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Vastness of Being: Divine High Friends

Vastness of Being: Divine High Friends

There’s a Solar Eclipse tomorrow morning and the energy feels very intense. Didn’t sleep last night.

When I laid down, I felt my entire body buzzing with energy. Which felt good, but eventually, I was over energized and I couldn’t get comfortable. Aaah, physical life on Earth in a time of great change. How deep is this change? Is it evolutionary?

It’s all evolutionary. All change involves letting go. When you stay present, you can navigate from your divine hearts. Remember you have friends in high places. Some of you have chosen to stay and ride the wild energies into a new dawn. Others will be leaving and will “catch you on the other side.” All is good. All choices are for the highest good. Honor the choices made. There is a great benevolence guiding and protecting this shift into higher consciousness. We cannot say more about how, what and when, but we want to assure you that growth and change is indeed at hand. Even though you are witnessing things collapsing, long held institutions and structures, collapsing, you may also feel the excitement of anticipation because within this change is freedom from energies that have bound you to a system that is not sustainable, that is not organic; a system that is cut off from true nature, a system that is not in harmony with the precious Earth’s rhythms and a system that cuts Humanity off from your true nature. This system is coming to an end and a new way of being and living here will be rising from the ashes. No longer will people be on a treadmill that goes nowhere.

This change will affect everyone, even the hoarders. They have built their house of cards on shifting sands. In their arrogance, they do not see the fragility of the world they think they are controlling, for the force of nature, and the nature of the Universe is beyond their ken.

The frequency of love is what the Universe is made of, and this frequency will nourish you and will guide you. People will gather together to help one another in circles of communities. As things fall apart, already the light of deeper awareness and understanding is arising. As Humanity – each individual – goes through the process of shedding the influence of the control structure some call the matrix, they will embody more fully their Divine Soul Essence and come into a joyful beingness that will bring great creativity. Humanity is growing up, coming into its own power. You are remembering who you truly are. Awareness will be lit up inside each Human Being, bringing forward telepathic abilities, kinetic abilities, and the creativity that is Humanity’s greatest gift. No longer will Humanity be controlled and manipulated by fear, lack and poverty. This great change will bring a spiritual awakening to Humanity that will be joyous to behold and experience. The young ones who are coming in at this time hold frequencies of light that will bring forward this new dawn.

So take heart, as you witness and experience the changes and know that you are participating in something miraculous.

Thank you. This is very encouraging. However, you are not in the physical as we are, and these changes may take a long time to come to fruition, causing much hardship to people. I understand that we have to do this ourselves, connect to love, become aware of our Divine Soul Essence and be vigilant to embody our true nature. I would ask that we receive infusions of love from the Universe, but I know that we, ourselves, have to reach for that love, and open our hearts to that love, and it will be there for us.

And we would remind you of what we said here, you have friends in high places. Ask for help and know that you all are co-creating the reality you are living in. Long has it been that people have realized that the system in place is not serving them. Welcome this change, which has been happening gradually for a few centuries. You are here now at the point where Humanity is ready to receive the infusion of light that is on the horizon. Also know that we watchers and helpers in other dimensions are seeing you and cheering you on. The great revelation is at hand and you are prepared for this moment.

Focus on what you love. Replace the habit of focusing on what you don’t want and focus on information like this that is coming in through the written word, or music, lectures, through people who are here to teach about the human potential. If you hold the intention to let go of the old and find the new, information will come to you, because you are manifestors of your reality in every moment. What you need to know and experience will appear for you and you will feel the joy and excitement and the infusion of higher frequencies when you witness your own creations come to life.

It is like living within a story, like the entertainments you watch where the characters are faced with great adversity and come through it into a new day. In this story, each character is the heroine and hero of their own part of the story. This is you, Humans! Your potential has been suppressed but will no longer be as you unfurl your wings and learn to fly. And then, the journey continues as Humanity takes its place within the galaxy and beyond. The story of Humanity will be told throughout the cosmos and Humans will be guides and helpers for other civilizations that are undergoing great change. Planet Earth will be a place for intergalactic beings to visit after the United Countries of Earth is established. Earth will be a place of great learning, and gathering of Galactic Councils. We give you this information so you can see what you are participating in, and where all this is leading to. It is wonderful and miraculous and you are part – each individual reading this – is part of this great unfoldment.

Humanity is playful, loving and highly creative. You will come to know and experience this as you release the influence of density that has yoked you to this false matrix of enslavement, pain and fear.  

Again, thank you for this very expansive and energizing information.

When thinking on how Humanity has been preparing for this for a few centuries, I think of different seeds of thought and information that were planted along the way. Like the philosophy of Transcendentalism in the late 1820s, and quantum mechanics in the 1920s, and the work of Carl Jung. Reaching back further to the ancient Tibetan and Hindu teachings that have served as guides for Humans for thousands of years. We have been guided all along on this long journey of Human evolution. I feel we need to let go and trust in this process of change, reaching for love and knowing we are supported.

With love,


And the Vastness of Being


Leilah and the Vastness of Being


Visit my YouTube channel at: Leilah Integral Soul (please like and subscribe!).

Nancy Wallace Ward
Copyright © 2024 by  Nancy Wallace Ward (aka Leilah) All rights reserved for images and written material. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as it is kept intact and the author’s name and website www.integralsoul.love are included. Source Here

© 2025 CrystalWind.ca & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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