Expect the Unexpected Every Day
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- Written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As the memory of what was, seems to drift like a piece of old wood in an ocean of confusion, we continue to move quickly down the corridor of time and expectations.
We are being ushered into time doors that swing both ways in a black and white world. We are mentally and emotionally going down hallways that never end into a place that has not been created yet. All of us have seen and felt the difference and the trail of chaos life leaves behind. Time is like a wild horse that bucks the system looking for a way out of the interdimensional round pen. Time brushes past us like a gust of wind, not asking our permission just doing what it was born to do.
Life pushes us into a corner of limited choices or so it seems, but in reality it is us that have painted ourselves into that corner. We can just as easily paint a path out if we choose. Time has shifted. It has quickened its pace, and all past promises have loosened their grip as well. Longitudes and latitudes dance to a new probability. Leylines and time markers are off line for now; sacred geometries are being re-addressed in formal wear. An actual cog in time has been felt as the worlds walk into a new place of Light and enlightenment.
We biologically walk to the beat of the old drum even though our perceptions are enhanced and we see in and out of time. Seeing between the worlds is not a place for those weak of resolution. One must hold tightly to the swinging time-doors as possibilities continue to present themselves in a new display and descriptions. The unexpected is to be expected on a daily basis. People do their best to hide what ails them but actions and energies are louder than any words. Seeing into the future is not a place for those without purpose. As one walks thru the time doors, Dimensional vortexes, black holes and parallel time loops it can sometimes be hard to hold on, and creates a dizzying effect. Time doors open and close faster than the bat of an eye.
That which has appeared emptied now becomes full, freeing itself from previous explanation.
A shift of light awakens from a long sleep to escort you into the cornerstone where time and space meets. All limitations are renovated in this extended view. Do you have the courage to take an open-eyed leap of faith into this fluid point of possibility? You are an instrument of light that is being fine-tuned to earth. Relax into the Shifts; look at them eye to I, seeing with the wisdom of a million years! See beyond what you deem humanly possible. Each situation has a million outcomes. Each door opens to a parallel experience; however once you are within your choice the outcome will run to completeness.
The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.
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