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We're Going Home! Galactic Federation Message Reveals Portal to Ascension!

We're Going Home! Galactic Federation Message Reveals Portal to Ascension!

A new galactic portal, coded with trinitized frequencies, is opening to rehabilitate our dna and reclaim our divine capabilities!

Earth's grand ascension is being watched closely by members of interdimensional civilizations. Our collective ascension is a pivotal event, influencing realities far beyond our solar system!

Cosmic Breakthrough: A New Galactic Portal Opens Path to Our Mass Ascension!

It's an amazing news: A new galactic portal is opening that is coded with special frequencies for those who are ready to shift their physical and non-physical body programs!

This portal utilizes trinitized frequencies to rehabilitate DNA and enable the necessary changes in our light bodies required to shift manipulations enacted on us.

Through this new portal, we can undergo DNA rehabilitation to restore our original blueprint. The trinitized frequencies unlock suppressed codes in our DNA that allow our light bodies to transform!

This empowers us to let go of limiting programs, thought patterns, and behaviors previously imposed upon us.

As we step through this galactic portal, we cleanse our physical and energetic bodies of lower vibrational densities that no longer serve our highest purpose. We shed limiting beliefs, emotional blockages, karmic ties, and destructive habits. This emptying process makes room for our light body expansion.

Our light bodies shift as we attune to the high-vibrational frequencies of the galactic portal. Our cells awaken with activations that raise our overall vibration. We embody more light as we restore dormant aspects of our spiritual DNA codes.

By recalibrating our physical and non-physical bodies, we reclaim our divine capabilities. We step into greater states of unity consciousness and reconnection to our deepest truth.

This portal enables us to walk as empowered co-creators and fulfill our soul's highest potential. It provides a bridge to transcend 3D matrix programming and enter the next level of our spiritual evolution!

Embracing Sovereignty:

The shifts taking place during this galactic portal opening encourage us to embrace greater sovereignty and inner freedom in all aspects of our lives. As we raise our vibration and consciousness, we naturally seek truth, authenticity, and integrity in our relationships.

Healthier relationships are a byproduct of doing our own inner work. When we take full responsibility for our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, we stop looking outside ourselves to fill inner voids. Blame, projection, and codependency dissolve as we embody our divine sovereignty.

We must set firm boundaries and lovingly detach from people and situations that diminish our light. This enables us to forgive while choosing not to engage in toxic patterns. By honoring our highest truth moment to moment, we model the change we wish to see in the world.

Raising our frequency involves cleansing lower vibrations of fear, doubt, and judgment from our energy fields. As we release the need to control outcomes, we access our innate inner wisdom. The shifts inspire us to empower ourselves so that we may be of greater service.

When we exercise our free will responsibly, we gain incredible strength, freedom, and inner peace. Our relationships transform from co-dependent to interdependent. We see the Divine in ourselves and all people, creating unity through diversity.

By embracing sovereignty and unconditionally loving ourselves, we generate ripple effects across the collective. As we awaken, so does the world.

Dimensional Spectrum:

As the new galactic portal opens and humans continue to awaken spiritually, its profound effects ripple outward, reaching into all levels of the dimensional spectrum.

The dimensional spectrum refers to the concept that reality consists of many interpenetrating dimensions that vibrate at different frequencies. As human consciousness expands, it creates waves of energy that resonate through the fabric of our universe.

There are numerous dimensions beyond our perceptible physical realm. The astral plane, mental plane, causal plane, and more subtle spiritual realms extend in an ascending spectrum of energy and awareness.

As more people wake up to their divine nature and innate spiritual powers, it liberates strong currents of light, love, and unity consciousness. This dramatic shift in the collective human energy field causes a domino effect, stirring these higher dimensional realms.

Earth's ascension into higher densities is being watched closely by members of interstellar and interdimensional civilizations. Our individual and collective vibrational rise is a pivotal event, influencing realities far beyond our solar system.

As we consciously release limiting beliefs and illusions of separation, embracing oneness, empathy and our true divine nature, these shifts are initiating a domino effect that permeates all creation!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Galactic Federation: Nature Healing for Mind, Body, Spirit in Earth's Sanctuary

Channel by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

Image by CrystalWind.ca
For more info on Kundalini go here: Kundalini Rising: A Comprehensive Guide To The 7 Chakras

We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
Source Here

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