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White Feather of Justice: A Shift in Time and Balance

White Feather of Justice: A Shift in Time and Balance

We enter a segment of light that demands our exclusive attention we are asked us to let go of what still entangles us like rusty barbed-wire.

We feel like the Mad Hatter allowing the thorny entanglements to keep us separate from our destiny and destination. As the powerful Spring energy begins to encircle us we are asked to amend our past thoughtless selfish actions.

As Earth rewrites herself into a simpler code of acceptance all the snares and entrapments of past thinking’s now come to a place where they cannot cross the line in the proverbial sands of time. The holy waters of earth now ask us to purify with a deep sigh of relief. Every living person on Earth holds self-evident truths that live deep in the fabric of their soul; truth that is interwoven, like twins before birth. A truth that is sharp like a sword but gentle like a butterflies touch.  As we all expand the horizons of what we perceive to be fact; past realities are set free to reform.

Truth is a living being that shapeshifts itself, aligning with the evolution and progression of humanity. Truth is different for each species. Within the human DNA-144 strands of Galactic truth wind themselves around the very core of our being. As we evolve into a place of seeing truth from a higher perspective, truths scamper by us like a fleeting shadow. Truth speaks to us from the molecules within the water that we drink, the food that we eat and the air that we breathe. In 2024 Truth has become a cruel mistress as she shifts and turns like a sharp curve taking us to the edge of what we know our self to be, questioning all we believe

White Feather of Justice: A Shift in Time and Balance

How do we as humans, with ancient codes of righteousness, deal with the fact that truth sheds herself on a daily basis. We have let go of the ‘white feather of Justice,’ as the scales of time tip and wobble and fade from existence. When we were children our parents often lied to us to keep us from danger, to keep us in a place of believing in Magic. As we grow in future and stature we come to a place that shows us that many of our ‘feathers of Truth’ were plucked from a different dimensional bird. Many truths slip away without even being noticed. Some of the truths dance in front of us seductively, lifting veils, teasing us, asking us to close our eyes and see with our heart.

Whether this world is real or an illusion or just a Collective dream-field does not matter, as we are all players in this interdimensional field of creation. Whether this is our one and only time on this Earthly paradise or we spread our self-thin throughout the Galaxy does not matter. For we as a species are asked to give 100%, to believe 100%, to be 100% invested. Throughout all time (known and unknown) we have given a hundred percent of our heart, mind, body and soul to that which we believed.  The feather of Truth has many coatings and lacey aspects that overlap one another.

Gravity, electromagnetics and other forms of energies tied to the old paradigm policy; do not follow the rules of earthly engagement. Meticulous laws are fragmented and repositioned as space, time and earth amend each other. Humanity releases the need for spatial order as it dances to a new echo of time.  Electro and bio-chemical imprints have been transferred into sacred housings. A great gift awaits those that have been strong enough to stay on the path of light during its involution and evolution. Light consciousness from a freestanding source will be transferred allowing a higher intelligence to be introduced.  Old ways of thinking will be dissolved. New thoughts will generate at an excelled speed giving life to all thought. Divine seeds that have been afraid to sprout now take root in this higher light. 

The ‘HE that lives within the SHE’

The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and  has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.

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