Ascended Masters Reveal Why Children Are Our Greatest Teachers
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- Written by Kate & Kare The Ascension Calling Team

Hello, we are here.
We are a conglomeration of many who you will refer to as the Ascended Masters.
We are teachers, we are guides. We are a large collective of love who are here to assist and guide humanity, both at an individual as well as at a collective level.
Today, we would like to share a message about the importance of connecting to joy and how those in your existence that you refer to as children, whether they are yours or not, to see these children as very wise and advanced teachers. All souls, as all of you have had we will say thousands, and in many cases tens of thousands, of incarnations in this and other realms as part of your individual journeys to return to Source love and energy. Each one of these incarnations brings you closer to lessons and healing. That in turn, life and experience after experience allows you to reconnect to the Source of your origins: unconditional, universal love.
Children to humanity have often been here as teachers, teachers that have sometimes had to play very difficult roles in order to mirror back to adults, to teachers, to parents, to anyone, what lessons humanity, that a generation, or an entire society and civilization need to learn. Those who are children upon your realm today naturally embody a higher frequency of love. Many of you have tuned into this — and many of you feel this — when you interact with these children. What they reflect to you is nothing short of pure love, and genuine and authentic joy.
What Children Teach Us
Pay attention to these energies, whether these children relay and communicate this simply through their eyes, a deep gaze, through their words or their innocent questions… many of them have come here to help raise the frequency of the human collective. If you were to look at the average energetic frequency or vibration of older generations versus the younger generations, you would find that the majority of children in your present society behold, on average, a much higher vibration of love. This does not mean that they are better. We do not speak of superiority or inferiority. Simply recognize them as advanced souls who are teachers that remind humanity of key energies, experiences, and emotions that are primordial to all experiences, and more importantly, to all learning. When you choose to experience life and learn through the lens of love and joy, you instantly realign all the possibilities in your life, open yourself up to receiving more love, and create a more positive momentum. And it is that momentum that can help you circumvent the more difficult and arduous life challenges while connecting you more easily to higher learning. This allows your soul to discover and expand.
But the learning is always fast tracked when you choose to see all situations from the perspective of higher love and compassion, regardless of how challenging or difficult a situation may be. There is always a better perspective. Children are here to remind us that that perspective is always available and that it is our birthright to connect to the perspective of joy, love, and light.
Children Connect Us to Our True Essence
In addition to teaching you about love, how to act, be, and radiate the energy of love, children also remind humanity about the importance of joy and play. Play is not an experience that can only be savored in one’s childhood. But in essence, it is the opposite. Childhood teaches humans about the importance of having fun. When one is in the flow of joy, that they are actually creating and permeating better experiences for themselves and for all those around them. Many humans grow up learn about responsibility — and many believe that responsibility must counter play and joy. But it is simply an additional experience that grants you a greater perspective through which you are here to live and learn. We remind you, our dear friends, that joy, laughter, and play are not only your birth rights, but they are experiences that allow you to transmute anger, frustration, and any other energies that you may be holding on to that do not serve you.
But children bring and remind us of many important lessons. They are here to remind you of the innocence of all humans, that all humans at their core level need, want, and deserve love, joy and dignity. That in essence, all beings strive to live in peace. And that when one focuses on efforts and experiences to improve the livelihood and experience of children, when bettering the children’s experience, you also improve the experience of the entire human collective.
Children are here as advanced souls with many lessons, some of which are spoken, but far, far more remain unspoken. These lessons are to be felt, witnessed, and observed, for remember that much of your learning is non-verbal. It is experiential.
And with that, we remind you to not only honor and love the children around you, but to recognize that they are advanced souls, like you, who are here to bring learning to all those around you. In many ways, they are here to remind humanity of how to unite together for the betterment of all.
We wish you ongoing joy, peace, and laughter.
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