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A Word From Your Hostess of Light - Easter/April 2022

A Word From Your Hostess of Light - Easter/April 2022

From Your hostess of Light:

This Easter opens another magical doorway of the Heart escorting us into a place that reveals ‘Hope’ for the Future and ‘Healing for the Past’. A place where all that is Light meets itself in a mirror image.

A Holy Gathering of all that is sacred to the Universe. Easter is a time of corrections in the cycle of rebirth and resurrection. The Easter star-gate holds a great power for all religions and sacred beliefs. Enter this place as a holy vessel that is filled with the promise of the Creator and the future. You hold a powerful piece of the puzzle of Light for Earth. Your stay here is precious to the Universe and paramount to the Earths Healing. Never take yourself for granted. For granite you already are as the very healing protective mountains of Earth. You are totally loved, have a Blessed Easter.


Easter 2022

This Easter brings a different kind of holiness. An internal holiness a holiness that seeks to be seen and touched, a holiness that seeks to be experienced and loved. A holiness that has never lost sight of itself in all the chaos and the mists of deception. A holiness that goes beyond teachings and beliefs. A holiness that has survived the storms of self and the storms of Earth holding tight to what it knows to be divine truth. This holiness bubbles to the surface in this time of resurrection and ascension Showing itself as a well-Spring of healing, a well Spring of purity and Hope.

In this time of great shift it is exhausting to try and be more as one Teeter's on the edge of a slippery cliff of the old Self Holding on for dear life to the roots of the past. Christ himself sits on the edge of time On the edge of his seat of light applauding and Cheering on the children of light; Urging their souls to go past the limitations of Earth time and circumstance. Like a cosmic coach the Christ light gives you the hand signals for the plays to come. The cosmic coach must sit on the sidelines and assist from a distance like a commander of light giving instructs and insights into what each soul desires to become and do.

The terror the fear the devastation around the world is being fanned by that which is Unholy in intent and action, Magnified to the nth degree as it tries to enter the cells of humanity. Earth has been globally anxious for several years now; afraid of the past, afraid of the future and afraid of what is unwritten. The molecules of fear have nestled in to the bodies of what is earthen of nature, like A parasite that suckles upon the life force of humanity.

No matter what religion or belief this time of year announces the very memory of resurrection and ascension live within the DNA of all mankind. It has been carved deeply upon the time lines of Earth. This Easter beckons us to enter the Sangraal of our Souls. That holy place within that brings with it cleansing, purification and release from that which tries to suckle upon your soul

Spring is bossy and pushes her pretty way into every pore of our being. We feel a sense of expectancy as the need to birth another level of our inner-light kicks and prods at us from the inside out knocking on the windows of our soul. All of earth mirrors this urge to move forward out of the long season of waiting into a place of knowing.

We look at ourselves seeing a newness that has not made its way to the surface as of yet. We feel compelled and driven to move out of our wintery blues trying on the rose-tinted glasses to see a rosier future filled with glad tidings. We are all emotionally seasoned like a good wine that has never been poured. Every interaction gives us another fragment to digest, an appetizer that keeps us from getting too hungry for the truth of all matter. People we know and love pass from the earth leaving a big hole in our heart. Regrets pile up like laundry as we cling to the past, what was and what could have been. We grieve for easier times and reflect upon what once was.

The element of time itself has quickened our pulse and our desires. Like a speedway driver we go around and around never seeing the exit of emotions. Earth herself heaves with fault-lines as she points fingers at her inhabitants. Memory comes to the surface just in time to be fed by the solar emanations and gamma bursts from deep space. We are all changed; we are all becoming the galactic human that was talked about so many years ago. Many will want to leave the earth and not stay for the cosmic curtain call. Those of us that signed on for the duration do our best to show the way home to our heart and Hope. Many have pushed the mute button on all that is streaming and do not hear (adhere) to any evidence that will allow them to move safely thru these energetic minefields.

This new 2022 energy is not about doomsday it is about a promise we made long before we came to earth. Within us lives a single rose of love, around it lives many weeds, do we focus on the rose or waste our time pulling up the weeds, forgetting all about the sweet scent the rose gifts us? More and more circumstances will suddenly rise like a full moon that faces the morning sun. More well placed interruptions of plans take us off the path we feel we are destined to walk. Everyday something tries to steal our hopes and our joy. Every day we try harder and harder to become a Divine being in human form.

When God created humans, he stretched creation, pushing his creations to become more god-like. The Universe sees the whole picture and stays the course. We the mere mortals have a much tougher job of it. As soon as we see the future, we change it. Every time we look at the future, even for just for a fleeting second, we shift it with our observations. The future changed because it was seen. As seers, we are all destined to shift the outcome every day. It is not fate versus freewill, it is fate and freewill. A vision is just a snap shot of a possible future.

The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and  has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.

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