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The Company of Heaven: Focus of Attention Is the Key

The Company of Heaven: Focus of Attention Is the Key

If we pay attention as we collectively progress through the powerful shifts of Consciousness that we are ALL experiencing during this unparalleled time, we will be able to tangibly see evidence of just how powerful our thoughts, feelings, words and actions are.

We will also witness in more obvious ways than ever before the influence these expressions using our Life Force play in every facet of our lives. We will clearly see if they affect us positively or negatively depending on what we choose to think, feel, say and do.

Through the unified efforts of both Heaven and Earth over literally millions of years, Mother Earth has finally reclaimed her rightful place in the Universe. This seemingly miraculous feat enabled embodied Lightworkers to Cocreate, with the collaboration of the Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun, a “Quantum Reboot” within Mother Earth’s 5D Crystalline Solar Grid System. This Grid system functions through the Axis of Mother Earth the same way the Axis of our Spinal Column, our Chakras and our Acupuncture Meridians function in our own Earthly Bodies.

The Earth’s Crystalline Grid is the electrical system through which our Father-Mother God Breathe the Prana and Life Force that sustains this Planet. It is the System through which the Holy Breath and the Light of God are distributed to every particle and wave of Life evolving on Mother Earth.

The Company of Heaven has referred to this incredible Forcefield of Light as the Bridge to Freedom. They have revealed that this 5D Crystalline Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love expands the abyss from the remaining residue of human suffering on this Planet into the highest Realms of God’s Infinite Light. This Grid is the Pathway over which Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her are Ascending up the Spiral of Evolution. And Now, our Mother God is investing this Forcefield of Light with a Higher Order of Divine Service.

The Divine Intent of the “Quantum Reboot” that just took place within Mother Earth’s 5D Crystalline Solar Grid System was to Cocreate the sacred space for our Mother God to Breathe into Earth’s Crystalline Grid System brand NEW 5th-Dimensional frequencies of her Comprehensive Divine Love. This is a higher frequency of our Mother God’s Love than we have ever been able to withstand at a cellular level. Our Mother God has now confirmed that this “Cosmic Reboot” succeeded God Victoriously.

This Divine Intervention actually Created a Foundation on Earth of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love that will now permanently support the flawless patterns of perfection Humanity is being Called to Cocreate as we manifest the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth in the tangible world of form.

According to the Company of Heaven, prior to these recent shifts of Consciousness even the most Awakened Lightworkers were not reaching a frequency of vibration that would allow them to fully fathom the wonder and awe of the patterns of perfection for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth. Now, however, everything has changed.

Our 5D Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling and our dormant 5D Physical Senses of Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch, Intuition and Imagination have been Awakened, Activated and Elevated to brand new heights. This allowed our Mother God to Create a Foundation of her Comprehensive Divine Love that will now be permanently sustained on Mother Earth through her 5D Crystalline Grid system. Our responsibility as Cocreators in the physical plane of Earth is to now focus our attention on that Truth and on Mother Earth’s Crystalline Grid in order to deliberately bring these awesome patterns into Humanity’s Conscious Awareness, so that we can All participate in Cocreating them in the world of form.

Mother Earth’s Divinely Intelligent Crystal Grid System is open and receptive to receiving the wondrous patterns of perfection that you and I and the rest of Humanity now have access to through our newly Awakened, Activated and Elevated Creative Faculties and Physical Senses. As we place the power of our attention and our intensions on this new opportunity we will become much more familiar with just what this means in relation to our individual and collective forward progress in the Light.

This is an extraordinary moment in all of our lives and it may seem overwhelming in many ways. The important thing for us to realize is that if we did not have the ability to accomplish the Divine Mission that is being presented to us, we would not be asked to do so.

The Company of Heaven is assuring us that we are more than qualified to manifest the multidimensional patterns of perfection we are being Called to Cocreate for the New Earth. We just need to take some forward action and prove it to ourselves. This can be done by beginning with baby steps and observing the results.

A simple way of doing that is to observe the things that are surfacing in your personal life and pay attention to how you are responding with your thoughts and feelings. Then, ask your I AM Presence to show you how you can improve that situation by responding with more Love, Compassion and Forgiveness.

This will mean, of course, Transcending anger, fear and judgment which are often Humanity’s past reflex responses to negativity. In other words, those responses are  just bad habits.

The shifts we have experienced have empowered us to focus our attention in new ways and to Consciously add more Light to the World with every Breath we take. This may not be something that is obvious to us just yet, but that is only because we are “creatures of habit”  and have not taken the time to pay attention to changes surfacing in the way we think and feel about the things entering our sphere of awareness.

Remember, a Foundation of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love has now been Breathed into Mother Earth’s 5D Crystalline Solar Grid. This Foundation of our Mother God’s Love will greatly empower any effort we make to respond to our Earthly Challenges from a Heart-based place.

The Company of Heaven is assuring us that Focusing on our Mother God’s Foundation of Comprehensive Divine Love and Earth’s 5D Crystalline Solar Grid is a very effective way of breaking our destructive habits and our reflex responses that are not based in Love.

God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles


Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909,
Fax: 520-347-5440  www.eraofpeace.org

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You. Source


We have a beautiful image of Mother Earth’s Crystalline Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love that reflects the multidimensional sacred Geometric Patterns that pulsate within this powerful Forcefield of Light. The image was Created for us by the wonderful artist Endre Balogh.

For several years we have distributed this image through posters and coasters to help us have a tangible representation of this powerful Grid of Divine Love pulsating in our personal spaces. Now that this powerful Grid has experienced a “Quantum Reboot” into the 5D Crystalline Solar Grid of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love, we at Era of Peace have Cocreated an NEW item that will help all of us to easily focus our attention on this Grid of Divine Love.

We have imprinted this beautiful image on a Pillowcase that we can use in many ways to amplify the power of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and Earth’s 5D Crystalline Grid System through our focused attention.

No matter what image of this Grid you are focusing on, the brand NEW frequencies of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love will be greatly accelerated on a physical level in your personal life.

As I have shared many times, I do not ever promote something that I have not proven to myself to be true. I will share with you that I have used this beautiful Pillowcase in many ways and have experienced the acceleration of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love in tangible ways through all of them.

I have placed the Pillowcase on my sleeping pillow, my Meditation pillow, and even on a pillow I placed behind my back in the chair I relax in. In all of these ways I experienced the embrace of our Mother God’s Love and a gentle Inner Peace.

If you have the Heart Call to experience this form of the image of Mother Earth’s 5D Crystalline Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love the Pillowcases are available on our website.

©2024 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles.

Posting on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce any content without written permission. The article's title was crafted by CrystalWind.ca.

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