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VLOG 61: Create Your New Earth Vision Now
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- Written by Patricia Cota-Robles

The Company of Heaven - VLOG 61: Create Your New Earth Vision Now
March 4, 2025
As I Breathe in deeply, I go within to the Divinity of my Heart Flame and my Heart Chakra opens to full breath. I now experience the Infinite Gratitude and Eternal Peace of God flowing through my Heart Flame and expanding into the Heart Flames of every person on Earth. I realize that as the Eternal Peace and Infinite Gratitude of God lift me up, all Life is being lifted up with me.
My Father-Mother God are blessing me in appreciation for my willingness to be the Open Door for this sacred Gift of Light on behalf of Humanity and all Life evolving on Mother Earth.
I AM now reaching into a new Octave of my Godhood and my Father-Mother God are able to easily move through me. My eyes become blazing Rays of Light through which the Light of God blesses all Life. My hands become mighty conductors of God’s Healing Power. My lips become instruments through which God’s Words are formed and directed into the physical plane of Earth. My feet walk the Path of Light. My Life Force is the vehicle through which God enters the world to Love and Serve ALL Life.
Now, with every Breath I take, Eternal Peace and Infinite Gratitude are being integrated into every facet of who I AM. As this occurs, I begin to see with new eyes and hear with new ears. A vision of the New Earth is now appearing before me and I AM able to understand more consciously than ever before, the monumental moment unfolding on this Blessed Planet.
It is a wondrous time. Great changes are taking place everywhere on Earth. In my mind’s eye, I see that the Earth is becoming a planet of exquisite beauty and Harmony. Her majestic mountains, daisy-splattered meadows, billowing clouds, golden desert sands, and sky blue waters are beginning to once again reflect their exquisite beauty. Birds are singing, children and animals are playing, men and women live, love and work together in harmony and peace, respect and acceptance. The Sun is shining and gentle Rays of Light bathe the ground with sweet blessing. It is a time of Transfiguration for unto Earth is dawning the Golden Age of Oneness and Divine Love.
Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven see that all Nations on Earth, from east, west, north and south, are developing Emissaries of the Light. These precious Lightworkers from All nations, religions, races, cultures and creeds are joining together to contemplate, study, research, learn and explore viable solutions that will improve the quality of life for all life evolving on this sweet Earth.
Within the Divinity of every person’s Heart Flame, they know that the New Earth will not just happen. It will begin within the Heart and Mind of each person and be Cocreated through our Heart-based thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Our Beloved God Parents are observing the Awakening taking place within the Hearts and Minds of Humanity. They witness Peacemakers embracing the combatants of the warring nations in an invisible forcefield of Divine Love. This forcefield of Divine Love is softening the Hearts of the combatants. A new level of wonder and Reverence for all Life is Awakening within the deepest recesses of their Heart Flames.
New positive ways of solving their differences begin to flow into their conscious minds. They realize that Divine Reason and practical negotiations are far more effective than arms. The leaders of nations begin seeing, understanding and talking to each other. They join Hearts, Minds, Souls and Strengths for the benefit of all Humanity.
The architects, who are the Visionaries for the Earth’s Transfiguration, are actively working toward the highest good for all concerned. They hold the Immaculate Concept for Mother Earth and all Life abiding upon her. They do not see the limiting illusions of Humanity’s miscreations. They peer beyond the veils and mists of doubt and uncertainty and pierce the walls of time.
Our Father-Mother God observe the Awakening taking place on Earth and rejoice in the Truth that Humanity is beginning to remember our Oneness with all life. Through Humanity’s unified efforts, hunger, disease, ignorance, war and suffering are eliminated. Each person is Cocreating a rich fulfilling Life. Greed, corruption and the wealth and power of the few at the expense of the masses is no longer a viable option. A new level of understanding is Uniquely Awakening the profound Truth within every soul that the Infinite Abundance of God is Humanity’s Divine birthright.
A Consciousness of right thinking, feeling, speaking and acting among all people is assuring the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for Planet Earth and all her inhabitants. The Flame of Divinity that blazes within every precious person is expanding in size and brilliance. People are living in harmony and peace with each other and their Planetary Home. They are revering all Life and honoring the resources of Earth.
Now, the majestic Angel of Renewal and Restoration descends into the atmosphere of Earth. With the assistance of this magnificent Being of Light, the Emissaries of Light from all over the World travel to every land, touch every nation and bless all people by spreading the word of the dawning Golden Age of Oneness and Divine Love, and the Birth of the New Earth. Fragrances of the Light of Truth blossom wherever their footsteps fall.
A Clarion Call sounds and a Mighty Trumpet reverberates throughout the Universe calling all Great Beings of the Cosmos to come and see the miracle taking place on Earth. These great Ones behold Humanity experiencing an Awakening into God Awareness. This new level of Divine Consciousness is reflected in every person’s life through their Heart-based thoughts, feelings, words and behavior patterns. The rejoicing is tremendous and the Heavens ring with the songs of Angels and Humanity. The Earth has dawned her seamless Garment of Light and reclaimed her rightful place in the Universe. She is now a Planet of Light. With Infinite Gratitude our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God respond: “How magnificent you are Beloved Sons & Daughters. Welcome home.”
I now return my Consciousness to the room and I become aware of my physical body. I allow this Vision and the full momentum of my Father-Mother God’s Eternal Peace and Divine Gratitude to be assimilated on my Holy Breath into my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.
And so it is. Beloved I AM That I Am.
God Bless You Dear One, I look forward to being with you next week.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
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