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As the whirlwind of shift comes and whips our cosmic coiffures out of shape…


We all look with a thankful heart knowing the winds of change could come down our street any day. So much is happening on every level of self and planet it is not easy to know exactly how to deal with it or what type of energy to send it. We do not know what the land needs or the river or the ocean, most days we do not know what we need.

Each timeline and situation we interfere with seems to have a revised sense of self that sprouts up like magic beans. We just cannot see the big picture from our point of understanding. Do we step into the future and seek the possible answer and risk changing the now, or do we allow what is happening to continue? If we make peace in this part of the world will war break out in a parallel longitude or latitude?

I see how interference even with the best intent, shifts the outcome, but never really changes it. So what do we do? Are we to Just sit by the highways and byways of our life looking out the window not participating? With time speeding up and life quickening, we find that we are not able to keep all of our word  to ourselves or anyone else. Holidays go unnoticed emails go unanswered text fade like a cloud.

Our intentions are good but full of hot air as we can barely rise to the occasion of making it thru most days without drama. The feeling of walking in quick sand as we sink deeper and deeper into a place of not caring. We can blame it on the month or the star line up or the ‘bosa nova’ but we all know we have lost our pizzazz and our edge. Like a champagne glass filled with flat bubbles we are not reaching our full potential.  

We grow weary waiting for the light to change. Round-about after round-about we move forward inch by inch.  The once bright light within looks for some shade as the outside pressure builds to a blistering point. We want to blame someone or some thing but ultimately know we are responsible. Guilt trips are packed for weekend getaways as we boldly learn to sidestep.

Within the human being is a seed of hope a divine blueprint that is permanent. A seed that stays planted no matter how bad the weather. A seed of hope that has laid dormant for many years.  Many have see their dreams laid to rest without ceremony As their dreams begin to wilt in the high noon, the light of hope fades to a dull tone.

Our bodies kick and scream and our soul pirouettes spinning out of control as the seasons of time demand our undivided attention. All personal considerations go on hold as these vast energies enter our field of inquiry. Fight or flight gallops thru our biological system as adrenaline glands pump hard like horses in a quarter mile race.  We step within to address the root of the problem as what is invisible in matter beats the heck out of us, like neighbor kids in a snowball fight, no harm intended but it still hurts.

We feel helpless and hopeless as our dreams seem to whither on the vine. Our ability to nurture has turned into survival. We begin to panic looking for the escape hatch to get out! All of these events have been predicted for many years but we did not want to hear and we did not want to see. We now sit in this empty space asking to be rescued by anything or anyone. In this place of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, the scent of danger lingers in the air. It is time to get off our weary haunches and stand up for all we believe in. We are not little in light or heart.  We are destined to make a difference, without fear of consequence. We are held responsible by our actions or inactions.

We have the quantified tackle to shift the atoms of all that seems to take away our freedom of choice. We are paddling our wooden ships with splintered hopes and dreams. We are not puppets to be restrung at a moments notice. We are not blind victims in a con game, we have come into this world with eyes wide open. We have a Great pledge to keep that lives in our heart and soul. This great oath casts a Light greater than any shadow.  It is not up to others to decide our destiny. The heavens look to us to become the change we seek. Every thought is precious and counts. Remember your Soul Oath and promise.


As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and  has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee

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