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8-8-8 Magdalene Stargate


The Magdalene Portal opened on 4-4-2015 and continues full speed ahead until 8-8-2015,
When it is finally cemented in time.

On August 8, 2015 pure light from the center of the Milky Way galaxy will move with great momentum into the atmosphere of the earth, birthing another full level of illumination so bright that even the blind will see.  So powerful is this solar vibration we will have but one choice as it enters our energy field, to allow it to pass through us as we look at it eye to I.  Allow it to encircle you without while holding our field of camouflage.  You cannot make this energy obey. It has traveled for eons of time to enter the field of earth at this time.   

Electromagnetic fields coming out of deep space and galactic center are changing the world biology. Our genes reinvent themselves in this constant changing electro-magnetic and photonic bombardment. All the stars and stellar vibrations that come from deep space are here to assist us in embracing a vibration that has never existed on Earth.

8:8 is a celebration beyond time that escorts us home to the Stars. The very ends of our DNA open to embrace a new connection with the star nations.  August 8, (8-8) is composed of the marriage of matter and antimatter. It is a place were the polarities meet and heaven and earth sip from each other's glass. It is a celebration beyond time that escorts us home. The fearlessness needed in the next step of our journey is nonnegotiable and not refundable

Everything has lent itself to the Now - every incarnation, every word, every love, every hate. Time known and unknown conjuncts itself, as the time chains of the universe kinks. Come Journey back and forth between time.  Everything on Earth comes from the Stars. We literally are made of Stardust. As we move past the limitations of this contained universe, we come closer to galactic center and remembering our star heritage. You are a living vortex, a living light, an emissary of what is good about humanity

August 8, is a Natural doorway. Nothing forced, nothing prodded. A natural remembering as the timing chain of the universe pauses to recalibrate itself.  The 8:8:8 is symbolic of the human DNA plus one. What comes to be, has not yet unwrapped its protective coatings. These time-veiled records are held within in a crystalline code, which exists within each strand of DNA of the entire Universe.


As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and  has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee

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