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Unlocking Cosmic Consciousness with Sirians: Eclipse Revelations

Unlocking Cosmic Consciousness with Sirians: Eclipse Revelations

Good Morning on Eclipse day! Last night I got no sleep. The Sirians were preparing my third eye chakra and crown chakra to channel them tonight and expand my conscious awareness.

It was a cold night in Scotland but I was boiling as the energy transmissions were coming through. 

A Sirian being called Maral started speaking to me about the next stage of advancement for humanities consciousness.

Not all souls are ready for this he said, but those who are will understand his words.  Expanding our consciousness takes courage he continued to say, as humans like to feel safe, few humans like to live in the unknown and be without control. That is how we had been programmed to be since Atlantis but after this Eclipse those programming’s breakdown. 

Many will find this difficult as their old way of operating within Earth will no longer provide for them what their soul seeks. We have to make this movement into heart living. Here there is no control, habitual behaviours, disempowerment, as in the 7th dimension we will live intuitively trusting ourself and our hearts to lead us. We live community focused and for the good of the collective whole. 

We will no longer judge our actions but be in acceptance of ourselves yet to do this we have to fully expand our consciousness and awareness of ourselves. This is what take the courage. 

He said the pioneer leader souls will join me tonight for their offering of expanded consciousness in our New Moon workshop but if you don't feel ready to be a leader or feel this is the stage you are not yet at on your path, just call on him in dream time to help you open and expand until you are ready and start to witness the changes that come in for you. 

I was eating my breakfast porridge and had a massive realization which I kinesiology tested with my fingers to check it was correct. I fear who I am!! After I had this realization the Sirian Maral reappeared and said well done your consciousness expansion has led you to realize this is your biggest block at the moment on your soul ascension. 

I asked, "Why do I fear who I am?" He said “because you hold great spiritual power that can catalyze great changes on Earth and you have programming from as a child to fear getting the blame which you inherited from your Father down his ancestral line. It is generational but it suited you to incarnate into this to heal that within your soul and soul monad that resonates with this and holds back your ascension speed. “

I actually feel really relieved to know this as I was aware of it on a subconscious level, it occasionally appeared in workshops for me to look at but never seemed to shift. Come out of hiding the angels used to say to me. 

I am really looking forward to this being healed with the Sirians tonight in their temple and feel ready to surrender all in the way of this happening. 

Now I have made that choice they have downloaded to me further awareness of my path ahead. I do feel more expanded and that all is possible to manifest into reality. He finished with explaining to me we have to make space for change. This can be in your physical reality or with your consciousness by opening our minds, meditating, journeying into other dimensions and letting go of being in control so that life can unfold in Divine accord. When we do this we reap the rewards of our efforts and this is the harvest time here in the North where we can now claim our bounty. 

Blessings Alphedia Arara XX

Message from Maral the Sirian Teacher:

“Humanity is on the cusp of great change. So many exciting opportunities are opening up for those who have chosen the path of light in their Earth lives. Before you came into body on Earth you have already chosen to be awakened in your consciousness. To want to read a message from a star being and to be willing to open your mind to my wisdom is already an awakening experience and I am grateful to all who take the time to connect with me and my teaching offerings. 

This Eclipse point is allowing you all to further upgrade your vibration and to live in a deeper awareness of yourself through your heart centres. To lovingly accept yourself and be willing to change the parts that are now ready to fully heal that hold your back. You have learnt from your past relationships, choices and life dramas in whichever way they manifested for you and now you can let go of anxieties and upsets and follow your inner light. 

Each of you is unique, each is beautiful, radiant and important as a soul on Earth. Take time over this Eclipse time to really see who you and love who you are. Acceptance will bring your great inner peace and allow you manifest your life path in Divine accord with greater ease. 

This eclipse will bring up your greatest challenges to be witnessed and worked through. Yet to do this it as simple as expanding your mind, your consciousness and deepening your connection to Source light. 


Here is an exercise you can do with the Sirians 

Close your eyes. Invoke your spiritual guides to connect with you. Feel their light and love engulf you. 

Ask to connect with the Sirian Star Beings. See their blue light coming into your space, feel their healing energy connecting with you. 

Ask the Sirians to help you open your mind more fully and to allow your energy to expand. 
Take your awareness to the centre of your third eye chakra in the middle of your brain. 
Visualize this as a blue dot of light and just ask it to expand. 
Feel what expansion feels like. 
Let go of any distracting thoughts trying to encroach your meditative space with doubts and limitations. 

Focus on being limitless and expanded. 

Use your breath to breathe deeply to support your mind expanding in consciousness. Visualize your blue dot growing fuller and sit with this experience with your mind still in acceptance. 

Meditate as long as you like and when you feel ready open your eyes and come back onto body. 

Make sure you have grounded yourself you can visualize golden roots of light coming out from your feet anchoring into the Earth or hold a grounding crystal or have some chocolate. 

Images and Translation by CrystalWind.ca

This article was reblogged and posted with written permission from Alphedia Arara. Thank you! Do Not Copy!


Alphedia Arara is one of the world's top spiritual channels. She founded Elemental Beings Ltd a Scottish Mind, Body and Spirit company in 2004 after guidance from Archangel Metatron to write a book on her experiences with the Fairies and Elemental realms. As an environmental scientist and former political environment researcher in the Scottish Parliament, Alphedia started to see, feel and hear elementals when she was learning to walk again after suffering a serious illness in her early 20s that had left her bedridden for a year and a half unable to move. She now channels not only Dragons, Elementals, Unicorns and Nature Spirits but Goddesses, Crystal Skulls, Ascended Masters and Star Beings. She founded the Dragon Wisdom School in August 2013 at the request of the Dragon realm. original source here

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