Universal Energy Explained: The Group of 9 in the What Is Series
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- Written by Steve Rother

Greetings from Home, dear ones.
I, Zandria, will step to the front to deliver this message with the group of 9 behind me.
We continue with the “What Is?” series, speaking today of the Universal Energy. This form of energy has also been referred to as the Akasha. Astrophysics’ studying the cosmos have labeled this Dark Energy, with the word dark meaning unknown. Dark Energy makes up 68% of all the energy in the Universe, even though it is immeasurable and undetectable with the technology humans currently have. In our discussion, we will use both Universal Energy and Akasha to mean the same thing.
The reality is that you're all connected from Home. Although most cannot sense or see that connection, Universal Energy is the means by which the connection takes place. Those of you who are empaths and lightworkers can usually sense this energy, and some of you even use it regularly in your work.
When you are on this side of the veil, Home, you are intricately connected. You are part of everything and it is part of you. But when you play the game of pretending to be human, you pass through the veil. In the veil you leave your memories of the connection and your consciousness of the connection, but not the connection.
You're connected to every single being that is walking, crawling, or slithering around, whether they are in the animal, insect, or mineral kingdom. You're connected to all of it, you're part of it. Tuning in to the energy and feeling different aspects of it allows you to have a much wider experience in your physical body.
Reading the Universal Energy
Those of you who do readings for people are actually reading the imprints in the Universal Energy, which is also known as reading the Akashic records. Universal Energy is very simple. Everything on your side of the veil travels in waves, although the frequency of these waves is well beyond human perception. Yet, some of you are very talented in being able to sense it and interpret the ripples. When someone does a psychic reading for another, they are interpreting the ripples or imprints that are made by the magnetics of that person’s heart.
When a person experiences an event that strikes the heart in either a positive or negative way, it leaves an imprint in the Universal Energy. Because this energy is infinite, time-space does not exist in the same way you experience it. Past, present, and future all exist as one in the energy. For those with the sensitivity to interpret the energy, it is possible to read past events as well as future imprints. We know this is confusing for humans, because you live on the finite side of this equation and see time as linear with past, present and future being separate.
There are many ways that you can work with this energy besides reading the imprints. Some have an innate understanding of the Universal Energy, with an ability to apply its principles in multiple ways. Nikolai Tesla was one of these lightworkers. He had an understanding of how energy worked and the way frequencies of the universe joined together in harmonic resonance. That built a base for much of the technology you use every day. Although Tesla was a brilliant mind, his information came from him being deeply tapped into the Akasha.
Stop and think for a moment about how many wireless phones are on your planet today, with each one having a different frequency. This means that there are billions of unique frequencies on the planet. Even though they are speaking to towers and relaying things all around the world, they do not interfere with each other. It’s all based on technology that Tesla brought in, because he understood the Universal Energy.
His dream, of course, was to build a global wireless system that would distribute frequencies in the form of radio waves and electrical power. This dream died when his benefactors found out that there was no way to charge money for it. So, then he did his work elsewhere.
Tesla also believed that the world was based in threes. His understanding of harmonic resonance gave birth to the 3-6-9 principle that he called “The Secret of the Universe.” He wiped his silverware three times before eating a meal, and circled the block three times before entering a building. It was all about these aspects of putting his energy into the Universal Energy to get a reflection back.
Now Time
Your sciences know very little about the Universal Energy. Actually, it was only theorized in recent years because of its effect on the cosmos. The word Akasha has only been around in spiritual circles for about 3,800 years, because it doesn't exist in a single time-space. It could also be said that linear time does not exist in the Universal Energy.
Past, present and future all exist together in this now moment. Actually, all energies on Earth are a derivative of the Universal Energy. Many Lightworkers are familiar with the Akasha, and most already work with it on some levels. As humanity moves further into a fifth dimensional reality, this will become much more important.
The time on planet Earth is right now, and it contains everything that you could possibly have. You understand that you don't need anything right now. Your body and spirit are getting everything that they need in this moment. It's only when you project into the future and you attach yourself to some sort of outcome that you create challenges for yourself.
Dance of Light
Dance, dear ones, dance in the light. Dance as you experience the journey. Your spirit is on a journey to experience. When you see things come up in front of you, dance with them. Move in ways that you can express this joy. Even though Earth is a dense planet, you've come in with lots of opportunities to see your light. So, play with it and use it in different ways.
Express that joy every chance you get. Know that you're never alone, we're with you every step of the way. You are unique beings, dear ones. You have traveled throughout different parts of the universe, where many of you have been troubleshooters. You were called to be there during certain times of evolution when critical things were taking place. And right now here you are on planet Earth. You have been called here to hold a collective beautiful light, which pervades all of the darkness everywhere. The light always wins out over the darkness, it's simple physics.
Catastrophic Events
Humanity is evolving at an accelerated rate. This is usually uncomfortable for humans, as the status quo is the preferred norm. There will be pushback from many resisting this change, which is at the base of the division that’s so predominate right now. As spirits you knew this before you came in, so you created events to take place that would rise above the division. There are many catastrophic events taking place on planet Earth right now, and they are accomplishing what they were intended for.
When a disaster strikes anywhere in the world, the human heart rises. The outpouring of love and assistance is amazing and brings out the very best in humanity. The unconditional love and assistance opens the collective heart of all humans. These catastrophes remind you that you are all a part of each other, which stimulates the Universal Energy into action.
We tell you, the key to reducing the rate and severity of disasters on Earth is to honor the connection you have with each other. Again, focus on ways that you are alike rather of the ways you are different. Find ways to be kind to each other and express unconditional love. Unconditional love is how humans can feel the flow of Universal Energy.
Yes, you're in exciting times, dear ones. But we also realize they can often feel like scary times of change. Expect a miracle and we will help you create it. It is with the greatest honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together.
I am Zandria and I am smiling upon you with love from Home.
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