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The Elders: Why Are We Here?

The Elders: Why Are We Here?

Have you wondered about life ... life in general? Do you especially wonder about your life? Do you want to know why you're here?

Recently, I've had some unexpected health issues pop into play. That coupled with being overseas and the loss of my phone's ability to navigate me from here to there, well, do you ever wonder why certain things happen? Do you sometimes scratch your head wondering about it all?

Pain Plus Fear Equals Gratitude

I was in a great deal of pain this past week and wondered if I was going to check out. But I realized I have too many things in cue today for that to happen. Given in Love's book launch next year is the biggest one thing that must occur. It is a life-changing book and must be published. I've only submitted the first six chapters to my publisher. The remainder is finished but is still in review.

Then there's its audiobook companion which has been recorded but more remains to be done. Audio editing can be a tedious process. Slight tweaks remain. Since I'm its narrator, I have to be around to do them. So I'll say, the audiobook is not yet complete.

I haven't grown my speaking engagements. I don't want to be self-critical but there's more I need to do in that arena. Two speaking engagements are upcoming. I'll be speaking at two different Body, Mind, Spirit Expos. One is in Tampa and the other is in Cincinnati - both in November.

There are individuals I am to reach. If those I've talked to choose not to embrace these teachings, so be it. But there must be that opportunity. If there are no choices from which to choose, then I've not done enough. I have to get this out in such a way that a clear choice exists. I release the rest. Each one is to embrace what personally feels right to them individually. Nothing more and nothing less.

And, too, many are trapped in the mind. I should know. I've been there too. I'm still there from time to time when I step away from maintaining conscious awareness. This awareness is to be maintained continually.

It's time for this teaching to grow in a significant way. I have information that needs to be heard. I can't worry about offending others and continue to walk on eggshells. It's time for more. We, humanity, have been reincarnating on this planet way too long. The understandings the Elders bring forward are those the mind can't conceptualize. The mind seeks to define and judge. We each must become the conscious awareness of what is. Release beliefs and step beyond the maya found here. Seek more.

I'm still in search of an influencer. I've been in search of someone who has the ability to know the merit of these teachings and will help move this into motion. Many reading our words will put this information aside after reading them to consider more another day. Yet these understandings must be embraced sooner rather than later. I say they must be because we've been here long enough. They are not to be relegated to be recognized another day. Move beyond earlier considerations now that you have new information to ponder. Or perhaps consider this information in another lifetime, or two, or twenty. All is up to you.

This last week was a painful one. I knew I needed to figure out what was up. I needed to uncover why so many unwanted things were so steadfastly knocking at my door.

Universal Love

When I started realizing I was reaching my pain threshold, I put Universal Love into the affected area and gave gratitude. Does it sound silly to be grateful for something unwanted? Yet doing so immediately provides the best means to springboard lesser energy into better (higher) energy.

Then, I added Light Energy into the mix. I visualized a figure-eight flow of golden energy coming in and moving throughout my abdominal area. I set the intention for this energy to fully connect and infuse what needed a boost. It needed a significant boost and this was to do that. This connection was the means to have a profound healing occur. I continued in this way for a few hours. Afterward, I felt better and was able to function again without the intense pain.

Yet, I reignited it all when I foolishly ate a salad. Roughage can have a pretty big impact if you're dealing with the things I was trying to manage. You see, I had a pretty significant abdominal blockage. I recognized the pain as I'd felt it before. Twenty years ago I was close to going to the emergency room because of this same issue. The pain I felt now had a very familiar feel. Going into the weekend and worried about a variety of things, I decided to go to the emergency room. Yet, when I wasn't seen by a doctor after many hours of waiting, I left.

Now I had a choice. Was it time to move through the pain, release any latent fear, and shift into gratitude? This felt best.

The Elders

Throughout this time, the Elders had been simply a heartbeat away. However, when I held lesser energy, however brief, the means to connect with them wasn't as it needed to be. In other words, I had to re-anchor to my heart space when I focused negatively. You see, our energy matters all of the time. How we hold our thoughts is so important. Mine and yours need to be kept vibrationally uplifted. Or you could say, we need to maintain our thoughts in the best way ... the highest way.

The Answer

So, let me bring this back full circle. Do you wonder why you're here? You may have different occurrences in play today, but each are significant. See value in all you're in the midst of. Love yourself. Be kind.

Your original purpose is what you might move to embrace. Seek this and perhaps not that. Be in that purposeful space. It's an incredible place in which to be. When you decide and seek to navigate toward that objective, you will find your life becomes most magical. I'll suggest it's what you are to uncover and discover. Now, or in the future -- when you are ready. Find your original purpose. It's why you are here

Written authorization from Robyn G. Locke, granting crystalwind.ca exclusive permission to republish her articles. © 2024. All rights reserved.

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If you’re ready to read more about your purpose and need a way to get started, listen or read The Greater Purpose. It will provide guidance, insights, and understandings that will lead you to where you seek to go. It’s the definitive guide to awaken to your reason for being.

Robyn G. Locke is an Energy Intuitive, Coach, Speaker, and Author who helps clients break negative patterns and find their true purpose. She bridges the physical and nonphysical worlds to offer purpose-driven self-healing books and workshops. The Elders, beings of Pure Consciousness and Infinite Awareness, communicate through Robyn to share insights that can change lives. They remind us of our true purpose and offer steps for healing and positive change. Source Here

Posting on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce any content without written permission. The article's title was crafted by CrystalWind.ca.

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