, the power within fluid love is so that it can seep into the minutest of cracks and fill the space up with its light and presence. You see up until this point, humanity has rejected fluid love because humanity's conditionings have placed conditions on love. This has been as a result of many cycles of manipulation and control. It is as a result of the consciousness that was created when the 4 destructive matrixes were put in place. For the past few years, lightworkers have been working fervently at shattering the matrixes of destruction, and re-imprinting the templates of light which have brought the golden age into being. As each year passes moving toward 2012, more of its consciousness is grounded.

As it is grounded, there are anchors on the planet, lightworkers such as yourselves, that hold the energy in place. Fluid love is the next phase of the project of light. Imagine it like a waterfall. The waterfall looks like water, but in truth all it is, is love. Fluid love is an energy that many have not been exposed to before, simply because your world has been predominantly based on conditional love. Do you understand? Yes, thank you very much. You are welcome, and blessings for you.

Question: Lord Kuthumi, I have one question regarding yesterday's channelling and the information that was brought through today about that pocket of energy that the children can see. Will this energy – I believe that this can break down that pocket of energy? Can we do that consciously?

Answer: With the energy Lord Arcturus was referring to? Yes. Yes. It can be done.

Question: Lord Kuthumi, my question regarding our fall. Why were we allowed to fall so far?

Answer: Because Earth is the only planet of choice. It is a free will zone. Every zone comes with laws. Each zone has a period of time, so to speak, and in that period of time or window of opportunity, all who are part of the zone can experience functions within it. That is what occurred. That window has come to its end, which is why there is so much intervention to restore balance. Souls have experienced free will and its power. Its destructive power. Now it is the time to experience the constructive power. It is also the time to experience the destructive force light has on darkness. So it will be both. And this is where Lord El Morya plays a vital role in the rebuilding of consciousness, for the first Ray of Will & Power is the Ray of Destruction. And this is where its energy destroys the world of complacency, which is what we believe Goddess Artemis was referring to yesterday. Do you understand?

Question: It just seems endless.

Answer: It is only because you are conditioned by time. Your body will feel it in this manner because of the amount of times you, as Ascended Masters, have incarnated into that window period in which souls experienced free will. There have been times when free will was been taken away for the purpose of plans to be set in place to protect Goddess Gaia, and then free will must be returned. But there were not many times when such intervention was permitted to take place. Do you understand?


Question: Lord Kuthumi, what if there are more and more of us wanting to align free will more with God will, and as we are now hurtling toward 2012 will there be this time where free will will merge with God will, and be one with God will?

Answer: We hope so! (laughter) This is exactly why we are doing what we are doing! Because as sister Salome says, it is absolutely hectic. This free will business has caused a lot of havoc, and that's putting it mildly. I'm tired of it. Would you like to come and join me on this side of the fence?!? Yes. Really? Yes! To see what we see? I don't think so. For now, do the very best you can, with what you have at your disposal. That is what we need in order to help you make the changes. Please may I make a request: that you use me, use every ounce of me, whatever of me is available here on earth in this physicality. Just use me in whatever way the Master sees will be of most the benefit to Mother Earth and her inhabitants. I just wish to serve and be ..(inaudible). Thank you. It is done.

Question: Lord Kuthumi, how can we best assist the children that are struggling with this negative blanket on a collective level, because there isn't enough time to help each child individually?

Answer: Spread the word of truth. No longer stand in complacency. Don't keep quiet. Speak your truth. Put your inspirations on paper, and spread the word. Connect with communities, schools, clubs, whatever it is, and suggest topics that you can present to groups bringing greater awareness. Initially, it may feel to some of you, that what you have said has been rejected, and you will have resistance. It is human nature to resist what is new. However, we guarantee you that seeds will be planted. And that is what is so important. The moment a seed is planted, the light and love of Mother-Father God will nurture it. It will find a root and it will begin to grow. How long it will take to grow is a little more difficult to predict, but persevere. Do not be complacent. Be careful not to invade another's space, or mind, or heart, but make the information available. Is this clear?

Thank you.

Question: Lord Kuthumi, in terms of the destructive free will choices that so many people have made to become addicted to drugs and affecting people you love, how can we go about removing this addiction from their lives?

Answer: You cannot remove the addiction from their lives, sister. One has to be a facilitator of love, so that the person addicted can find the healing balm that will sate the hunger of their addiction. Addictions are not limited to drugs. One can be addicted to a person, to an attitude, to a belief system, and a way of life. One must understand that every dysfunctional behaviour in your society has a root cause. One needs to get to the root of the problem in order to eradicate it permanently. This is why we are speaking of all the vibrations coming forth, which is necessary in order to assist humanity in being comfortable with vibrational healing. Do you understand? I think so. Are you sure? No! What part did you not understand?

Question: How to facilitate – so many advocate tough love, and I don't believe in that because that will only create more resentment and more problems. Giving unconditional love, the person takes advantage of you in certain areas. Unconditional love – no, that's not right. Giving unconditional love is something one needs to do, and one tries one's best to do. But to watch someone destroy their lives so totally, it's heartbreaking, and leaves one with such a sense of helplessness as to how to – especially when they don't want to listen, and when one looks at trying to discern the root cause. Is there any way we can help as a whole, in helping people discern the root cause of their addictions in order to heal them?

Answer: One needs to first understand that each soul has an individual and divine plan. One can do as much as one can to assist the individual, but one cannot force healing or change upon the individual, for then it will never truly take place. Working with individuals on a soul level can assist the process, therefore one can ask that the soul intervene by inspiring the conscious aspect of the self in human form to seek assistance. One can call upon the spirit parents of the individual to also intervene and bring about what must be in accordance with the highest will of their soul. That is always the most important. Because no one can know everybody's plan, one must understand that there is a divine plan. One must harmonise one's self with those plans and trust that spirit will use you or anyone else as a mechanism to bring about the healing if it is the higher will of that soul. Is this clear? Yes, thank you. You are welcome.

Question: Lord Kuthumi, I wish to ask a question of a personal nature. I wish to know who my Master Guides are, or is, if there's only one.

Answer: Your personal Master Guide is Lord Sananda. Thank you. You are welcome.

Question: Lord Kuthumi, could you please explain in more depth the concept of the lower astral plane and allopathic medication in severe diseases.

Answer: Certainly. Are you aware of the fact that many people hold onto disease because it becomes their identity. I'm one of them! That feeds the lower astral plane. That association, or that identification with the disease, is what helps the person feel. For many people – for instance, cancer for example, many people will hold onto their cancer because for them, it may justify their right to be on earth. Deep seated guilt and shame often manifest diseases, which people hold onto, because they have not dealt with the shame and the guilt. The disease becomes the punisher on a subtle level because one holds onto the negative emotions on a sub-conscious level, it keeps the lower astral plane alive, it feeds it.

Do you understand? … treat it through allopathic means or holistic means … You can treat it allopathically, but the core cause of the original manifestation must be dealt with as well, therefore it must be a holistic approach dealing with every aspect, not just physical. The allopathic medication will deal with the physical symptoms, but it will not deal with the original cause. This is why the bridge must occur where if the physical body is at the level where it is not coping with the overload of emotional or mental toxins, the result is disease, one can use allopathic medication with the approach of dealing with whatever has caused it on the mental or emotional or spiritual level.

Even if it means having to go back through time lines to find the original cause. It may be the cause is in a parallel reality, and connecting with it in the parallel will eradicate it in the current time line. It is however, that humanity's current condition is that terminal diseases cannot be healed. The list is endless, sister, as to why people hold onto dis-ease. My current discomfort I haven't had for a long time, so I always get a fright when it comes back. I'm not certain whether it's these initiations or whether there's something else going on, and then I start to panic. I think, well you've supposed to have dealt with this, you've done so much work all these years, and here we are again.

Try seeing whatever you are being faced with as not being something you have not completed, but rather another aspect. This means instead of viewing whatever comes your way as a regression, rather as being a progression, which means you have progressed sufficiently to deal with whatever level of energy exists in whatever timeline impacting on your current timeline. Do you understand?

Then why does it feel like a circle?

When one deals with energy within the chakric system, especially with a physical form, it can manifest in a circular motion. The cycles moving within themselves. This creates a level of containment rather than expression. Perhaps it would be of assistance for you specifically to address whatever has come your way, seeing how it is that you contain it within your soul, and how you can express it in a different way. Think of all the emotions, or thoughts, or belief systems, or attitudes that you have held within yourself, that you have held in a container, contained it, swallowed it, not expressed it. When this happens, you understand why, whatever comes has come. If you've been through a cycle of initiation, and we speak of your personal relationship specifically, there has been a containment of energy up until very recently. You began to express what you had contained for so long.

Do you understand what we are getting at? Having understood that, what has been contained can now be completely released. It will have been contained emotionally, and mentally, and physically, therefore you move into the rings passeth not, and you move beyond it. This takes you into the 6th dimensional aspects of fluid love, where you can take the quantum energy to yet another level, and you move beyond whatever has limited you before. This is how all healing works.

Every level of human consciousness, having to deal with any aspect of healing, be it on a cellular level, or a genetic level, be it on an emotional or mental level, be it in a parallel or alternate reality – it all boils down to the same point. The point that you are at in the present moment of whatever consciousness you are in, is what is most important. Do you understand?

I understand. But it seems endless. It seems forever. We understand the illusion that one sees, and there is no way that I, or any other Master or Lady can change that, but you have compacted your energies into a much shorter space of time, because of the acceleration of the processes, it is more intense and seems more endless. But have faith! (inaudible) And all of you!

Question: Lord Kuthumi, last night I had a dream and I was shown a computer that was specially for me, with 2 special commands and someone pushed the those 2 commands to help me get rid of my cancer. In my dream I felt really happy and relieved, so I would like to know whether I can take that dream at its face value or is there an interpretation involved? And the other thing I would like to know is the cancer that I had, is it something that I created with the choices I made in my life, or is it part of the divine plan?

Answer: All one's choices are part of the divine plan, therefore what you have created, as with anything in life, not just illness, there is a gift within. The peace you felt as a result of your dream, is what we suggest you take into your being. Lord Arcturus and his team often work through technology, which is projected in thought forms, such as computers or any other technology. Do you understand? So your Arcturian team of mentors are already working with you. Do you understand?

Yes, and thank you.

You are welcome, and blessings be with you. Beloved ones, it is time now for us to end this transmission. And so it is that we embrace each of you in the light of fluid light. We support each of you on your journey, and bring forth that which you require to sustain you on all levels. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you, that carry and comfort you, and know that not ever do you walk alone, for we are all here, and with you always and all ways.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Wisdom, and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.

Channelled through Michelle Eloff© 6th SEPTEMBER, 2005 Johannesburg, RSA To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit www.thelightweaver.co.za

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