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Zynk: Secrets of Inner Earth And Longevity

Zynk: Secrets of Inner Earth & Longevity

Channeling Zynk from the Inner Earth Civilization of Agartha

“Dear ones, I have not connected with you for a while, but now I am here to continue my stories and share my happiness with you all.

I invite you first to take a deep breath and make yourself comfortable. Today, my story is about... myself.

I am a being from the Inner Earth, from Agartha. I love establishing new connections with people, as I know that one day we, the ones from Agartha, will walk the Earth in peace and love with all of you.

My story is a long one, but I will make it brief.

I am 247 years old. Yes, you heard me right. Here, we live as long as we wish, and when no issues arise, we prefer to keep our bodies as they are. I can also shapeshift, and I often do so when I come to the surface—yes, to your world.

My role is to facilitate communication between the outer world and Agartha. You might think there is only one world—the world of human beings—but that is not true at all. Earth is fully inhabited, including by 4th-dimensional beings whom you typically don’t perceive unless you have extrasensory abilities.

My role is to maintain good communication between our world and the 4th-dimensional one, which bridges the inner world and human beings.

I also have initiated communication with 4th and 5th-dimensional humans like you, the ones reading this message. I am so delighted to see how the number of those who can connect with me grows every day.

I would love to help by listening to what you carry in your heart and offering you my perspective.

I am also here to show you Agartha and to bring knowledge from the Inner Earth.

Soon, I will connect with you again.

For now, I send my love as a kind reminder that the same love is always within you. Look, and you will find it.

With joy and gratitude, your friend from the Inner Earth,


Zynk: Secrets of Inner Earth & Longevity
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Zynk: Inner Earth Civilization: channeled by Octavia Vasile

If you wish to book a reading session with Octavia, please check the link here!
Many blessings! 

Octavia Vasile Bio - Click Here

Octavia Vasile

I am a channeler, meditation teacher, and holder of a master's degree in Hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy. My spiritual journey began with encounters with Oriental teachings during travels to Asia, leading to a deep connection and remembrance. In India, I felt a profound sense of belonging, rediscovering inner silence and recognizing ancient teachings. Meeting great teachers, including Ramana Maharshi, has been transformative, guiding me and reminding me of my true self.

Source Here!

Please check this Link on Facebook: Pleiadian Transmissions of Light and Love
To book individual sessions with Octavia go here: https://www.holographicyou.com/1on1

This article has been published on CrystalWind.ca with written approval from Octavia Vasile!

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