The Hidden Secrets Elders Know About Your Purpose!
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- Written by Robyn G. Locke

Have you wondered why you are living this life today? Is it a fluke of nature that you and others are here at all?
Do you see that you made the decision to experience life here. Yes. Your Soul made this decision to journey here a time or two ago. And you are living life now as a result of that preference. This experience is known as the Earth Experience.
Your Why is Spiritual
Those coming here did so with a spiritual objective in mind. They did so wanting to understand through the unique dimensionality that exists here. Those who arrived first were known as risk-takers. They unabashedly entered into this platform of awareness to discover more. Many of them are still here.
Now, you must become the risk-taker too. Take steps to move more into motion. You see, you must step out of step in this time where so much is driven by the mind and ego. Driven by the endless quests of the mind and its unrelenting need to do and accomplish. To buy this or that, live in a certain way, and expand your material domain. But that will not bring your full circle to what was earlier sought.
What Might You See?
So many things are motivated by what you cannot see and all that results is most meaningful. Each step we suggest you might take must be done when you are consciously aware that you are doing so. Do you see that steps taken, cause different outcomes to result? Yes, your choices are most important. Choices build, one upon the other resulting in the life led. Your life and all that it is to become is most meaningful. It is most important. Is it time to get about why you are alive and living here in the first place?
We’ll say this is a bigger objective than you might currently realize. Bigger than you might fathom right now. However, we’ll also say that the thing you've wanted to know is perhaps more simplistic than you might suppose. Recognize that your purpose, most probably, is something you would consider small and not as complicated as your mind might suggest.
Consider, too, that the dimensionality from which you came, does not exist as it does in this space. Consider that here, a sunrise is a most beautiful occurrence. But how do you feel in the midst of viewing a most magnificent one in this physical space? Do you know? Yet, how would you know, once upon a time, how it would feel here in this space? How would you know when you were pure spiritual essence where things don't feel as they do here? How would it feel here? Do not overthink it. Move to ask from your heart space instead.
Unlayer Energetically
Recognize that the bigger objective you are to get about enacting is to unlayer. Unlayer the energy tied to your Soul ... and now to you. It is because of all the past lives lived. Lesser occurrences have become tethered. Take the necessary steps to clear out those encumbrances. Get about releasing that energy to make your time here on Earth easier and more simplistic. In doing so, better things will be drawn to you because you will no longer attract what is unwanted.
And might we say, that although you do feel in that earlier space, the way you experience and feel life here is different. So different that the mind will play havoc on you when missteps occur. Don't just dodge the hardballs it hurls at you as a result. Deflect them. Redirect them. Still the mind. Do not engage or linger there. Move away and do not engage what it suggests. You will have a better day in this way.
Your Purpose
So consider that this thing you once and still want to know must be done consciously. In other words, you must discover this thing when you are aware that you are doing so. It must be done when you are consciously aware of what has been long sought.
The next step is to feel your creation. Then move to see what has been layered upon you from the many lifetimes that existed before. Yet, some might believe that this step and others might be easier to do before finding this, that, or the other. The ordering is your preference. It is that you will want to do these things before you exit this lifetime.
And so we will say that you need do as you are inclined to do. There is no set way that you are to move. It is simply to get from here to there so that your purpose is found within the mix of all you do. You see you are looking for the original purpose your Soul sought to know. And it is the reason you are here. This is different than the life purpose which is merely a component of that.
Stay tuned to our next book due out in 2025. Given in Love will truly give you the means to discover more. It holds many keys and is your best pathway home. Listen now to a short excerpt.
Written authorization from Robyn G. Locke, granting exclusive permission to republish her articles. © 2024. All rights reserved.
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