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Kuthumi: Secrets to Boost Your Light Quotient

Kuthumi: Secrets to Boost Your Light Quotient

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM KUTHUMI!

Many gifts have come to you. You don't need to use them all at once.

You don't need to remember them all at once. The important thing is that you know that they exist and use them whenever necessary, with much love, with much gratitude.

Today I bring to you a new consciousness: The consciousness of the Being of Light, which each of you is. But not this superficial and almost powerless belief that you have. A belief that prevents them from being with the Higher Self, with the Divine Presence. A belief that they are not worthy; that have many errors; who cannot connect to anything or anyone. Because it wouldn't be true, you would be listening to any other influence, except those who actually care for you.

The awareness I bring is so that each one of you understands, definitively, that the energies of Light, the energies that protect you, do not judge, do not criticize; they do not diminish or increase the love you have because of your actions. We love unconditionally. Always remember this. This is a maxim that you need to repeat like a mantra: “I am loved or I am loved, unconditionally, by the Beings of Light who protect me.”

This is not a daily determination. This is something you should repeat whenever you feel like it, whenever their heart sinks and they need help. Before asking for help, say these words, so that your heart and mind believe in what will actually be asked..

My brothers, the Divine Spark is within you. It's within all of us. We are a little piece of Father/Mother God. He is not outside, judging you, watching you. He is there inside your heart. With just one action: loving you. I'm not going to say that when you do things you shouldn't do, it's almost as if he closes his eyes so he doesn't see, but he's still there, with all his love, without judgment. He doesn't change the way he loves you because you do something you shouldn't.

Even those who follow the path of non-light, the Spark is there. It is not erased due to lack of Love. She almost goes out, because she is consumed by the shadows. It's as if she were placed in a big dark box, where the Light can't pass through. But she is there. The love of God the Father/Mother continues there, even in that child, who does not want him as a representative.

So, believe: You are Beings of Light. You are beings capable of anything. Always think about the following: what did you bring to your life? It wasn't anyone who brought it, it was you. “Ah, but my life is bad.” Accept. You attracted it. This is the big obstacle you place in your lives all the time. Putting responsibility for something that is not good for you on someone else or on God the Father/Mother. It's as if they are responsible for bringing this into your life. And they are not.

You were the one who brought it. For your beliefs, for your attitudes, for your thoughts, for your words. In this and other lives. It doesn't matter. Everything you go through today, whether good or bad, was created by you. You attracted it somehow. So, I would say, think deeply about the power you have. Be aware of the power you have. To attract things into your life. You have this power. Nobody attracted anything, it was you who attracted.

So, in the same way that you attracted situations that you don't like, many are grateful for everything they have, for everything they experience. And why? Are they privileged? No. They knew how to follow the path. They knew how to plant good energy, which returns as good energy too. And then comes prosperity, comes happiness, comes joy. They all come together.

So, repeating, today I want to bring this awareness: You are a powerful being. Repeat this too. “I Am a powerful Being of Light.” You are taught to repeat mantras of Sanskrit or Hindu origin, and you repeat them several times and find it interesting. Why not repeat mantras in your own languages? “I am a powerful Being of Light.”

Repeat 7 times.

“I am a powerful Being of Light.”

“I am a powerful Being of Light.”

“I am a powerful Being of Light.”

“I am a powerful Being of Light.”

“I am a powerful Being of Light.”

“I am a powerful Being of Light.”

“I am a powerful Being of Light.”

And feel the energy that will take over your body. Believe what you say. Like this, you can create many mantras. Repeat 7 times each as many times as you want. But mantras that bring Light, wisdom. Always start with, “I Am.” And give it a positive attribute. Learn to do this. And you will be planting seeds of light. And up front, you will reap the fruits, which will be much more Light. Don't get attached to small things. The mantras should always be in relation to you. Here I will give examples of some mantras that you can develop.

I am capable of loving myself.

I am able to create an enlightened path.

I am able to connect to any Being of Light.

I Am beautiful and powerful. Yes, you are beautiful; In the eyes of God the Father/Mother, everyone is beautiful.

I am grateful for everything I have.

I am grateful for everything I live.

I am grateful for my family.

I'm grateful for all the love I receive.

See that they are all positive mantras, which you can choose randomly or create new mantras. Always giving them the ability, “I am able…”. And start believing what they say. It's not just talking for the sake of talking. Is to believe what they say.

Now there is a mantra that you can do every night, before going to sleep. “I Am, my Divine Presence.” No, it is not repeated. “I Am my Divine Presence.” Start mantraling this 7 times before going to sleep. And I guarantee each and every one of you, that all the fear, all the feelings of inferiority that you have, of making any kind of connection, will end. As long as it is done with love and believing in what is being said.

Come on, my brothers! Let's grow in Light! Let's vibrate, Light. Each mantra attracts Light to you and you. And you begin to emanate more Light. So, let each one play their role. Each one grows in Light. And each one trusts that they are capable of being a very, very powerful being.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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