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The Elders: Redirect Your Mind for Freedom

The Elders: Redirect Your Mind for Freedom

Choose to Redirect the Mind

Do you find your mind races? Does it take you here, then there, all the while being never truly satisfied? Do you seek to contain what it seeks to impart by pacifying it? Might we suggest another course of action? Is it time to move your mental objectives in another direction? Is it time for more to now be?

Redirect Rather Than Pacify

Let us share an excerpt from Given in Love, then, we will provide more

The mind does not understand spirituality. This you know. It does not understand much beyond its realm of ability as it relates to this body. It is brought into being for each lifetime and then it is no more. It does not understand spirituality and so it moves the one or other away from what might otherwise be considered enlightenment. It does not want that advancement. This you are now experiencing first-hand.

And so let us take a deep dive of consideration to let you know that it does feel as you feel. It does focus upon what you focus upon. And so when you look at something you do not want, it does posture itself to consider how this would be. 

It is a magnificent creator. It was imbued with such qualities because it was the physical means to posture and create what was wanted. The mind was the means to do just that. It can create hardship, illness, and any other dreaded occurrence because this is what it also does. 

It does take the lowest common denominator and make it so there is more of this, that, or the other. It takes the lesser aspect and amplifies it. This is what it does. It is not meant to uplift. The Soul is meant to uplift. But if you do not seek to connect to the Soul, and only mentally, then you get one version but not the other. You get one voice and think it is the only thing that exists. Most do not know that their Soul longs to connect. Or how it yearns to assist. But when there is not a preference to learn anything the Soul might offer, more distance is created.  

And that is for a purpose. This is meant to be the life of the one living it. Those living here are meant to make physical choices. They are to decide what they want and what they do not want. So to demand that the one here establishing their life must tune in to connect, well, that is not to be. Free will is taken very seriously here for those on this planet. It is strictly abided by. There is no measure that we can say is so strongly adhered to. 

And so this life, your life, and where each resides occurs through a series of choices previously made. Do they want this or that? What will they choose? We will say we will not predict what one or the other might choose, for we have seen how this goes. We see how choices can be altered and changed in the blink of an eye. And so, choices will be as they are to be. And that is that.

The mind structures much that one does strive to do within a day. Are they productive? Has the checklist been accomplished? Why hasn’t more been done? This is the mental atonement sought by the mind. This is the rationale you might consider and be aware of, for if you cannot tangibly see the accomplishment, then the mind believes it is of no measure. We seek to change that. 

The mind has been given free rein and does not want to give up the control it has maintained throughout the life. It seeks to continue in its domination, for why would the mind want to serve when it can lead and direct? The computer has taken over and is now running the show. Giving up power is hard to do. 

You are experiencing what the mind is willing to do to get its way. It seeks to regain the control it once knew. We have shared previously that the mind is not your friend. It is not to be taken lightly. Monitor what the mind suggests as even now it seeks to plot and strategize how it can regain that power.

The difference here is that it requires you to focus on the negativisms that it seeks to enact. Without that, it has no ability to move those things it conjectures into motion. So when you tune in, when you refocus negative thoughts into better ones, when you give gratitude, it is confounded. It cannot move more into what it seeks to enact. You, and each reading these words, are critical to know how the mental plot can move forward or never be. It is up to you to maintain the mental monitoring that we have suggested in our writings and in our many discussions. This is why we suggest adhering to such recommendations. Not to pacify the mind but to redirect it. This is fundamental and key to a successful outcome and one that will lead to the best of tomorrows.  

Chapter 10, Given in Love

This is Key

And so, consider now that more is to be. Do you see that it is your focus. It is your posturing. It is what is sought. It is your intent and desire that, above all else, is key. What do you intend to manifest? Your intention here is important. Do not lose sight that you are the true navigator of your vessel. The mind is simply a tool. Do not lose sight of this or know that this is so. Remain the conscious awareness of the thoughts you keep. Maintain your oversight and thus your control over all that is sought this day.

Mental Objectives are Endless

If you seek to move the mind off and away, if you seek for the mind to take a holiday, consider stilling and slowing its objectives. You see, it will endlessly suggest, recommend, implore more to be in a tangible, physical way. If you are looking to achieve spiritual objectives, the mind is unrelenting. It will move to reroute those spiritual ones. These sorts of objectives are not understood. They remain unknown and deemed unnecessary by the mind.

We suggest that you still or slow the mind so that you might get about what you intend to manifest, minus the mind. The mind is relentless and does not take a break, because if it did, your body would not function as it does now. Take charge instead by moving it off and away so that you might discover more this day. Find our Advanced Energetics Channel on YouTube. Discover our meditations as you still and slow the mind in this way.

Written authorization from Robyn G. Locke, granting crystalwind.ca exclusive permission to republish her articles. © 2025. All rights reserved.

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Robyn G. Locke is an Energy Intuitive, Coach, Speaker, and Author who helps clients break negative patterns and find their true purpose. She bridges the physical and nonphysical worlds to offer purpose-driven self-healing books and workshops. The Elders, beings of Pure Consciousness and Infinite Awareness, communicate through Robyn to share insights that can change lives. They remind us of our true purpose and offer steps for healing and positive change. Source Here

© 2025 CrystalWind.ca & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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