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The Elders: Excalibur

The Elders: Excalibur

Do you remember an earlier blog post where we discussed excalibur and its meaning?

How do you define this powerful word? I remember first hearing of Excalibur when discovering King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Yes, King Author's sword, Excalibur is what I'm referencing. Recently, when I saw this round table mounted high and hanging in Winchester, England's Great Hall, well, it was certainly eye-catching. Do you wonder if any of this folkloric tale was true or simply a mythical creation?

For those new to this newsletter and our blog posts, here's the backstory. About two years ago, I received an update from the Elders. This particular update used the word excalibur. But its meaning didn't equate to the mythical sword. Therefore, this update didn't agree with what I'd known before. However, rather than moving beyond my beliefs or asking for a greater understanding, I tucked this update away to be considered another day. You see, beliefs are a dicey deal.

In not understanding the way this word (excalibur) was newly used, I wasn't willing to take steps to uncover more. Instead, I decided I'd gotten the update wrong because how could it be used in any way other than what I'd known it to mean before? How could it be more than the name of a magical sword? How could this word mean anything other than that? Well, I figured I'd just gotten this understanding wrong.

The funny thing is, I hadn't knowingly missed a step like this before. The Elders are spot on and in our alignment, I understand what they want to convey. Why didn't I trust myself enough to know that perhaps there was more to the story? But instead, I shelved their update and allowed this new understanding to languish. I'd consider it another day. The Elders often remind we do not know what we do not yet know.

It's simply that we don't know this or that until we do.

The Mind Believes it Knows All

Yet, the mind likes to fill in all the blanks. It wants to remove any gap of understanding. Do you believe you know most everything you need to know? Consider now when we accept a concept mentally conjectured or something fictitiously believed as if it were fact. What do you choose to believe? You see, the mind merely provides us with its best guess. And nothing more than that. What the mind suggests is routinely, factually incorrect. But not knowing this, we adopt these falsities as if they were factual and true.

And when something comes into play that is more actual or factual, we often don't accept these understandings as they may not align with what the mind has already accepted. So, we don't often accept the more plausible or real version. We don't see these new considerations as being valid. Well, at least not like those we have already adopted. How can we when it goes against what we've previously chosen to believe and the familiarity felt?


So again I'll say that beliefs are a dicey deal. The mind never wants another to see that they do not know as much as is mentally presumed. For if you believe this, how can you believe that? That's why beliefs are so incredibly important. But I digress. Ha.

Excalibur and Universal Love

The blog post that finally resulted was titled, Excalibur and Universal Love. If you'd like to check it out, you can do so here. Its corresponding YouTube video is also available.

What Does Excalibur Mean?

The Elders further defined this word in our next book, Given in Love. They suggest —

Excalibur is that which is the definitive result. It is definitive in that it is the endgame resulting in what you seek to know or discover.

Found in Chapter 1, Given in Love

Consider this now.

Myths and Legends

In Winchester's Great Hall, off to one side, was a smaller replica of that mythical and massive round table. The smaller one summarized the ambitions and aspirations of those who sought more in a way of expectancy and hope. Sometimes we resort to finding solace in the myths and legends shared once upon a time. Expectations of what might be but perhaps never was.

You see, the round table of old was more myth than fact. Are we to look upon what never was or place hope on what might have been? Yet, looking at life this way doesn't feel right. We are where we are today and that is for a purpose.

Is it time to finally take off the rose-colored glasses and see life and the Loving perspectives it seeks to impart? Do you, and are you, willing to recognize all that awaits your discovery without the falsities that the mind would seek to impose? Those things mentally conjectured are not real. This is the time to move into the reality of what is rather than the fictitious stories preferred by the mind. Discover more as you look upon life differently. In this way, release self-limiting beliefs that tie you to that which perhaps never was.

Written authorization from Robyn G. Locke, granting crystalwind.ca exclusive permission to republish her articles. © 2024. All rights reserved.

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Robyn G. Locke is an Energy Intuitive, Coach, Speaker, and Author who helps clients break negative patterns and find their true purpose. She bridges the physical and nonphysical worlds to offer purpose-driven self-healing books and workshops. The Elders, beings of Pure Consciousness and Infinite Awareness, communicate through Robyn to share insights that can change lives. They remind us of our true purpose and offer steps for healing and positive change. Source Here

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