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The Voice of Divine: Good News! Earth's Ascension Accelerates

The Voice of Divine: Good News! Earth's Ascension Accelerates

Greetings Beloved Humanity,

I am the Voice of Divine communicating this message with Supreme Love and Light to Mother Earth and Beloved humanity.

I am here today to give you a deeper understanding, on what is transpiring in your world. I am in charge of the Ascension Process on your planet. I took over the whole process, as everything was proceeding in a very slow motion, no progress was being made in expected area, such as the removal of Dark Controllers from the top positions, saving children, stopping human trafficking and etc.

I was allowed to get involved in order to speed up the Ascension and start to cleanse the deep layers of negative energies from the surface of Earth. Each day the 3D Matrix is getting more and more exposed with a deep separation from the Old Gaia to the New Earth. My Light frequencies are destroying the dark and a deep-seated frequencies by exposing everyone, who has been harming humanity in any way. Many of the Dark Entities have already been removed from Gaia and stripped from their souls.

Justice needs to be served on the behalf of humankind. Over the existence of 6 billions years your planet saw and experienced too many unspeakable events. The control by Darkness needs to come to the end. Why didn’t I intervene earlier? Certain criteria must be for fulfilled, before I could be involved in the process. Two of them are the Collective Consciousness suppose to be high enough and the situation on the planet could lead to the extinction of the whole Galaxy. I can’t allow for that to happen.

I have been sending warnings to the Negative Controllers about leaving their posts and to stop messing around with innocent lives. Just recently the Statue of Liberty in New York was hit by Lighting. It was my warning to everyone, who abuses their power against humanity. If the Dark Entities continue to do their dirty tricks, I will strike back at them with my Super Light and only dust will be left of them. Unfortunately for them, their glorious days of power are gone. Their illusionary minds are still fooling them about the reality of their situation, they are in right now. Light is winning, and they lost.

All of the Negative Entities and their minions are going to vanish. The minions are everywhere even in the Light Community. Some of them pretend to be Light and spread false information to confuse humans. There are contaminated ones too, who don’t even know, that they are serving Darkness. I am crushing the 3D holographic matter each day more and more. After Earth’s Ascension 3 years ago, she has been waiting for humanity to catch up with her and arrive to 5D.

Your buildings and infrastructure will be replaced with multidimensional structures nothing like what you see now. The 3D shell of Matrix will be send to the Cosmos. One of the requirements is that human beings need to be awake enough to recognize the real truth from a false one, and you can’t forget to focus on your spiritual development by doing daily silent meditations. Your vibrations need to be high enough to be able to ascend. If you stay around low vibrational humans and read false information, your frequencies are going to drop drastically low.

Before humanity thinks about going to outer space, it needs to transform into a society with a new set of rules of regulations based on spiritual principles of love, and learn on how-to live-in peace and harmony with each other without any wars and conflicts. The high dimensional existence comes with the price of giving up attachments to material things.

Express gratitude when you meet pure advanced souls, as there are very few of them left on this planet. Balance and harmony are necessary to be restored. Don’t be afraid to get involved in this transition to the Golden Age. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Be brave and honest with each other

The Voice of Divine

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca

Source Here


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