Jesus Christ: The Love That Changed Everything
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- Written by Jahn J Kassl

That is what it takes in the turning point: determined, courageous and fear liberated people who recognize the opportunity for their own growth in the dark future prospects of a new world order and perceive the opportunity for the liberation of all of humanity.
Spot point of the climb
God is the pillar of your life. God is everything you need so that life can do your life and the arrival in the light can succeed. God is the truth and the path, love and freedom, life and the goal. In this divinity you are woven human, invisibly embedded so that you do not have to suffer a defect, but can bathe in the abundance.
Beloved person,
I am Jesus Christ,
I am now with you, with my light, with my love and in the power of the living God, which works in us, through us and with us:
- The time in which you should master your life and can master it has begun.
- The time that opens all goals of knowledge has come.
- The time in which the true nature of life, which is essential to you is there, is there and completes you as a person who has arrived in God's glory.
Today we are at the ape point of the climb, at the point where the chaff separates from the wheat, on which the time produces new timelines and in this way the worlds separate. Where some go, the others cannot be - and where the others are, the ascended people come there to turn to the livestocks how a mother and a father climb their children with their whole love.
Status quo
And truly what is currently on earth and is spreading dark is due to the fact that strange responsible responsibilities with wounded hearts and inexperienced inner conflicts have achieved earthly power. From this world a place of peace, harmony and unity or from the world to make a place of hatred, discord or separation, this is the choice that is given to a person, as he rises in responsible positions.
This choice was made by many of today's actors in favor of the split and decided in the sense of the destructive power of power.
The results are clear. The healthy, the healing, the nourishing, which is fulfilling people internally and the hearts of people are sabotaged at all levels. In return, everything is provided to alienate people from their own, remove the inner compass and to block the connection to your own soul. This is the current status of a world that is consecrated and the status of humanity that is in the middle of the process of survey.
So how can both exist side by side? How is it possible that the bad, evil with the good and light door lives on the door?
How can the ascent, which is mentioned in many places, be realized if the world seems more to an abyss every day? I tell you: This is precisely why this is possible and that is precisely why this can happen! Because all the low costume that comes from certain entities is the sign that earth -shattering changes are in the signal are the signal that people rise in an act of the championship.
What exists in this world cannot be in the light world. This gives all people the opportunity to decide where the journey is going, where their heart moves and where the call of their soul carries them.
Keeping as many people as possible at this time and being available for their own purposes is the claim of the dark entities, a claim that they can do less on earth every day.
Hence their despair, hence the all -round strikes, which are expressed in ever more sharp impressions for people and in increasingly obvious attacks at all levels.
The crucial moment when the light breaks through the darkness has now been reached! This creates the current dynamic in the promotion process, in the process in which the individual claims his own power and in which humanity freely frees itself from its self -chosen or externally determined fainting. At the same time, you will be swung to a new level of consciousness and geared towards the new energy of a life in the divine abundance.
This planetary and cosmic event of becoming awareness of humanity requires the interaction of heaven and earth, of angel powers and angel thrones, by the ascended masters and from you humans –
Of you people who are ready to oppose the powers of the cold light by reacting to their actions in peace and yet determined.
Your self -confident no is audible in all creation! It gives the rulers of the cold light ancestor what they have got involved and what is now about them. With full commitment, often of your life, you have become active. You have taken fate into your own hands and began to prepare the light, peace and unity of all people.
Because that is what it takes in the turning point: determined, courageous and fear freed people who recognize the opportunity for their own growth in the dark future prospects of a new world order and perceive the chance of the liberation of the whole humanity.
Where do you go human?
This dynamic is subject to everything today, every decision bears the stamp of your fate you chose. Nothing is up to chance or even arbitrariness. The occasions are required, the light illuminates the darkness and clarity is given.
Now you only need you and one decision: where do you go human?
In the light of God's love - or do you feel so dressed by the games of the old days, so that you do not want to miss these experiences or who want to regret the missed adventure at some point?
What have you already lived and what else do you want to find out? Because of your choice, everything is decided! This is the point where all people are located today and from which they are geared towards their self -chosen future.
The choice is: to master this time with God and to be reborn in the light or to immerse yourself in the godless time. In the coming months and years, the fates of the people are fulfilled in a way that is chosen and self -determined.
How free are we really?
JJK: We experience an extremely large number of manipulations as well as physiological, electromagnetic, psychological or mental assault on the body and spirit of people. A person can really make a freely decision under these circumstances and also make this choice confidently?
JESUS CHRIST: Man is always absolutely free in this decision! The decision for the light and the freedom of the mind takes place long before a person becomes a manipulable object second and third. This decision is recorded in the soul signature and obeys this soul plan.
A person who chose this for himself cannot be adopted by the forces of the cold light.
Certainly, his body can suffer damage, but his soul always remains unaffected by all attacks and wounds. Anyone who makes a divine decision will receive God's protection - without restrictions and absolutely.
JJK: That means that everything is already predetermined?
JESUS CHRIST: Chosen and self -determined - the soul answers as soon as life raises questions and man stands in front of the specific ways.
JJK: A person can correct an original plan?
JESUS CHRIST: Deviating from the blueprint is possible in every direction! Free will enables everyone to make their life differently, a fact that today has a lot of people in many people by expanding and enriching their soul plan with unpredictable decisions.
The wake -up call of God to climb is sound and is heard by more and more people.
So it now happens that the ascending from the specific technological advances that restrict the freedom of human spirit remain unaffected, while those who remain in the game of this timeline are torn away. It appears clearly which choice man has made, where he draws his attention and which means that his future is determined.
What has been announced for a long time is now taking place: the transformation of the transformation and the maturation of the immature of the immature in the sparse light of the intolerable interim world.
People drift apart internally, who who can live in unity and peace have entered the peace -rich kingdom of peace and committed themselves to their own healing.
Anyone who recognizes no need for this to see who is missing the need or who is stranger to the longing for God in their own paths and waits for another opportunity to climb.
The new humanity is based on the healthy basis of clear soul decisions. Some are in their master existence and the others try to master their existence. Let love grow, nourish what you are so that you can live in freedom.
True jumps in consciousness take place, the masters awaken among you and it is becoming increasingly impossible to deceive people. That is why the diverse truth, freedom and peace movements are increasing in strength and importance worldwide. New championship souls are on the plan and the light of the public. And you?
Master existence
You become more aware of every day that everything has to do with you.
You have an impact, you have power, you have the strength to not just live your life, but to enforce your YES or your no! The transformation work of the past has worked out and promotes your new self -confidence. Anchored in God, combined with the heavenly powers, a new presence was born.
Who is still waiting for a revolution when he has successfully revolted against his inner resistance:
- You no longer rely on anyone, because you are aware of your own power.
- You don't want to change anything anymore because you are changed.
- The world no longer needs you and you the world.
Now a new strength, a new energy, a new awareness are going out of you! What else can the world harm you - awakened in master existence?
JJK: I now feel this new energy when writing that you are talking about here - this is pure freedom and a state free of fears. I will flood through …
JESUS CHRIST: All people who have chosen the light path of God's love, everyone who swings up is now granted that they are provided with this new energy of freedom and freedom from fears.
This is the gift of the sky so that your replacement can be fluid of this wrong matrix.
Now you need your strength, courage and freedom from fears so that you can choose freely.
In this message, the energy will be given to you so that you can enter a completely new level of self -confidence and experience yourself in the middle of everyday life as a master.
Because what the game decides are not the massive attacks of the dark powers, but is the powerful appearance of the people who have become aware of their own power. Satan then has no power over you anymore, because what does the world mean to you if you can own God?
Take your position!
Mastering your life describes the moment when you are an awakened and actively shape the change. It is the day on which you take your position, accept your orders and, neither of the world nor by the people in the endeavor to implement them, lets you implement them.
What freedom do you choose? The freedom to move you without chains in the cave, or the freedom to leave the cave and step into the light.
The first effects of these decisions are visible today. Phenomena that are facing:
- You feel strange on this earth.
- Sometimes you are not perceived by people, as if you were invisible.
- You feel a deep inner peace, lucky, while the storm of time is raging outside.
- You feel shifted, sometimes you have overlooked stairs or bumps on the street.
- You tend to forget about forgetfulness and mess up the days. Your sense of time changes because you are on another level with your consciousness.
- You perceive people in their vibration, their charisma and noticed less and less what they are talking about.
- You have the deep inner certainty that everything turns to the good.
- You can no longer meditate, but the whole day becomes meditation.
- You can move mountains on some days, then again you feel vulnerable like a butterfly.
These are phenomena that indicate that you have already traveled a long way and that you are facing a piece of the way.
We want to devote ourselves from all the soul to this last way in this hour of the grace of God.
To master this last way includes:
- Unconditional trust in God
- Unconditional self -confidence
- Unsiminated love
It is given!
How is unconditional trust in God?
Beloved person, it is given …
And this gift flows to you now, your heart reaches and opens your soul …
Say, as follows:
ME, (state your name here),
Thank you God for the grace of unconditional trust in God.
pause …
How is unconditional self -confidence achieved?
Beloved person, it is given …
Say, as follows:
ME, (state your name here),
Thank you God for the grace of unconditional self -confidence.
How is unconditional love achieved?
Beloved person, she is given.
Say, as follows:
ME, (state your name here),
Thank you God for the grace of unconditional love.
pause …
I am the truth.
I am the way.
I am life.
pause …
Everything that works is obtained by God's grace. Your share is to prove you to the grace of God as worthy. When are you worthy? As soon as you burn down your inner walls, give up your ignorance towards God and open your soul to the light of God's love.
Then all the heals are given to your heart and you swing up, as far as your soul can wear. Then you are ready for God's grace and I tell you: Many are ready and it happens without knowing it.
Truly: the healed needs of the healer and the redeem of the Redeemer do not - the lover is born!
With infinite love
Translation by
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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