Company of Heaven: Divine Intervention for USA - Act Now
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- Written by Patricia Cota-Robles

March 27, 2025
Precious Hearts, as an objective observer it is easy to perceive that those who are in positions of power in the United States of America are making choices that are actually the antithesis of Oneness and the Heart-based Government that we are being Called to Cocreate on the New Earth.
For several decades the Company of Heaven has been revealing to Awakening Humanity that the United States of America has a vital role to play in Mother Earth’s unfolding Ascension process. At this time, however, not only the United States of America, but also many other countries around the World are demonstrating corrupt and selfish political systems that are being orchestrated by Humanity’s fragmented and fear-based fallen human egos.
Nothing is taking place by accident. Even if it is difficult for us to see what the purpose of such chaos might be, the Company of Heaven assures us that with our assistance this facet of the Divine Plan will be God Victoriously completed before we know it. We are being asked to focus our efforts in the Eternal Moment of NOW, knowing full well that not even the Company of Heaven can determine exactly when the patterns of perfection for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth will tangibly manifest on Earth. The reason for that is because that timeline is up to you and me and the rest of the embodied Children of God on Earth.
The following information is encoded within the Divinity of your Heart Flame. Now, due to the need of the hour, the Company of Heaven is asking that we bring this profound Truth into the Conscious awareness of the millions of people on Earth who are Uniquely Awakening at this time.
Decades ago, we were told by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth that a critical factor in raising the Consciousness of Humanity, and paving the way for the patterns of perfection associated with the New Earth, would be for the United States of America to fulfill her Divine Destiny.
The Immaculate Concept of the Divine Plan for the United States of America was Cocreated in the Realms of Cause by our Founding Fathers when they were Divinely Inspired to write the sacred documents guiding the behavior of American citizens. These documents are the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.
In many ways our Founding Fathers were flawed human beings, but with the Divine Intervention of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven this facet of their Mission was Victoriously accomplished.
The Divine Plan was that AMERICA, which is an anagram for the I AM RACE, would model a Higher Order of Being, a New World, to the rest of the Children of God evolving on Earth. The I AM RACE was intended to represent the entire Family of Humanity, a body of Heart-based souls comprised of ALL races, ALL nationalities, ALL cultures, ALL religions, ALL creeds, and ALL Lifestyles.
The intent was for the I AM RACE to function within the full embrace of their I AM Presence reflecting Oneness, Divine Love, and Reverence for ALL Life. Under the guidance of their I AM Presence their decisions and actions would perpetually reflect the highest good for ALL concerned as they reveled in their diversities and learned from each other through their Loving and Compassionate interactions.
The United States of America was to demonstrate a New World that would heal the separation and reflect the Oneness of the entire Family of Humanity. The United States of America was intended to model the microcosm of the macrocosm for Mother Earth and all life evolving upon her.
Needless to say, we have fallen far from the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Plan for the United States of America, but those patterns of perfection are still pulsating in all of their resplendent Glory in the Realms of Cause. They are awaiting the opportunity to tangibly manifest in the world of form.
On March 29, 2025, Mother Earth will be blessed with a very powerful Partial New Moon Solar Eclipse. This Celestial event will bring to fruition the powerful Eclipse Series that has catapulted Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional DNA Awakening process forward in the Light in epic ways.
The combination of this powerful Eclipse Series, the March Equinox, the very rare Planetary Alignments and the unprecedented Solar Activity we are currently experiencing has paved the way for an Activity of Light for which we have all been preparing for millennia.
During those events, which we were able to benefit from unobstructed by the obsolete veil of illusion, a Life-transforming influx of brand-new DNA Awakening Solar Light Codes strengthened our nervous systems and our acupuncture meridians to receive more Light than ever before.
In addition to that amazing shift, through Humanity’s newly elevated Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling, and our greatly enhanced Physical Senses, we now have the ability to collaborate on a far more Conscious level with the Beings of Light who are assisting us from throughout the Cosmos. These Beings of Light have made the Heart commitment to hold the sacred space and to empower our service to the Light as we manifest the Heart-based patterns for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth.
In response to this new level of Humanity’s empowerment, our Father-Mother God have granted a Cosmic Dispensation to the Company of Heaven. Our God Parents have given the Messengers of God from the Heavenly Realms permission to intervene in our lives in new and more powerful ways when we ask for their assistance.
This means that whenever we invoke help from On High, the Company of Heaven has been given permission to amplify our prayers, meditations, decrees, affirmations, visualizations and every other aspect of our service to Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth a THOUSANDFOLD! This is another indication that proves we are Powerful beyond our knowing.
Since the Cosmic Dispensation from our Father-Mother God, the Mighty 5th-Dimensional Solar Archangel of Resurrection and his Beloved Twin Flame the 5th-Dimensional Solar Archangel of Renewal and Restoration have volunteered to assist Awakening Humanity with the Manifestation of the Divine Destiny for the United States of America.
These Mighty Archangels have projected their Luminous Presences into the atmosphere of Earth above Washington, D.C. Together, they will sustain a powerful Forcefield of the Mother of Pearl Resurrection Flame and the Rainbow Flame of Renewal and Restoration. As we focus on this Gift from On High and Invoke these Sacred Flames on a regular basis, with every Breath we take these Selfless Archangels will amplify our efforts a thousandfold.
Daily and hourly, the Mother of Pearl Resurrection Flame and the Rainbow Flame of Renewal and Restoration will recalibrate every particle and wave of Life associated with Government and every other facet of Life in the United States of America. This Divine Intervention is preparing the United States of America for the time when the masses of Humanity will manifest a Government OF the I AM Presence of Humanity, BY the I AM Presence of Humanity, FOR the I AM Presence of Humanity, a Government based in Divine Love, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.
The Archangel of Renewal and Restoration
A wonderful artist in Australia named Karen Osborne painted a beautiful picture of the Archangel of Renewal and Restoration. The Divine Intent of this Image is to empower the process of the United States of America as she reclaims her Divine Destiny. Karen has given Era of Peace permission to make this exquisite image available on a poster.
The Archangel of Renewal and Restoration told Karen that she was encoding her image with frequencies of Light that would activate within every person’s Heart Flame the codes for Divine Government that each Person’s I AM Presence has been waiting to reveal.
The image of this magnificent Archangel is holding an Infant and the American Flag representing the Rebirth, Renewal and Restoration of the Divine Destiny for the United States of America.
The codes that are being activated within every person’s Heart Flame as they gaze upon the image of this Glorious Archangel contain not only the unfolding plan for reclaiming America’s Divine Destiny, but they also contain viable solutions for the myriad challenges surfacing around the World to be healed and Transmuted back into Light.
If you would like to have a poster of this Mighty Solar Archangel in all of her resplendent Radiance, it is available on our website.

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