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VLOG 38: Transformative Power of Sacred Fire Baptism

VLOG 38: Transformative Power of Sacred Fire Baptism

The Company of Heaven - VLOG 38: Transformative Power of Sacred Fire Baptism
September 24, 2024

Beloved Presence of God within all Life, into your Eternal Heart of Love do I immerse myself and all Life on this sweet Earth. I consciously surrender my Earthly Bodies to be merged with the Love Nature of Your Being until I AM a pure focus of Love—a living jewel in Your Crown of Adoration.

The path I walk in Life leads only to Love. My physical body filled with Love becomes shining and invincible. My etheric vehicle radiating Love transmutes the past. Love in my mind ensures the expression of Your Divine Thoughts. Love in my feelings reaffirms that God is the only power acting within me.

As I AM thinking, feeling and remembering only Love, I know that my I AM Presence is working through me, radiating forth the perfection of my omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.

This wondrous Light from the very Heart of God is embracing all of the Sons and Daughters of God on Earth, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth which I have promised to Love FREE.

In this Awakened Consciousness of Divine Love, my spirit becomes Holy Spirit, and I AM the Love of God reaching out to reclaim this Earth.

In Love I magnetize all of God’s Blessings to me, and in Love I radiate these Blessings forth to all Life around me. I AM the Spirit of Love permeating form until all is drawn back into the indivisible whole.

I feel the pulse beat of Love in all Life and the continuity of Love in all of the experiences I have ever known. It is ALL Love.

I was born out of Love. I AM evolving through Love, and I AM Ascending back into Love.

I AM ALL LOVE, and I AM Grateful.

Now, on this sacred and holy day, with every Breath I take my I AM Presence Consecrates my thoughts, feelings, words and actions with deep appreciation for the unparalleled collaboration and the Divine Intervention of the entire Company of Heaven now gathered in the atmosphere of Earth.

An elevated shift of Divine Consciousness is now empowering ALL of Humanity to clearly hear the Inner Voice of our I AM Presence and the Voice of our Father-Mother God. The Beings of Light serving us from the Heavenly Realms help us to attain this state of Listening Grace.

From this sacred space I hear a Voice of God speaking in the deepest recesses of my Heart Flame ... and I listen

The Divine Words reverberating in my Heart Flame remind me that I AM a precious and Beloved Child of God. I AM an Instrument of God, and I have been preparing for Lifetimes to fulfill the facet of Mother Earth’s Divine Plan that I have volunteered to accomplish during this Cosmic Moment. I have come to Earth during this critical time to be the Heart, Head and Hands of God in the physical world of form. As I listen to these words I remember.

The Elation building within my Heart Flame Awakens within me the Inner Knowing that I have all of the wisdom, strength, skill, knowledge, talent and ability I need to succeed in fulfilling this Mission God Victoriously ... I also have the courage to act NOW.

Suddenly, I hear the Voice of God calling me to a higher octave of Divine Service, and I respond with willingness and enthusiasm.

The Voice of God speaking within my Heart Flame reveals that I AM needed as a surrogate in this unprecedented Divine Plan to serve as an Instrument of God on behalf of ALL of Humanity. In deep humility and compassion, I joyously volunteer.

I take a deep Breath and I feel myself spiraling up a scintillating shaft of Light. In an instant, I AM standing within the All-encompassing Presence of my Father-Mother God’s Heart Flame.

I remain in a state of Listening Grace, and I hear the Voice of my Father-Mother God revealing to my I AM Presence that they are going to Bless every Son and Daughter of God on Earth with an unprecedented Baptism by Sacred Fire.

The I AM Presence within every man, woman and child is being alerted and every person’s I AM Presence now stands in readiness.

As I gaze with wonder and awe upon the All-encompassing Divinity within the Heart Flame of my Father-Mother God, the Light of a thousand Suns seems to be radiating through this exquisite Forcefield of Light. In my newly Awakened Divine Consciousness I experience colors, fragrances, musical tones, geometric patterns and frequencies of vibration beyond anything I have ever known. As this wondrous Light enters the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of my Earthly Bodies, and all of the spaces in between these particles and waves, I realize that I AM now receiving a Baptism by Sacred Fire directly from the Heart of my Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.

I Intuitively feel an unfathomable Ray of God’s Infinite Light entering my fully opened Crown Chakra and I hear my Father-Mother God’s Words:

“With this Baptism by Sacred Fire from the Divinity of our Heart Flames we now Consecrate your Earthly Bodies.”

“We Consecrate your Mind to be One with the Divine Mind of God.”

“We Consecrate your Heart Flame to be the Open Door through which our Divine Power and our Comprehensive Divine Love perpetually lift you into the Enlightened state of Unity Consciousness.”  

“We Consecrate your Eyes to perceive the Truth and to recognize that ALL Life is Divine.”

“We Consecrate your Ears to hear the Voice of God within your Heart for guidance and illumination. Dear Ones, truly listen and respond with Love to all those who communicate with you.”

“We Consecrate your Lips to express only Truth and to communicate clearly, openly and honestly whenever you speak.”

“We Consecrate your Nostrils to Breathe, with every Breath, the highest frequencies of Prana and Life Force that Cosmic Law will allow. This elevated Holy Breath will now Resurrect, Revitalize and Transfigure your Earthly Bodies, day by day.”

“We Consecrate your Hands to Bless and Heal ALL that you touch.”

“We Consecrate your Feet so that as you continue your Earthly sojourn you will walk the Path of Light.”

“KNOW that as you fulfill your Divine Plan, you will reach your highest potential as a Beloved Child of God.  And so it is.”

Every person’s I AM Presence now accepts with One KNOWING that this Baptism by Sacred Fire from our Father-Mother God has been Victoriously accomplished for every man, woman and child on Earth.

Now, in deep Humility I express my Gratitude for the opportunity to be an Instrument of God in this new and greatly empowered way.

Beloved Father-Mother God, I AM the Open Door for your Infinite Light and a Force of Healing for Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. As an Instrument of God, I magnetize into my spheres of influence every person, place, condition or thing that I can assist in any way with God’s Infinite Light. I Lovingly accept the Divine Opportunity to Love all Life FREE on this sweet Earth.

I AM Open! I AM Willing! I AM Receptive! And I AM Grateful! I AM God’s Infinite Light in Action on Earth!

And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM


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©2024 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles.

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