Jeshua's Message: Mastering Abundance in Creativity
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- Written by Pamela Kribbe

Work, money and creativity: The flow of ease and the flow of enough.
Dear friends, it is with joy and affection that I am among you today.
I know you so well and it seems to me as if we met each other yesterday. In the realms where I dwell, time is not so important. I recognize you very well although your manifestation, your physical appearance, is different from the times I knew you.
I am Jeshua. I have lived on earth in a human body, as Jesus. I have been a human being among people just like you. Nothing human is foreign to me. It is from this experience with human existence that I come to support you with your own development, with your birth into the New Era. A New Era is on the way. A transformation is going on these days with which all of you feel a strong connection.
I want to tell you something else about myself. On earth I was a human being of flesh and blood and I had formed a channel with the energy of Christ. The Christ energy was flowing outward through me and that was my essential contribution to the earth at that time. But the Christ energy is not mine alone; it belongs to all of you. All of you are planting a seed, bringing a part of that energy here to earth today and in that lies your biggest fulfillment.
However this transformation from the old to the New Era uproots and shakes up many things. The area of work and money is very much involved in this “uprooting,” for this is precisely an area in which the old energies are particularly active. You could characterize these as the energies of power and ego.
The old energies have been so strongly active within this field that you may find it quite difficult to have a well-balanced attitude towards work and money issues. In your job, in the organization or company you work for or in the people who are your colleagues, you are confronted with society. Many times you ask yourself: how do I cope with energies that I have no affinity with and yet are surrounding me every day? In this encounter of the old and the new you would like to know how to deal with this friction.
On the basis of the energy centers in your body I would like to elucidate this issue a little more. The aura that belongs to each human being contains seven chakras or energy centers. In the solar plexus which is the third chakra (near the diaphragm or the stomach), the will is located. It is in this center of personal will that power and ambition are seated. In the era of the old energy, the old time human being, people have been living to excess from this center. This has to do with an attitude of being keen on winning, of putting one’s own interests first and of fighting at the expense of others. An attitude like this is often born out of fear and a feeling of being lost. It is not my point to pass judgment on these energies. I just want to mention that they are often active from the solar plexus, the third chakra.
One chakra higher we find the center of the heart. The heart connects you with your higher origin, with energy spheres you once dwelt in and from where you bring along ideals that contrast sharply with the energies of power and ego.
Now what happens in the present transformation of consciousness is a passing along of the wheel from the solar plexus to the heart. That doesn’t mean that the solar plexus should be abandoned or pushed aside altogether. It is not true that you should “get rid of the ego.” It is more a matter of passing along the steering wheel to another level of being and in so doing, founding your life on the energy of the heart. All of you are seeking to achieve this in one way or another, either in your personal life or specifically in the field of work and creativity. All of you feel a kinship with the shift toward the energy of the heart. You all sense that you can live your life with much more joy and tranquility that way.
With regard to the question of how do I deal with ego based energies (inside you and around you), the essential step that is asked of you is to connect from the heart with the energies of the solar plexus (the will and the ego) and to guide them in a loving and affectionate way. It is the connection between the heart and the solar plexus (more generally between the higher and lower seated chakras) that provides you with abundance in the field of work, creativity and money.
Now how do you know whether you are acting from your heart or from fear or ego? I would like to point out two important characteristics of the heart energy which may help you recognize it in your own daily life. The first characteristic is the absence of struggle and the presence of ease and simplicity. I will simply call it the flow of ease.
- The flow of ease
You are used to struggling and fighting for the things you want. Especially in the area of work there is a lot of competition and ego battle. Often you have to act like someone you are not to get recognition and validation. This opposes the longing of your heart. The heart longs for a much more natural kind of presence. The heart energy does not exert pressure and is very smooth and gentle by nature. The heart energy speaks to you through the intuition. The heart gives gentle pushes and suggestions and will never tell you something that is emotionally charged with fear or pressure.
In your daily life you can clearly notice whether things are going smoothly and finding their natural way or whether you repeatedly encounter resistance to something you are trying to achieve. If the latter is the case it means you are not – or not completely – in alignment with your heart energy. The secret of the heart energy is that it performs miracles not with force, but with ease and tenderness.
Daring to trust your intuition is the most important way to get aligned with the energy flow of the heart which I call “the flow of ease.” Acting on your intuition in the context of work and creativity, even if this goes against the culture of your work environment, will create unexpected possibilities and opportunities for you. It will bring you closer to your own divine Self and empower you on the heart level, and it will by itself attract to you places and people who fulfill your heartfelt desires.
When you experience problems at work, when you feel that you are not at the right place in your particular work environment, spend some quiet time alone. Find a moment of stillness in which you let go of all the thoughts and ideas that you have absorbed from your social environment and all the fears and worries that go with it. Try to look at these thoughts and emotions from a deep and quiet spot at the center of your heart. See them for what they are; they are clouds hovering in front of the sun but they are not you. Go to that core of sunshine in the your heart and ask your Self what is wise for you to do right now. Connect to your ancient and wise heart, the source of your highest creativity, and ask your intuition to tell you what is the right thing to do at this moment. Do not try to base your actions on outside opinions, on social standards of behavior that especially in the field of work can be overwhelming. The social or collective consciousness in this area is strongly based on fear: fear of losing your job, fear of social failure and fear of poverty. All these fears may overshadow your intuition and yet there is an inner voice that tells you what to do right now. The key is to dare to listen to this voice and you will see it will come up with genuine answers.
When you try to go to that inner core, self-doubt may block you and make you dismiss your heartfelt intuitions and inclinations as unrealistic and wrong. Self-doubt may prevent you from trusting the spiritual path that is laid out for you. By your spiritual path, I mean the path of experiences that brings you in touch with your highest creative source, the creative energies that want to flow outward through you. These energies are already present. But you can only recognize and manifest them in the outer world by listening to and trusting your own feelings. Your soul speaks to you through your feelings. There are no external warrants or securities. Trust is essential. To accept the direction where your feelings are taking you and to act upon your intuition is to open yourself up to the guidance of your heart and to truly make the shift from ego based consciousness to heart based consciousness.
You have reached the end stage of the domination by the solar plexus. Your soul has entered this incarnation with the intention of releasing this way of being, and you are all highly motivated to express your creativity from the heart. I ask you to trust yourself at this stage and to continue on this path, for you are already bringing into this world a new energy which is of great value. This energy often effects changes without you knowing it; you do more good than you realize. You help birth the New Era by trusting the flow of your heart and daring to follow the flow of ease. Therefore have no doubts and continue on your path.
The energy of the heart is much more quiet and gentle than the competitive and harsh energies that often rule the arena of work. For that reason it takes courage and strength to stay centered in the heart, when you are surrounded by these ego based energies. But I tell you this: following the flow of your heart will ultimately bring you to creative possibilities that are quite real and practical, and it will bring you abundance on the material level. It is an act of faith and courage to entrust yourself to this flow.
I said that I would mention two important characteristics of the energy of the heart. I started with the flow of ease. I would now like to speak about the flow of abundance, which I will call the flow of enough.
- The flow of enough
The energy of the heart is the source of true abundance in your life. Abundance has to do with all areas of your life reaching from the physical, material level to the emotional, social and spiritual level. You are meant to enjoy yourself and to be nurtured on all these levels. At this point I want to
tell you that you are at the right place right now. You have all the tools you need to walk forward. From here, all things can manifest and flow. But there is an important part of the energy of abundance that you may need to reconnect with, and that is the knowing of “enough.”
The opposite of abundance is scarcity, fear and the pressure to achieve. When you feel that you need more in order to be happy, more money, more recognition, more appreciation, more love – that is the energy of lack. The heart, however, knows that it has all it needs. The heart energy trusts the flow of life and knows that it has enough.
When you stand in the energy of “enough,” when you are aligned with the feeling of “I have enough,” abundance begins to flow through your life. It is a paradox. You might think that you have to strive for more, that you have to make more of an effort in order to manifest abundance in your life. And yet, the secret of abundance is being at peace with what is, being in the moment, and trusting that you already have enough.
Let go of the fear of scarcity. Know that abundance is not just a material issue, it is also about inner peace. It is about having peace of mind and heart. Let go of the need to control the situation. Reconnect with the feeling of enoughness. Do not measure yourself by outer standards or by how others see you. You are enough in yourself. This is the great realization of the energy of the heart. The flow of enough.
It is time now to close, my friends. I hope you have recognized the deeper truth of the path I am talking about, a path of peace and of the energy of heart, the path where you will find ease and abundance.
My deepest love to you.
© Pamela Kribbe
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