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Jeshua Reveals Two Major Obstacles

Jeshua Reveals Two Major Obstacles

Dear friends, I am Jeshua, your brother and kindred spirit. I am here with an abundance of love that I connect deeply with the love in your awakened heart.

You have awakened to a more conscious reality even as you are living here on Earth, and that is very special. It is possible to spend many lives on Earth without true inner awakening because you are always consumed by the need for survival – you are caught in this perpetual struggle. Many of the lives you have led as a soul on Earth, especially in the initial phase of your development here, were about getting used to living in the earthly reality.

You are becoming familiar with the energy on Earth, with the opposite energies of fear and joy, dark and light; you have discovered the wide play of emotions in the deepest sense. Shades of dark and light affect your mood and move you as a living, feeling being. And this experience is very intense for a soul who needs to learn about being here, because the soul has emerged from more equable celestial spheres.

Life as a human being on Earth can be very demanding and distracting. It takes a lot of time and life experience on Earth to develop a consciousness that is able to allow space around emotions – a consciousness that is able to create a center, an “I”, that is really free – a self that is more than a plaything for the many emotions, moods, and thoughts, but is founded in a deep center that is connected to the soul.

An earthly human does not need to be consciously connected to the soul. One can live without that connection and remain unconscious, because as a human being one is especially busy with experiencing life here on Earth. But you are different, in the sense that you have a very clear need to experience your soul and to feel connected with it, and to live from it.

At this stage of development on Earth, it is now the time for this connectedness to manifest. It is necessary that the light in people is ignited from within and that people wake up; that their soul, the eternal spark in them, is admitted into their daily lives and, in a literal sense, becomes awake and alive.

Feel for a moment what that means for you. Have you ever in your life clearly felt that your soul was very near to you; that there is an inner knowing or a gentle stream of love and encouragement within you? Perhaps a silence in which you quite clearly realized: “There is something that supports and helps me. There is something greater than my thinking and my emotions, and this greater reality feels good – but can I trust it completely?”

The voice that you hear is the voice of love; not an emotional love, but a knowing, wise love. You all have had moments in your life in which you experienced that feeling and heard that voice, such as when you were in distress or when you were faced with an important decision. Try now to recall such a moment. Remind yourself again of that calm knowing surrounding you, which set you at ease while, with your earthly sensibilities, you had no idea what was going to happen. Your soul lives in that silence, and she wants to descend deep within you.

You – humanity as a whole – are enthralled by your thoughts. The mind is a valuable instrument, but it needs leadership, and you have forgotten that. You think you can just go through life with your mind on automatic pilot, but life does not work that way.

At this time in evolution, when it is so necessary for the call of the soul to be heard, you are very much hampered by two things: the first is fear, and the second is your “head”: your identification with the thinking, organizing processes in your life. I want to speak now about these two obstacles.

The first obstacle, fear, lives in all of you. Feel it now. How often do you feel tense, restless, busily worrying about so many issues in your life? That anxiety takes on a particular tone, you might say, a vibration in which you are trapped. Fear and busy thoughts often go together: thinking becomes pressured, restless, and worry-filled. However you experience these thoughts, the tone is set by fear, which comes in many guises and forms.

I spoke earlier about a fear that is characteristic of the survival mode, the belief that life is a struggle. But you also have to deal with another fear, which is that you are going to break free from the old traditional way of thinking and doing, and realize that you are really a Self, an “I”, connected with your soul. And this breaking free and realization requires that you allow space for yourself.

One of the things you fear most is to be greater and to take up more space. You have forgotten that sense of yourself because a lot of the educational concepts are designed to teach you to conform, to fit in with the rest of society. It is true that there is now more and more individual freedom and originality, but the need to adapt is still very strongly present in most people. Allowing your own “I ” to develop, with your natural impulses, desires, talents, does not happen by itself.

In the social interaction with one another – in work, at school, in the social environment – there is a sort of alluring compulsion to keep yourself hidden behind a mask, to join in, and to not stand out, to not go against the mass common denominator. There is also the dread of standing out by speaking up, by expressing your truth. But the transition from ego to heart requires that you gradually let go of that fear.

You often long to let go of that fear because you feel that living in fear, by aligning yourself to common expectations, with all their varied obsessions, makes you unhappy and feel weakened. You want to live from joy and passion, to show your creativity, but that is only possible when you stop trying to fit in; when you truly feel what touches you and you know the reason why you are here.

I ask you to now experience that feeling within yourself. Imagine that a flame or torch resides in your belly, and imagine that presence in whatever way you can. In the element of fire is life, heat, light, but also passion and grounding: the fire in you wants to radiate in a grounded way. Let your awareness come down into your belly and welcome the fire within you, the creative fire that is connected to your unique soul. You are special – every person has special gifts, a unique vibration. Only when that vibration is allowed to be heard and seen, when you no longer feel the need to hide it, can you find fulfillment and happiness in your life.

See if you detect or sense, within that fire in your belly, an image of who you really are or want to be. It can be an image, a feeling, a color, a symbol. Sense what in you wants to flow. See what you have suppressed, and feel the energy of that suppressed part of you, your creativity, flow through your spine from top to bottom. Make yourself welcome and have compassion for yourself because your original fire, your strength, your passion, your love, has been suppressed.

You seldom even recognize yourself. You no longer remember exactly who you are and what deeply touches and motivates you. That is the tragedy of many people. They feel caged and trapped in the need to adapt and do not feel good doing that. Yet, they do not know exactly what other options they have.

The first step is to again feel yourself, although it is difficult to know right away, at the practical level of action, exactly what you have to do. The form in which to express your unique energy is often not yet known to you. So the first step is to feel where you stand, what you have suppressed, what you want most – your dreams, your wishes – without restrictions. What do you feel is missing in your life? Feel it in your gut. Imagine what would happen if you allowed this energy to radiate outward to other people; if you showed your true face: your unique vibration, your talents, but also your feelings, letting others know what is bothering you – if you threw off your masks and were authentic, sincere, and honest.

A lot of people sincerely desire that authentic connection, but are thwarted by the social pressure to adapt. Be an innovator! Be a pioneer for this world! Dare to show yourself! You will be doing it both for yourself, as well as for others, because being faithful to your unique self, gives something to others. You give to them the space to show themselves and also to deviate from the norm: from what is seen as acceptable or proper. Dare to be free! Every day, let your feelings flow.

This brings me to the next point, the second blockage that keeps you from experiencing connection to your soul, and that is the mind. You have been overly trained to approach situations from your head. Already during early schooling, you were encouraged to do so. But also later, in your work, there has been a lot of emphasis on the mental. You have wandered far away from the childlike spontaneity that once existed within you.

You are sometimes allowed to be a child in your free time, or when you are on vacation. But this is a very odd situation, because the best of yourself, especially in your work and creative activity, only emerges if you are in touch with your inner child, your spontaneity, your emotions. Still, you are almost obligated to control your emotions in work situations, to be rational, but that stifles true creativity.

There is also something else that affects you, and that is what I call the scientific worldview. At one time, church and religion were very dominant in society, and breaking through the dogma and the power of the religious tradition was a good thing. The free and open thinking of the sciences was a revolutionary innovation for humanity. It has brought many good things: innovation, a new way of seeing. But in the end, the scientific way of looking and sensing began to smother intuition and has led to a very one-sided approach to reality and to being human.

Look at the endorsed way one looks at health, body, nature, and emotions! The official, thus the scientific approach, is very restrictive and impoverishes nature. However, that approach has become a part of you; it is not only something imposed from the outside. It is so overpowering that you also look at yourself and your reality in that same way. And this hinders even the connection with your soul, because contact with your soul is something that flows, something with feeling and intuition, and this cannot be proven scientifically.

It is often the case that when you make contact with something higher – with your soul, with a guide, with an inner knowing – everything is shrunken down by a sceptical voice within you. You think that the sceptical voice is true, honest, trustworthy: ” We should not let our imaginations run wild and fool ourselves”. But that way you cut off, as it were, an original organ, an original sense, namely that of your intuition. You alienate yourself from your power of seeing, and that keeps you from a living connection with your heart and your soul.

Appreciate scientific thought and insight; it has had significant breakthroughs and is valuable, but it is not the only worldview. Do you remember those moments of quiet about which I spoke in the beginning? A knowing that is penetrating and true, even if your mind cannot grasp it? Feel the presence of your soul in the silence. That is where thoughts come to rest and you can feel the space around your thoughts.

Mental activity is not all-powerful. There is a much greater intelligence present in the universe and in you, and it is present in the now. Because of your fear, you always want to know more and more things, but the intelligence of which I speak, that of your soul, that is here in the now. This voice speaks in the now and shows you your true feelings and what you have to do, what is important to you now.

Your soul is not that interested in external results, in what you will do, in what you are trying to achieve in society. The soul is basically interested in your inner development; that you experience freedom while you live on Earth – that you wake up. That you are aware of yourself and that you feel the joy of that – that you are not a victim of the powers here on Earth – that you really live from your heart connected with your soul.

Invite your soul in. Do not think about it, simply say “yes” to it. She is the source of your being; she is no stranger. Your soul tingles and bubbles up in you, in all your body cells, but it is your consciousness that determines whether you allow her in or if you succumb in your daily life to the fear of being different or of standing out. Call on this consciousness for help –  you are not alone.

It is precisely in the connection with your soul, in knowing what moves you, what touches and drives you, that you become truly connected to the whole. Maybe you will lose a job, or a relationship will disappear from your life. Maybe your connection with people will change, and also the form of connection. But real loneliness is caused by a brokenness, a gap in yourself. If you are estranged from your own soul, if you live from fear, then you are the loneliest. It is the inner connection to your soul that is fundamental.

Dare to be alone, to be different, to strengthening this connection. Dare to show your true face. Trust your feelings; do not let your head decide everything. Take time for peace and quiet for yourself. Even if your emotions are railing loudly, stay with them with a quiet consciousness – quiet and loving, without judgment. Then those emotions will come to rest at an appropriate time. It is through the emotions that you then begin to sense what is really important. You then make contact with the intelligence of the soul, and that is far greater than the mind can grasp.

What you do here on Earth is important – you make a difference. There is a lot in motion now on Earth. But precisely because of the birth of new light, of new consciousness, there is also much confusion and chaos, because the dark is drawn to the light, literally. So do not become discouraged. Your inner path has an impact on the collective consciousness. You create new paths for consciousness by your courage to follow your inner way. You reflect what you truly are by being honest with yourself. You pave new roads for consciousness, so honor and respect yourself for doing that. You are not alone; you are carried by a field of consciousness that is now everywhere on Earth. Feel the joy of it. You will be supported – feel my love.

Thank you so much for your attention and your presence here.


© Pamela Kribbe


Pamela Rose Kribbe (1968) works as a psychic reader and healer in her own practice in Tilburg, the Netherlands. She obtained her doctorate in the philosophy of science in 1997, after having studied philosophy at the universities of Leiden, Nijmegen and Harvard (U.S.).
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL www.jeshua.net is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely. E-mail:  - Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan
Source Here

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