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Hilarion: What Old Habits Bring Us

Hilarion: What Old Habits Bring Us

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM HILARION!

Today I bring with me a gift; a gift for everyone who listens to me at this moment. A small box. A small box that fits in each of your hands. At the end of our meeting I will tell you what to do with this box.

Today, I would like to explain a few things. What is your physical body? It is something extremely complex that is maintained by the vital energy existing in their bodies. The primordial source of this energy is the Divine Spark. It keeps your bodies alive, and through air, food, water, you keep this body fed with more energy.

So notice what I'm saying: energy. Many think that their bodies are just bodies, nothing more. They exchange nothing, receive nothing and emanate nothing. Quite the contrary, each human body receives everything that is around it, and emanates everything that is generated by your thoughts, words, actions and even what you eat.

So there is always an exchange, where you put a lot out and receive a lot from the outside. And how does this happen? Through energy centers called chakras that exist in their bodies. Each of them has a specific function, and they all need to work harmoniously for health, for balance of mind, body and spirit.

So going back to what I said a moment ago, you change with the environment all the time. So whether you are in nature, stepping with the soles of your feet directly on Gaia's body, getting wet with Gaia's waters or simply walking in a forest, you are absorbing the pure energy of Mother Earth; they are absorbing the pure energy of the one who created them. And this is wonderful, because this absorbed energy is pure, it is clean, and it is naturally balanced. What's more, it also has the power to balance chakras that are out of balance.

In the same way, you enter an environment where vices, drinks, casual encounters prevail, where pleasure is always for pleasure's sake; there is no involvement. So this environment creates its own egregore, and when you enter an environment like this, you also exchange, receive that energy. If you are balanced, calm people, it will affect you very little, because all it takes is for your minds to remain in balance, for you to know how to clean yourself of that dirt afterwards, and everything will return to balance.

Now you don't do any of that, and worse, you frequent these places constantly. So I will tell you that you are constantly attracting imbalance, and this will cause mental and physical illnesses to begin to appear. Many of you do not understand why certain illnesses happen. They are often generated by the environment you frequent. So this is another point. So, lest you forget, you emanate and receive energy, always.

So let's talk about an exchange, as perfect as possible. When God the Father/Mother created two beings who love each other, but true Love, balanced Love, pure Love, when there is an interaction between these bodies there is an explosion of energy, an explosion of pleasures and feelings. But these explosions originate from a pure Love, from a sincere Love, from a Love that exists between both. So it is a beneficial energy for both, because at the moment of the energy explosion, your chakras fill with Light, increase in size, and bring all that balance, that pleasure, but which came from pure Love to your bodies.

This was created by God the Father/Mother, otherwise there would be no meaning to this entire chemical process that was created. So I'm talking about an extreme situation, in which there is Love on both sides, but a Love in balance, a consented Love, a full Love, without demands, without any type of negative feeling attached to it. Very good.

Now I go to the other extreme. Two bodies unite without any Love, just pleasure for pleasure's sake. There is no source of Love at that moment. Is there an explosion? There is, but I would ask a question: Explosion of what? Just chemistry, because internally, there is an explosion of feelings that exist there at that moment, and which are often not good feelings. They may be, but they are not capable of generating that explosion necessary for the benefit of both bodies.

Then a chemical explosion happens, and all the feelings that each one carries, they exchange with the other. It doesn't matter if that moment was one of pleasure, what each one is bringing in that moment in their minds is passed on to the other; and what the other is feeling is passed on to you. And what is the other person thinking? And the other would ask: “What are you thinking?” So it is a moment when a total imbalance is generated, because pleasure for pleasure's sake does not generate balance, it generates anything but balance.

So there are these two ends: total balance and total imbalance. And then in between there will be countless situations, in which every time you touch someone's body, and now I will no longer talk about pleasure, I will talk about something else. When you touch, body to body, heart to heart, what happens? The exchange happens. At that moment you may even have an…, an emotion, an even pleasant feeling, but how is your aura? Do you live in a bed of roses, do you emanate Love and Light 100% of your day? Because I would say that if you were doing that you wouldn't be there anymore, you would have been in the Fifth Dimension a long time ago.

So your aura is charged by everything you experience; their moments of sadness, their moments of disappointment, their moments of anger, everything that human beings experience; it's all there in your aura. So when you approach another person and touch their heart with yours, the exchange happens. You begin to share feelings. You receive and you give. There is no other way. “Ah, but at that moment I was happy to find that person!” Yes, but everything you are carrying is exchanged too.

I think it goes without saying that this was all very well planned. It was a habit created exactly for this, so that you do not remain in balance, you are always unbalanced, and this was what they all wanted to be able to manipulate you. So, my brothers, the exchange between bodies is something very serious, especially when there is heart to heart. There are other ways of greeting: a handshake; less destructive, much less, because you are only stocking the hand chakras. There is no heart-to-heart meeting. So we can say that it is still a compliment, I would say acceptable.

Kisses on the face. Likewise, if there is no touching between hearts, it is also acceptable. But we can never forget one thing: their auras are immense; they are not the size of their bodies. So when you approach someone just to shake hands or kiss them on the cheek, your auras meet and there is an exchange, not as intense as heart and heart, but there is an exchange.

So, I know that for many here this all seems like a joke or something that doesn't make much sense. But we know the total sense this makes. I would just say that showing Love is a very serious thing, it is not what you do on Earth. I have also experienced this and acted in the same way as you. Showing Love is pure Love; that balanced Love, anything else is not Love.

So for you to find this balance, it is difficult, because you have been used to talking about Love for anything. Not true Love. So my brothers, think again. But as we have always said, everything is a choice. And if you think that all this is nonsense and that you will continue to have your habits, that's okay, that's okay. Now just don't forget one detail, you can't force anyone to do what they don't want to do. So if you open your arms and the other person doesn't respond, don't judge them for that, they don't want to be hugged. It's a path that comes and goes.

Don't do anything to someone else against their will. Think about it. This is a process that you need to start changing. And this is not stopping loving. Showing Love is not that. Showing love is care, affection, attention. Those who truly love each other can then exchange hugs. Family can exchange, because there, theoretically, there is Love, but even so, you are exchanging between yourselves. This doesn't change. Now, doing this with someone you don't live with, don't know, don't know what's going on in that person's mind, don't know that person's life, avoid it. I guarantee you that over time you will see a big difference in your health and in your own mind.

Now it's up to each person to accept or not what I said. But at least try and you will see the difference.

Regarding the box that I brought at the beginning, place inside it all the different feelings of Love that you are feeling at this moment. And I will heal one by one. But be careful, lest they come again.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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