The Galactic Federation: ET Contact Begins Now
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- Written by Aurora Ray

Ets and their spacecrafts are visible all around the world. The time for peaceful co-existence as an intergalactic society has arrived.
But first, humans must open their minds to new, extravagant but positive possibilities beyond current comprehension.Visitors From Another Planet: ETs Are Here To Meet Us
Visitors From Another Planet: ETs Are Here To Meet Us
We are moving away from the old paradigm of the third dimension and into the fifth dimension, which is why we see so much chaos in our world today. It's all part of the transition process.
The fifth dimension is like an energetic upgrade from the third dimension that allows us to experience higher frequencies than we could in our past lives. It's like upgrading from a computer with an old processor to one with an even faster one. In many ways, this upgrade will make us more powerful than ever before in our history as human beings on Earth!
The transition into this new era has been coming for many years now, but there are still some things we need to learn before we can fully understand what this means for us here on Earth and our planet's future development.
The universe has been in a state of expansion for thousands of years now, but it is only now that we are able to see it with our naked eyes. We have been given access to the most powerful telescopes in the world, which enables us to see far more than we ever imagined possible. Now that we have these amazing tools at our disposal, we can begin studying the universe in ways we never thought possible before.
This is not just a new discovery for us but also for future generations. We are going to have to change the way we think about our world and its inhabitants. We will have to accept that we are not alone in the universe, and we will have to learn to coexist with them peacefully.
In the last few years, there have been a number of developments in the field of science that point to the fact that we are about to enter a "golden age" where our Earth becomes a home for higher-dimensional beings and extraterrestrial life. Never before has this initial contact happened on such a large scale. It is real, and it is happening right now.
The beginning of a new age is always a time of great change.
There is much more than meets the eye in what we call reality today. Above all else, we must be open-minded when it comes to anything that seems impossible or unbelievable because that's exactly what they are: unbelievable!
The truth is always within reach if only you dare to look past the curtain of illusion that has been hiding it from you all along!
In the last few years alone, we have been visited by hundreds of ETs in our skies. Their spacecraft is visible to us every night. We can see them with our naked eye, while they can see us very clearly with their advanced technology. The crafts are visible not only from space but also from their homes on their planet.
They have come here to meet us, and we must do our best to make them feel welcome.
We once believed that visiting ETs from other worlds were enemy aliens from a distant universe who would invade and destroy our planet with weapons of destruction. But no longer does the dark image of these beings, who bring fear and fright, exist within our minds. They are actually peaceful and spiritually advanced beings who merely wish to interact more openly.
The time has come. Are we ready?
Imagine what a large population of benevolent extraterrestrials might do for us. They are part of the family of humanity, and we should take advantage of their expertise in developing new technologies and civilization to uplift ourselves. We will not have to fight with these otherworldly beings; instead, they will help usher in an age of love & prosperity.
Perhaps, some people may think they are only interested in our survival as they choose to visit us at this crucial time in human history when our planet is facing the threats of wars and economic crisis.
But they are letting us know that there is something better out there for us to discover, or maybe even join them one day in the pursuit of peace and unity for everyone across the cosmos!
We are all just souls. The time for peaceful co-existence as an intergalactic society has arrived. But first, humans must open their minds to new, extravagant, and positive possibilities beyond current human comprehension.
We are here to serve.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2025 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
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We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity.
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