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We enter the month of Libra on our way to the learning’s of Scorpio


We enter the month of Libra on our way to the learning’s of Scorpio in an interesting button pushing political year. The coin is flipped in the air but where it lands is filled with illusion. Who, what, when, where, are the questions asked in a booming voice that demands answers.

The flickers of light and power surges have already begun as we get ready for the shift before the ‘shift hits the fan’. The Orionid meteors rush towards earth with hot little breaths of starry information dropping meteors all over the planet. Meteors especially from the, hunter, bring good wishes from the 3 stars in Orion’s belt. (Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka). The belt of Orion leads to the Pleiades and Sirius, a very starry portal.

Orion is always linked to Lords of Karma, karmic debt whether planet, person, place matters not. It is about clearing the way making a new line of defense.  Everything for the next 88 days points us onto a path that sparkles with expectancy and suspense. Finding out who we really are, in truth will be the most magical of all experiences.  No more staying inside the lines of defined space and time. Loving self is truly the key to the kingdom. The quantum field seeks a mirror image, assuring itself a pleasant outcome.

As we rush forth in our taxing lives the energies sweep by us like the hot passionate kiss of a forest fire, burning our perception of ‘'what should be'. The solar radiation storms touch every cell in our body, reaching deep into the earths crust.  Our very daystar screams at us to pay attention to every thought that strays to far from the farm. The body is restless and prances internally as it feels the presence of a new wave of energy demanding its attention. The heart reaches back into itself as it pronounces and announces vows of what did and did not come to past.  Confessions spill over from emotional storms splashing all within reach. Feeling ‘oh so deeply' seems to toy with us for sport as the energies clear the pathways of our heart and mucous membranes. The body shouts enough is enough but the solar saturation continues. 

The universe demands that all life gain control of itself creating a much needed solar synchronicity. The energies demand we increase in increments without limit, creating endless possibility in a see without end. We are changing from the inside out as the rays from the sun and all it’s experiencing is reflected upon the faces of humanity. Every droplet of light finds a home enhancing the very DNA of what seeks awakening.  Coincidence I think not, as the promise of ‘shifts to come’ shout from every cell in our body.

Every thought is a timepiece that commands your instantaneous interest. Each minute that passes is as a timely gift certificate. As the pulse of light strengths in proportion to desired outcomes it moves its awareness forward thru time to look at each and every one of its creations.  Seeing how they are spending their life force wisely or foolishly; benefiting the all or just paying homage to self.  If seen as beneficial then higher dominations of light are added to the cosmic credit limit.

What is less than in time and value is also multiplied and expanded. Choices are blatantly seen for what they will reap. Hiding is not an option. An evolutionary wave length in direct proportion to the creators pulse is felt on a cellular level within the bio-circuitry of all that has life.

Time once obstructed is seen bending forward and back.  As mankind changes his awareness of what space and time is, he will release himself from the shackles of  past thinking.  The molecules of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are marching forward thru time without hesitation.  Thought forms of light are ingathered, reevaluated and dispatched to create new worlds. All will be accountable of how they have spent there light.  In the past spiritual gifts have been stunted as many types of energies competed with man for his space and perpetual time.

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and  has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.
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