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A Word From Your Hostess of Light - May 2022

A Word From Your Hostess of Light - May 2022

From Your hostess of Light:

The powerful bull headed month of May has one heck of a cosmic line up planned may be too much for mere mortals. We are still interfacing and integrating the planetary line up that just happened, like a galactic acupuncture needle of knowledge. We enter May on bended knew acknowledging the earth and her bounty and beauty.

The end of April left us with one heck of an energetic black moon and solar Eclipse. Asking one to cut thru the illusion, expose the old soul wounds and actively remove the need for those Karmic ties. May Day emerges like a phallic palm tree anointing all in its glory. (The May Tree ritual is sometimes referred to as a “Wishing tree” or “Beltane bush”) During this ritual, a tree (or bush) is decorated with colorful ribbons each representing a personal aspiration (or “wish”) or thing you are grateful to the Gods, for every “wish” a declaration of thanks is give.

Seeds of insight spring forward like a Easter chick seeking free range. We can all feel the tug of the reins and the demands of life breathing down our neck, like an invisible force. The ever so lovely energy of mercury begins its dance with us as mercury goes retro on May 10th right after Mother’s day which will escort us down the ‘ mother of all rabbit holes’ (Mom Memories in all of their teaching and emotional glory) all that mothers have done thru all time bubble to the surface to be seen and felt, ‘a great earth-mother of a heart opening’ will be happening as a planetary healing begins, expanding the heart grid into places it has not reached in the past.

The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and  has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.

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