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Jeshua: The Christ of You - Parts 2, 3, 4: Bringing Revelation and Understanding

Jeshua: The Christ of You - Parts 2, 3, 4: Bringing Revelation and Understanding

Beloved one, always I am with you. Anytime you call me, and I am right there at your service. 

I am right there to bring to you the next tidbit, or big piece, of reality with a capital "R". And sometimes you are ready for it, sometimes you are walking into it. And sometimes you are saying "I want more". And it comes to you, as you will be open to it. This is a time that you have programmed already in what you would see to be previous lifetimes. You have set up certain parameters of what you have and would expect and understand that reality, lowercase "r", and capital "R", to know "Who am I?"

Have you ever asked that? "Who, am I? Why am I? What am I supposed to be doing here? I know certain things," you say, "certain parameters, but I'm not sure of the Allness. I think if I knew the Allness, I might be overwhelmed." Well, in truth, you will never be given more than you can handle. But you will be given more so that you can handle it. So go ahead and ask. It is okay to ask. Go ahead and accept that which comes to you and ask of yourself (I have seen you're doing this) "What is this message for?

What does this really, truly mean? What am I supposed to do with this information?" And then you have said, "I think I'll just play with it."

And that is the best approach. Allow yourself to be on vacation. Physically, yes, as you are coming into a time of travel, perhaps or vacation, but also to take vacation from "This is how it has to be."

In truth, there is nothing and no one who can tell you that it must be a certain way. You are the conductor of your own orchestra, and you are orchestrating a wonderful life. That is why you have been drawn in the past, some of you, to the portrayal of a program known as "It's A Wonderful Life." And yes, you did, as they say, you did groove with it, you did enjoy it, you did say "That feels good!" And yes, you deserve to feel  good.

You are orchestrating putting together this lifetime to complete that which has felt to be incomplete. And yet, in other ones, you have already completed all. So you're doing a re-build. Which is to say to you, those of you who, and there are ones in this grouping, who tend to take life seriously. While you can set it aside and say, "Hey, you know that orchestrating all of this, this is my reality. And if I don't like what seems to be reality, I can re-program and re-judge. In other words, it's only the judgment that is saying that it must be validated a certain way. Maybe you can stand back from it and say, "How would this look if I were someone else? Oh, really? And he would see me as a wise person who knew what she/he was doing? Ah! I've got them fooled"

Have you ever felt that way? Of course, you have. Even when you are a small one, , connected to the Divine being that you are, and you have said "I'm going to play for a while. I'm going to suggest to them that they don't really know me, and I know more than they do." So the little ones, they will come up to you and they will speak words of wisdom. They will speak to you things that perhaps you have been thinking about, or you used to think about, or you might think about, and they give you that impetus to look further: To look more and to see more, and to be quite happy with what you are putting together.

Now I know that a separated ego will judge. That is its function, to judge and say, "Well, you didn't quite do that program just quite right. You didn't say what you had planned to say. You didn't really follow through on it."

That is separated ego. You, as the I Am Presence that you are, are always perfect.

That which you are led to say, to think, has a reason, a purpose behind it. And do not throw it out as rubbish before you have actually looked at it and made peace with it. Because every message that comes to you, even if you don't want to hear it, "and no, no, no, I'm not listening." It will keep knocking on your door until finally you open the door a crack and you say, "Well, is there a benefit in there?" And always, there is: A benefit that comes to you as a gifting.

I say this to my beloved friend and teacher, the one you know as Judith, "If you will just be quiet for a moment. Breathe. Take in the breath of life and relax.” Because sometimes, not recently too much, the mind will run away. The mind wants to know. The mind wants to figure everything out. And sometimes the pieces of life do not fit together quite in form as you would have them fit together. And you will say, "Well, what's wrong with my manifesting aspect? I thought I could manifest X, Y & Z." Give it time. Give it patience. It is coming together.

For you have, before you took embodiment, set for yourself a pathway. And you have set it so that you can enjoy it -- be in joy with it. And to stand back from it sometimes and say, "Wow! I programmed all that drama?" or "I programmed all of that laughter? I programmed certain things coming together? That's drama for me. And for others. What's the benefit in it?” And as you ask, as you become quiet, it will come to you, - sometimes in more power than you expected! And sometimes you say, "Ahh, wait a minute, give this to me in small pieces." I have heard by my beloved friend and teacher, the one you know as Judith, say, "Wait a second. I don't need the whole overflow with everything.” And that is okay. One piece at a time, one breath at a time.

You have, hear me well, programmed, a lifetime - this lifetime - to be of joy; to be of happiness; to be of discovery; to go different places; to interact with different ones; to say things that you wonder, "Where did that come from? You know, I was really more wise than I thought I could be."

As you sit with what has been transpiring and you look at the gifting, in the gifts that that appear. "Oh, really?" I've heard you all say that, in one essence or another "Oh, really?" And that is good. Because you can surprise the limited self from the inner oversoul of you. And it will happen. They will come knocking on the door of your consciousness until you take a deep breath and say "Oh, okay. there must be a gift in this. There must be a truth that I either don't want to hear or I don't believe I can hear."

And yes, you set for yourself the most wonderful gifts of experiences to go places to travel and to see parts of the world that you have not seen before, so it seems.

Not true, but so it seems -- to leave ones that you think, "I haven't met this one before." And yes, of course, you have. Everyone who comes to you is a friend from this lifetime or another lifetime. There are no accidents. You are calling to the ones who have the next piece of wisdom to share with you. And if you don't pick up on it right away, it will come back. "Oh!   That's really good, because sometimes I'm not wise enough to pick up on it the first time. And so yeah, I liked the repetition. It's okay, Jeshua."

As you have agreed, it will come back to you, so that you get another opportunity to look for the richness in it. Because every situation, every encounter has a gift in it for you. And sometimes it's quite obvious. "Oh, I really liked that person. We have such fun together. We're always laughing." But sometimes, you say, "I don't want to go and see that person. They're always so morose. Everything is down. I don't like the energy."

Well, think you, and hear me well, you are the teacher, in some situations, to come bounding into relationship that seems to be heavy, and say, "Hey, lighten up!" Maybe in those words, maybe not in those words, but to be the presence of Light wherever you go. Because your fellow brothers and sisters are searching for Light. They want to know "What is good about life?"

They won't put it maybe in that way. But they may be feeling like, "Gee, you know, I've made some mistakes in this life. I thought X, Y and Z but no. Maybe X. Not Y. Certainly not Z. No, no." And yet every encounter has a gift in it. So do not be too quick to shut it out. Allow it to come to be what it is. And to say, "Okay, there must be something deeper." And there always is. Because this is how you bring it to yourself; how you give it to yourself. You dress it up or down. And you say, "I want to know why." Have you ever asked why? Of course, there is no one walking this earth that has not said in essence, "Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing? I thought this was going to be a playground. I thought I would just take incarnation and I would have fun with it.

And you know, some of it has been fun. But most of it has been a struggle." But know you the truth. The truth is, every encounter, every situation has a gift in it for you as you will look with some humor, some light heartedness.

I have seen this happen with my beloved friend and teacher. "Oh, no, not that. No!" And then it turns out, she sees another side of it. "Hey, you know, that was really fun. I’m really glad I encountered that situation, that person, etc." Look at all the experiences, the situations that I have come through." And yes, she did come to the doorstep of exiting the physical life. And yes, she did choose most voraciously to keep on living the human life. She came to that doorway, the threshold, and she said, "No, I want to stay here!" And the obvious that was being shown to the experts was that she was on her way, finished. She said "I have more to do. I have more friends that I want to interact with. Some friends I haven't even met yet. I want to meet them. There has to be more."

Those of you who are hearing this message, and you know who you are, you can take it deeply within and know that truly, you are always in control of your life: As to how long it's going to be, who you are going to interact with, what giftings you're going to see. And if you don't see it the first time, and you have experienced this, it will come back and replay so that you get a chance to look at it in a different way. A way to look at something and say, "Oh, well, there must be love in here somewhere. Oh, you mean I'm supposed to give love? Oh, I thought it was the other way around."

And then there is that Aha where the light turns on. "Okay, I will smile through it." And everyone is going to wonder, "What is he/she smiling about?" And they will sometimes come up to you and they will say, "You know, appearances look. . How can you be happy with that?" Well, as long as there is breath in the body, and life going forward, count it all good. Celebrate it. Know that truly, every day is a gift that you give to yourself, even if it feels like S-H-I-T. And there are days when you encounter either occurrences or maybe another person who seems to be really down about something and you feel the energy that say "No, I don't want that energy." And yet there is a reason, a calling, for you to be with that person and to be happy to show them that yes, there can still be the smile on the face and a little bit of humor. You are very good at this, bringing to others the smile.

All of you so gathered in this afternoon evening, you are the healers. This has been said to you many times. And at first you looked upon it as the physical healing and yes, that is often a byproduct that comes along. But the healing has to do with the awareness of self, capital "S", and knowing that truly you are dancing through life, not having to struggle, not always feeling that it is the upward climb. For indeed sometimes you are on top of the mountain. You have been there, you know that feeling where the perspective you have felt: "I can see forever from this place!" Both physically, you have done this, and spiritually: "I can see - even if it's just faintly - where this path is taking me, where this life is taking me. And it is good!" What a surprise!

You have orchestrated - hear me well - you have orchestrated this life as a gift to yourself. And you're still in process of unwrapping it. So, unwrap, enjoy, be in anticipation of "What more can I experience? What is the gift in this? How can I share this gift with others and put a smile perhaps upon their face, or at least a little piece of hope that they can say there is something to be hopeful about for, if you have hope, “there must be something that I am missing. So therefore, I want what you have. I want to have a smile on the face."

And you know how to give. You never had to give to another one. The hope that yes, there is sunshine. It is not all crashing of thunder, lightning: All of the incidences that seem to be difficult. There can be good. There can be your friend who will smiled at you. And you will see that smile and know that yes, "They see my light. I don't see it but they do." And that is the most beautiful gift of all.

All of you so gathered this afternoon and others that you will be interacting with, feel the gift of healing because you see them as whole. Perhaps not in the physicality, but in the spiritual. And you know that every lifetime has purpose. Every lifetime is, as you are finding out and as you are living it, it is in the gifting that you come alive. That you personally, as you see yourself to be individual, are allowed to give. And that, in itself, is a miracle.

"Jeshua, you mean, I have something to give, something to share?" Of course you do. All of you have the smile. "But I don't feel like smiling." All of you have the opportunity to have the joke book, and to have it in your hip pocket. And if everything is of heaviness, you pull out the joke book, and you say "Have you heard this one?", and they will say, “Don't bother me." And you will say, "There was this man who was walking down the road. ." And there is a lesson, simple as it is, this says life is good. Because you would not - hear this well - you would not have chosen the physicality, the lifetime that you are now living, if you did not know there was reason and purpose behind it. You would have passed it by, it would not have appealed to you.

But on the spirit level, spiritual level, you have known there is an essence of happiness in it, of joy of spirit. And you have said, “I want to feel that again.” Because truly you have had lifetimes - that is not something new for you and your belief system. Yes, you've had other lifetimes, and you've had lifetimes that seemed most devastating.

And yet, here you are, you're still living, moving, breathing, thinking, hoping that yes, the spirit will overcome all of the human depression. Human depression is an act. It is the second act of the play. Thank God, it is the second because there's always a third act.

That is the final realization that says, "Hey, you know, that was really tough to come through. I didn't think I was going to get through it. I thought. . But you know, here I am. And the sun is shining, happy to have me with them. There must be something good in this lifetime." And there is!

You have a gift to share. Each and every one of you, you have a gift that you took ownership of before the birthing and said "I am going to share this with others whether they want it or not." Because there are going to be ones that are going to come into your sphere of influence, who say, "Oh, she's crazy. She believes in the good of life. And look at what happened to her. She's been orphaned. She's been in an automobile accident. She's had X, Y and Z happen to her. If I had that happen to me. ." And they go on in great dramatization of it. And yet they see the smile on your face. They see that you are actually healthy in this lifetime. "Huh? How can he/she the happy in this lifetime? Look at how poor she is. She doesn't have a whole lot of money. Look at how incapacitated physically she is. She has to have the walking sticks to be able to walk. And yet she's happy. How can she be happy?" And it gets one to thinking, to expanding the understanding the vista of life and the gifts in it. And sometimes, most often, in fact, the gifts come when you're least expecting them. And you look at them, "Where does that come from? Hey, I see things differently now." Have you ever said that? Of course you have. Because now, there's another aspect that you hadn't taken into account before. And now you see, "Oh, okay. It has meaning it has purpose. That's what that was all about!" Sometimes it takes a whole lifetime. Sometimes it will take more than one lifetime. Have patience. This is one thing I have said over and over to one: Patience, my dear. Have patience.

It is a quality that will serve you well, Breathe. Have patience. For, in essence, everything, everything that you call reality, even lowercase "r", has the gift in it of joy. You may have to really search for it. You have to maybe put aside old teachings and say, "Oh, I see that differently. I was taught, my parents said, all of my friends said, that X, Y and Z is wrong. And that I would suffer from believing it." "I see things differently now." And that is the beginning of joy.

Because in truth, as you are birthed, even into physicality, there is a gifting that comes with you. And it is the gift of joy, a lifetime of possibility of joy. And sometimes you have found it. Sometimes it has come right up in your face, you say, "Hey, I feel so good. I'm glad that happened." Other times you're said, "I don't think I see any joy in that." And yet, there is always - hear this well - an essence of joy in every situation. Even if it is just you arising to the occasion, to say to the other one, "It is okay. This too shall pass." And you know that from your own experience, that yes, you could be in the depths of despair, the depths of thinking, "There's no good in the world. Nobody is going to love me. Nothing is ever going to go right." And then someone comes along and says to you, "Hey, you know, I really like you. Every time you open your mouth, you say a piece of, of wisdom that uplifts me." And you say, "Huh? Where does that come from?" And you question.

But it is you. Because there is much more to you than what you have acknowledged heretofore. And you would say, "But Jeshua I am 93 years old. I think I have been there, done that, seen everything. And a lot of it was a mess." Have patience. In your 94th year, you are going to come alive. "What?" It can be, and will be, true, as you allow it to be.

You will come forth and you will say "Life is good. I have a friend; I am a friend."

Jeshua: The Christ of You - Parts 2, 3, 4: Bringing Revelation and Understanding

When you move from that place of "I have" to the place where "I am", everything takes on a new light. You have been there; you have felt this. No one escapes from life without knowing the light that can be in the lifetime. No one will escape into the darkness and stay there forever. Hear that well. You are the light. You bring your light to every situation. And if it is with a smile on the face that says "Well, I'm play acting; I don't really feel this happy." Play act! Bring it forth. Allow others to feel the upliftment of the smile. A little humorous story perhaps. All of you, hear me well. I did this and it works.

Have a story that you can share with one who may be feeling that there is no good in a lifetime. Why keep on breathing? There are ones who are feeling that they have been there done this, everything, and there has been no joy. And they're wondering, "Why was I told before the incarnation that there would be joy and happiness: I just haven't seen it." There's your clue. You have not seen it. And it has been all around you, in opportunity, all the time. If - we have said this many times - If you want the gift of love, give it. If you want the gift of friendship, give it. If you want the knowing that life is good, live it. Live it with that knowing that, “Yes, I am not here by accident and no one in the incarnation is here by accident. "Oh, yes, Jeshua, I didn't know what I was asking for." Well, play act for the first act of the whole play. Take on a role. Know that, "Okay, I'm just play acting." And after a while it will become second nature. And then first nature. And you will say, "You know, that's kinda fun. I was with a group of friends. And I said something funny. And I didn't know it was funny. But they all started laughing. And then I looked at it again. And I understood where they were coming from. And yes, it was humorous. And yes, Ha, how did I know that?" Accept it. Be open to it. Live life with a love of life. For truly, it has been a gift that you give to yourself. It is a gift to run in the fields. It is a gift to run into the first wave of the ocean. Know you how that feels? And if you don't, I suggest you try it. Look at that vast ocean, it's like, Oh, my goodness. And then get the toes wet. And then perhaps up to the knee. "Oh, but Jeshua it's gonna knock me over." And if it does, what will happen?  "Oh, I'll sit down on the sand and I'll get sand in my bottom." So, is that a big deal?

Do not take yourself so seriously! Play as a divine holy child that you are.

Everything that you create is there for you to enjoy. To be in joy with it? To know how creative you can be? And that you are? And if you get to the place where you say, "No, no, I created that whole mess. I don't like it." Change it? How do you change it? "I don't know. Jeshua. That's a problem. I don't know how to change it." You put a smile on the face. And others will wonder what is he/she smiling about? "They're a poor beggar.

They're there on the street. They don't have a roof over their head. They don't know where their next meal is coming from. How can they smile?" They know that as they smile, it is a gift that they can give to another one. And another one will want the company of that one. The smile, the healing touch. And he will want to give back. Maybe it takes a day or two or a little longer in time, but you are the maker of time. And you can speed it up knowing that you are the one who creates. Being of the essence of the Creator, the divine Creator, which you are, take that deeply within the heart of you, the knowing of you. You are the extension of the Creator, capital "C", otherwise you would not have life. If you are the extension of the Creator and you're creating your life as you go along, change it! Put a smile on the face and others will come up to you and they wonder "What are you smiling at? What is there something to be happy about?" And you share with them. You share your friendship with them. If they are needing a meal, you take them and you buy them a meal or prepare a meal in your home for them. Or if they are looking for the meal of affirmation, in other words, "Yes, you are really worthwhile.

You are a divine human being." You may not put it in those words, but you say to them, "You have qualities, abilities that we need."

"I don't have anything, Jeshua." Yes, you do. And you find something to compliment them on to bring to their awareness. You have done this many times. All of you have done this many times. Maybe not in so many words. But you have looked upon another one and smiled. And they have wondered "What is she smiling at? There's nothing good here." And you have smiled and you have said something to them. And you have asked maybe a question of them. "Why does she want to know what I think. I'm not worthy, but she thinks maybe I have an answer." You change someone's life at that moment. You have done this. You have said, "Oh, well, she was just a friend of mine. And she just needed a little affirmation that things are going to be okay." Yes, she needed that. Yes, you gave her that. Yes, you looked at her and you truly saw her, or him. And you saw the essence of possibility - probability. And from that is birthed the reality.

All of you are the magicians, the ones who look a little deeper to find the essence, the Christ essence of each one, the goodness, that is just waiting to be shared. All of you have done this. You have looked upon a friend who seemed to be suffering and seemed to be down on self. And you have said, whether it was conscious or, quite often, not conscious, but it just came out as a truth. And you have pointed out some aspect of them that they maybe hadn't recognized or hadn't taken into account as being worthwhile. Even the smile, that works wonders. And you have seen this. Ones come into your presence, and they are feeling like, "I don't know why I'm still drawing breath. I don't know why I'm still here." And you have smiled at them. And they have done a double take, and thought, "Why does he smile at me?" Is maybe my zipper undone?' or some human thing. They smile at you because they recognize the potential of worth. It is there, perhaps unrecognized. And yet you recognize it. You come up to them, and you start talking with them, smiling. And they think, well, she must think she sees something here that I don't see. "Why is she talking to me? I'm not worth it. But I'll play as perhaps I am." And you get them to play, you get them to moving into that role. And "Hey, you know, it's easy, that role feels really easy. I like the space of being friend of being 'have a smile on the face' happy. Maybe I'll do it again." They have been on a path. And you have said, "Why don't you try this one?" without saying the words. Because you have looked deeper to see the value of the essence of them. Everyone you meet, no matter what the outward appearance is, has the Christ essence. Otherwise, they would not have physicality. They would not have birth. The physicality, in its essence, is a miracle.

Know you, there have been studies made of this, your scientists, how many eggs a female can produce in a lifetime? How many of them are then fertilized to the place where there can be living form? How many of those living forms get birthed into living essence, to be on two feet? Or if it is a beloved pet on four feet, whatever, to take life experience. It is a miracle. And yet, you say, "Oh well."

This right now, this time we spend together is a time of Oneness. It is a time of knowing heart to heart, the essence of goodness. Even if, when you walked in the door of this room, you felt like "Well, you know, I'm 99% good. But there's a part of me that doesn't really know everything. But I put on a good act. I act as if I might know. And if I don't know, I'll say well I know how to find out", which is a good, good way of doing things. If you don't know on the top of the head, I'll find out for you. That is valuable. In other words, you have not stopped. You have not gone along the pathway and then "Oh, I can't go any farther." You have allowed the opening for yourself, and for others, to see that truly life is ongoing, whether it is with physicality, or Spirit, you are always living. " Ah. I didn't know that Jeshua. I thought when the physicality died, that was the end of me." I have news for you, you have played more than you know, as the essence, the ghost, perhaps, who came into the house as a strong breeze and changed everything in the room, you have wanted to know your power. So, you have played. Keep on playing. It does a body good. And the essence as well.

Now, beloved ones, it has been my great joy to meet with you this way to be able to play with the ideas of the mind and to take them to the place of the heart that knows that I AM love, I AM Joy, I AM friendship. I AM. And I am enjoying the outward experience of it. Live every day as if it is a gift to you. Because it is.

Ones of you sometimes will come to the place where there is possibility of going on, as you call it, of exiting the physicality. And you have said, as my beloved friend and teacher said, " No, not yet. I have more things to do yet to bring into the physical manifestation. No!" And your word is law. "Wow, Jeshua, I didn't know I was that powerful." Your word, your decision, your knowing of life essence is powerful. You are in charge. "Really, I thought that little pieces of dis-ease within my body were in charge." No. Other way around: You are in charge of them. And if you are not wanting to go along with what seems to be the determination of that pathway, rise up. You are the essence of God, Goddess, All That Is. You are the essence of God, Goddess, All That Is, otherwise you would not be. Take it to heart. Live life!

So be it.

Beloved ones, already you have felt the Holy Spirit of you. You walk with it. You bring it in when you come in. It is here. You are here. It goes with you everywhere – the Holy Spirit. W-h-o-l-e – that has been abbreviated, shortened down through the ages to holy meaning sacred, which of course it is. But you are the ones who are w-h-o-l-e. You are the ones who know your righteous being. And that is why you have been drawn to each other. Drawn to this place that you hope maybe will give you a little insight. Well, I have news for you. It is going to be a big insight. Because truly you have asked for it. You are ready for it. You are wanting it. You are hungry and thirsting and asking, “I want to know who I am. I want to know why I am. I want to know what I am supposed to be doing.

A familiar question that I, Jeshua ben Joseph, hear from you is, “Jeshua, what am I doing here? Why am I here? Why did I choose this life?” Sometimes when you are in a quandary as to what to do, where to go, who to talk to, what book to read, It is because you want to know the whole self – w-h-o-l-e – but also behind that the holy self. The holy self which has chosen one more time to come and to live from the holy self into the whole human self.

And so sometimes you have been wondering, “Why did I ask for this?” Why do I have this challenge?” In truth, the holy self of you has called it forth in order to know your power, your oneness, your whole self – w-h-o-l-e self – which is here to play. To be able to example to the brothers and sisters, the greatness of the holy self come to be/ bring it into the example and the demonstration of human and what it means to be human. And you are bringing this into an awakening for the human is not separate from the holy self. The human is an extension of the holy self. And when you reach that place of realizing you can be nowhere separate from the holy self, there is a sense of relief, a sense of joy, a sense of celebration. And you look upon all life, every form of life, and you know, “This is who I am.”

In truth, the holy self knows all the different means of exampling light. For indeed you have been the beloved pet. And you have been in situations where you were dearly, dearly loved. And where when you extinguished the life force in a certain form you were missed dearly. But in truth, you very soon (as you do with the human life), you have taken on form again to play.

Now, many of you, and the brothers and sisters, especially at this time are feeling the challenge of you, feeling, “Why did I choose this?” And I will share with you, and you can share it with them, it is because of completion. There has been in the back of the extension of the holy self, a feeling of not quite complete. “There's something that I still want to know, to feel.” And you have brought forth form to play, to example how the God Self of you wants to be in joy. Wants to be the sunshine of the soul and brings out every challenge in order to see through it. Not to see, “Oh my god, how I suffer.” And I see you all do this – “how am I going to get through” whatever you are facing. You are going to get through it because you are the one manifesting it. And at any time, when you say, “Okay, I am finished with that,” it will be done. There is no one and no thing that has power over you.

“Wow, Jeshua, I thought that society, I thought the rules and regulations.” Yes, they are there for your guidance as to how the world is functioning. And to see the holiness of the world even amidst all of what seems to be turmoil. And to look for – and this is happening more and more – the example of the Christ walking as the human and seeing beyond. That is the challenge that you have set for yourself. And you will bring a small one into your circle of love and you see that yes, there is love walking on four feet. There is love walking on two feet. There is love in the air as there is the winged ones.

There is love in the sea and the water everywhere. And it is because you have asked for it.

You have said, “I will bring it to my consciousness, so that I can see myself.” Not the small self, but the big self exampling life in all of its forms. So, when you see the small pet, you have felt in this evening and other times, you have felt the heart opening. You have felt, “That's a cute little one.” And it is. But is more than that. It is your teacher to bring to you the opening of your heart. And to know, “I have walked as that form.” And you have. “I have walked as the big gorilla,” you call it. “And I have walked as this small ant, termite, the worm of the dust in order to know all of life forms and how it feels to be down here looking up and to be up and looking down and to a walk this earth.” And we will go one step further, “Other planetary bodies as well, to know what I can bring forth.”

And when you come to the place of realizing, knowing that you are the essence of divinity, you are the essence of the example of wholeness, holiness okay, then you begin to see yourself in the tiniest flower. You begin to see yourself as the termite. You see yourself as sometimes the small ones that live on the animals, and then they come and they live on you. Yes. And you say, “Oh, that's a teeny tiny bit. Why are you doing so to me?” It's always a “to me – you are doing this to me.” Okay, because you are asking to know the whole – w-h-o-l-e – self. And in seeing the w-h-o-l-e, you're beginning to see the holy self, to see just how manifesting you can be.

And sometimes I have heard you, “Oh, Jeshua, why am I manifesting this?” Take the deep breath. Stop for a moment. And bless it and say, “Okay, another part of the holy self.” And if it is part that you do not want to be exampling or demonstrating, then you can say, “I bless you. Thank you for coming and saying hello, one more time. But now you can be gone.” And when you say, “Be gone,” it will leave you if you believe it will go. And it will.

You are the manifester of your life. You are bringing forth what you have felt in this evening of being with other ones who are of like mind and of like searching. And you have said, “I want to know my other parts. I want to be able to feel free and to reach out and give the hug. And to know that the other one is going to be feeling that they want to be in that embrace, in the place that says, I accept you just as you are. I don't care that you didn't put clean socks on. It’s okay. I am not going to be falling in love with your feet” – or you might. Not to worry.

You are having the most wondrous lifetime. This lifetime you are encapsulating all you have known by the demonstration and other lifetimes where you thought, “Oh, how I suffer.” And now you can look back on that and you say, “Well, I'm glad I know the whole self – w-h-o-l-e. Now I know what a good actress/actor I am.” And yes, you are. You bring forth all kinds of situations in order to see, “How does this feel? Do I want to abide here? Or am I going to look upon and bless every example of the Christ living a human life,” because that is who and what you are. You are the Christ, walking on the two feet, sometimes the four feet, sometimes on no feet at all as you see the winding one. You are the example of God Self exampling life in all of its forms, even the small little things. And sometimes they get upon the body of the furry one, or upon your body. And you know the flea that abides from time to time on all living things. And you say, “This is not your home. Be gone.” And it has to be gone.

You bring to yourself what is called the beloved pet. Why do you do that?

Because it opens the heart. Exactly. You look upon the beloved pet and you know, “I have walked on the four feet. I have crawled. I have flown. I have tried every form of life

And you can say yes, I use my imagination. And yes, it is a tool that you have built in. A most wondrous gift that some of your fellow brothers and sisters are using not to their edification and not to their joy but to imagine all kinds of things that could seemingly harm them. And yet, there is nothing – I say this to you; I hope you take it very deeply within – nothing that can harm you unless you have the belief that something is going to do you in. Nothing is going to do you in. In fact, it might be a blessing if it will do you in and get you out of that tunnel vision.

You can imagine. You have been to your collections of animals, different forms of, of living forms, called a zoo. You have seen the different forms that truly you have exampled already. There is nothing – no thing, no person, no example – that you have not known, been and lived. So, everything you can imagine, yes, you've been there, done that. And it is good. You are now living – most of you – the human life. And the small ones on four feet, they are sometimes looking up and questioning, “Why are you doing that? Why not just put my bowl of food down for me

You are not separate. All life is joined. So, therefore, allow yourself to bless it, and to know that truly, “There go I as I would understand previous lifetimes”. All of you have had many previous lifetimes. “I have known how it feels with the four feet, or how to weave my way around, or how to use the wings and to look down upon everything.” To behold the works of creation that you have put there in front of you as you look upon it. So, behold the wonders that you have brought forth. And call them wonders. Do not call them plagues. They are something that you have manifested in order to prove to yourself that you are God energy in form manifesting at all times. And in truth, there is nothing that is going to harm you.

When I was upon the cross, it was not” being done unto me.” In other words, there were spikes that ones used for the hands and feet to keep me on the cross, seemingly. And I could tune into the human self. And I did for an instant or so and decided, “No, don't think I'll stay there.” Good for a moment of “Oh, you know, it is most wondrous the human life.” And it is. But it is not to have to abide with the pain, or with the sorrow, or with a little slice of what seems to be human. Because human life in all of its forms is a blessing, a gift that you give to yourself in order to know the wholeness – w-h-o-l-e ness – and the holiness – h-o-l-i-ness – of life form, life expression.

You are here in this evening. You are here in this evening because you want to hear – h-e-a-r. You want to know the totality of what you can manifest. Where you have been. Who you have been. How you have been in what you see to be past times. So, you look upon the beloved pet and you say, “Well, maybe – I hope the families were, were really loving to me. I hope they…” And sometimes they did. And sometimes you said, “Well, I want to feel how it feels to be unloved and you have allowed that feeling for a short time. Or perhaps it was longer because you said, “I am stronger than that. And life is stronger.”

You do it in order to know the Godself of you. And when you come to be in love with every form, you know your god essence. And you bring it forth in order to be in joy, to be in j-o-y. Happiness. And to be able to smile on the smallest and largest form of life. Sometimes you will come as a beloved pet – and I have seen this happen with all of you as you took upon yourself in some lifetime the beloved pet – and the beloved pet will make such a mess in the house. They will do their thing in the most sacred of places; what you think is sacred. And you have to clean it up. Oh, no. But you also have done the same and have asked, “Will you still love me?” And after you get through cleaning up, you say, “Oh, okay, you're really worth it. I love you.” And it is returned. Sometimes, as with humans, the four-footed ones will test you, will do the most outstanding ugliness for you to see. “Will you still love me if I make a pile of you know what in the corner?” And yes, you're not happy, maybe about cleaning it up, but you still love them.

And I know that you understand what I'm saying. There were many in my lifetime, the ones who wanted to see me – I was a troublemaker – wanted to see me out of their realm of existence. They wanted me to go to a foreign country or they wanted me to expire on the Christ cross. And I did that. Because it was part of the overall plan to show that the decease-ment of the physical form is not the end. And you have all felt this. You have come to the place where you have said, “I don't like this life, I'm going to end it all.” And you have cut the throat. And you have said, “But I'm still aware of what's happening.” Yes. You are the God self. You are the one who is making the demonstration. You are the one who is putting together all of the pieces. And if you do not like the pieces, stop, breathe, change. You are able to do that. You are God in essence having a human existence. So, stop fussing.

I say this to my beloved friend and teacher, the one you know as Judith. You are God in essence so stop fussing about different things. And behold, the wonders of nature, the wonders of the beloved pet. Aw, you saw the beloved little black thing that walked in and out here. And she can be a bit of a teacher, a good teacher. There are times when she will be very, very loving, and sit upon my lap. And she will even talk to me because she knows that I am within and around anyway. So, we have a good relationship. But sometimes, you know, she can be a bit of a questioning – the same as you. The same as some of you humans who are having a lifetime without the fur. Well, some of you have the fur (the beard).

So beloved ones, enjoy. Be in joy. Celebrate joy. Bring it into every day as you understand the Allness of you. Not just the testing as you call it – the trials and tribulations. I have seen you all, either this lifetime or another lifetime, where you have tribulated to the nth degree. You have said, “I suffer, I suffer,” and you have even called to me and blamed me for your suffering. Now, beloved ones, I am not responsible for your suffering. You can do it if you want to. Get into it. Really live it to the most extent of vibration. Or say, “Okay, been there, done that. Enough already. I will shout to the heavens and then I'll be done.”

And I have seen my beloved friend and teacher, the one you know as Judith, do this at the top of her voice. This was some, some years ago, but it's still there in her memory. And it still can be called forth, if there is a sufficient prodding. You know whereof I speak.

Now sometimes, and you can look upon the brothers and sisters, and especially even at this time where there are ones who are quote “out of work,” out of receiving the payment that then can be exchanged for human comfort. And they are experiencing because they choose to know completion. They choose to know in another lifetime or this lifetime and say, “I know how that feels. I've been there, done that. But I also could see a light.” And many of ones are waking up in this lifetime because of the trials as you call down and tribulations. Because of the prodding of the self to know, “I am manifesting this. And if I'm manifesting this homelessness, it must be for a purpose. Maybe there's another one, that I am to uplift.” And by uplifting another one, there is also a healing that happens within.

So, when you see ones seemingly suffering, and they are asking for your help, give as you are led to do. But do not feel guilty if you do not give because they are as powerful at demonstrating as you are. And what they are demonstrating serves a purpose for them – and for you, as you understand it. So, take your deep breath, breathe of the God Self and say, “Guide me. What do I need to do? And is there anything that I need to do?” And sometimes there will be an answer. Other times there will be, “It will be shown to you later,” and this does come

You are very good at manifesting. You are very good at looking farther, deeper, knowing that truly there is nothing and no thing, no person who can harm you. You may take a message from something that is done and you think you are being harmed. But in Truth you are only being given an opportunity to see it in wholeness, to look a little farther and say, “That one is not really seeing me. That one is in a place of wanting to know their holy/holiness.” And so, they are acting out their unhappiness and you do what you are guided to do. It may be to give them the golden coins, or it may be to walk with him for a while and say, “You know this life is not too bad.” “Oh, yes it is. You try being on the streets for a week, a day, even a day.” And you say, “How can we change that?” And the operative word in there is “we.” How can “we” change that? Because there is no separation.

Everyone you meet is you, in essence, wanting to know the holy self, wanting to know love, acceptance, and encouragement. Know you the meaning of the word encouragement? It means to be in the heart – and core. To be in the heart and to understand from that vantage point, the oneness. So, you give to other ones the smile, maybe the tangible thing that they can understand in a language, the monetary help in certain language. Or you say, “I'm on my way to this restaurant that I just found and they have really good food. Why don't you come with me?” And so, part of you is saying, “I can't take this one into the restaurant. What are they going to think?” And then you say, “Hmm. It’s okay, I can do this.” And you do. And yes, the person you are helping is changed because you have extended love. But you are changed in your understanding of who and what you are. And your power to make a decision that might not be easy. But you can do it and you survive it. And you know that, “There but for my understanding of life, go I. I've been there. “And you feel good.

And so, you reach out. And if they are of your type – they have the white skin perhaps they have the dark skin, they have the fur, they have all kinds of language, all kinds of understanding because they have come through different molding and shaping. And you see the God essence of them. And you smile. Know you the power of the smile. Sometimes you do not need words, but the smile will do wonders. You know this. You have tried it. It works. And it feels very strange. But it also feels very powerful because you have done something that then changed how the other one felt.

Beloved one you are making for yourself the most wondrous gift, the gift of human life. You have in past times made for yourself the life of the snail that would go very slowly – no feet, but would be able to have movement and have the house on the back. You have known how to be the furry one that jumped from tree to tree, known as the squirrel. You have been the bird that said, “I will land in the tree for a moment but then I will take off because I have the momentum.” You have often chosen the winged form because you wanted to see the whole picture, w-h-o-l-e. And yes, there have been times when as the four-footed furry one very small you have looked for the hole, h-o-l- e, that you could climb into and be safe. You’ve known life in all of it forms, all of its extensions. And you have blessed every one with your knowing of the God Self of you.

Beloved one, you are a joy to be with. You are a joy to watch and to walk with you throughout this example of your life. You are all doing very well with it because you are bringing forth things that seem to be so big as challenge in other lifetimes – traveling to other countries, learning other language, finding new friends in situations where you thought, “I'm alone. Who is going to help me?” And then you have found ones who wanted to help. And this lifetime you have been the one to help, to befriend and to open your heart, your home, your friendship to another one. You have said, “There go I,” as you looked upon another one.

And that was quite a revelation of the Christ. “There go I.” Yes. Because in Truth, each one as you have accepted the seemingly separate form from other ones who are running around talking, having fun one way or another, you are the essence of the Allness. You have said that you will come and you will display the attributes of human in this lifetime. There have been many other lifetimes where you have said, ‘I want to try being the slithering snake, I want to be the bird up in the high tree watching this snake. I want to be the bird that flies everywhere with a seeming freedom.”

So, you have known as I speak of certain examples of life, you can identify. And yes, you can feel it because you have been there, done that. You know how it feels. And that is very good because you have come to a place of Godhood, the place of knowing the Allness of your being as you were exampling the seeming separation. And sometimes the separation has felt very strange because you have remembered the holiness, the Allness of you. And you have said, “But this doesn't feel like me in the separation as the separate one. Why not?” Then you have asked, “What's wrong with me? Why am I feeling different feelings than what the brothers and sisters may be exampling?” It is because you have been there, done that, completed.

You are, beloved one, Christ on two feet. Allow yourself to behold Christ on four feet. Allow yourself to be the Christ that watches the one who will weave their way through life without feet. Allow yourself to know the one that uses the power of the wind to sail through life. You are the manifester and the understander of life in all of its forms. And there are times when it will overwhelm you to a place of, “Oh my God, how great Thou art.” Have you ever felt that? And you have stopped in your tracks because you have seen something. That's how great life is, how great love is: “How great I am when I am one with another one and with the love of another one.” And when you do that, when you come to that place of oneness, there is the most wonderous smile that goes across the face. And you – the eyes light up truly from the soul from the inner self and you know oneness as the Christ walking the human life.

You are the Christ having a human lifetime. And when you are happiest is when you are exampling the Christ of you. When you are looking at another one and you are saying, “I really love you. You are so stupid. I love you.” Now I know you've never done that. Yes, you have, but it is in love. And you know the oneness that allows you to be in a place of understanding another one because you know the feelings of another one. You have been there. But you also know there's something beyond that. And that is what set you on the path of realizing, making real in your knowing that you are this, the human, and more.

In Truth, beloved ones, I did not suffer on the cross. I went in one second of time to the place of feeling the pain and was, “Oh, my God, why do ones want to feel this?” And so, I took myself out of the body and watched – which you can do and which you have done sometimes. Where you have stood apart from what was going on around you and said, “Why are they acting that way?” And then there was the “Aha, oh, yeah. I've been there. Done that. You know, it didn't feel good. I don't think I'll go there again.” But you understand. You know. So, count every experience in life as being valuable because it allows you to know oneness with the exampling of it when there are other ones who are living that, that drama. Know, “Yes, I've been there. I've understood the impetus to get there. I have thought that was going to be my way out of it. But it wasn't. And I think I like it better on this side.” And you have come to a realization that you are the maker of your own experience and you are the judge and jury and so forth of what you are experiencing. And if you want to take from it the best love, the best teaching of it, is to know that “Yes, I can turn every bit of pain into love.”

And there are a lot of times in this human lifetime when you will feel confusion. “Why are they acting that way towards me, I didn't mean for them to get so upset at that.” You may have the beloved mate and all of a sudden, something you said, set them off. And they're really upset about that. And they're telling me and reading my whole history, okay. And, “I didn't mean it – not the way they took it.” And it happens. When I speak of that you say, “Yeah, I thought I was being perfectly clear that I wasn't blaming them. But they took it that way.” Know you they took it that way because there was a feeling of oneness with that that said, “Yeah, I've been there. I've done that.” And it has nothing to do with you. You just happen to throw out the trigger, as you call it. And ones had a chance to experience it one more time. And come through it to be completed with it.

So, count it all as good. Count it all as, “Oh, a different way to see that. Okay. I wasn't seeing it from that point of view.” And take the deep breath. In the human life, the most wondrous gift you can give to yourself is the deep breath. To take that deep breath and be able to stand back from something and say, “Oh, well, maybe they didn't mean it the way I took it.” And they probably didn't. Sometimes yes, they did. But sometimes even if they did mean it, it was part of the holy self saying, “Look at this.

Forgive – give love for in place of what you have felt to be a trigger.”

You are all very good actors and actresses. You have studied on the stage of life many times. You have played every role and you have played every role to the hilt. “I'm going to be the best at this.” And you are you are very good at, “This is how it is.” You pound on something and then you come to a place of, “Well that didn't feel very good.” Ever done that? Oh, yes, I understand. My beloved friend and teacher, the one you know as Judith, she has done that too. And realized, “I didn’t really have to do that.” And it is part of the human learning experience that truly, I can take a deep breath. I can wait for it to settle in because sometimes it doesn't – the peace does not come on the first deep breath. And so, you have to take another one and another one. And maybe 50 of them. And then you come to the place where you're over optimally oxygenated. Yes, right. And you say, I have to sit down for a while. Okay. There is a lesson in all of that. A healing in all of that.

Beloved ones, you are the love of the Father/Mother/God/Goddess/All That Is come to this planet earth to have a human experience, or a four-footed one or a winged one. To know that you are life with a capital L and to enjoy, to be in joy, with life. To enjoy (her favorite word) to know joy with everything that happens. You are the makers of your reality, the lowercase “r.” You are living your Reality with a capital “R” for the joy of it. To know that truly, “I am home, having a human experience. And I love me. I love my body. I love what I have manifested – to be able to walk around, to be able to reach out and hug.”

Know you the joy? Yes, you do of hugging another one. And the smile that comes on the face because you have seen the heart. Felt the heart open.

You are love walking on two feet. The same as this little one (the cat) is love walking on four feet. The same as the birds that you see in the trees, they are flying in love. And they are living a life of their own, as you have done to experience all – to know. So, when you see the various forms of life, know that, “Yes, I have been there.

Done that. And I know my freedom. I know my God Essence. And I share it with the brothers and sisters in the hugs, in the smiles, in the words of wisdom and the open heart. I walk with every one of my brothers and sisters as them. And I know what is termed redemption. In other words, redeeming that which could be viewed as not whole – w-h-o-l-e – knowing that “Truly I am the wholeness, the holiness that I see. I am the teacher. I am the Savior.”

So be it.

- Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)

in expression through Judith

PDFPDFs Part 2 here, Part 3 here and Part 4 here

Jesus/Jeshua channeled by Judith Coates
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