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The Beings of Light: Your Heart Holds the Key to Transformation!

The Beings of Light: Your Heart Holds the Key to Transformation!

It's High Time To Act With Your Heart

We are close to you, dear children of the Earth, in these delicate moments in the life of the Earth and of humanity.

Today we are going to talk to you about what humanity can achieve in the times to come. You know, since you live it every day, it is important that each and every one of you meets each other in the depths of your being. We have said it and repeated it over and over again but it is always necessary to repeat it because, we know, the human being after reading the messages from our channel and others to whom we transmit messages, forgets them and does not worry about experiencing this inner encounter.

It is important that every human being aware of their spiritual value brings to the Earth and to humanity all their power of Love and Light at every moment of their life. This can be done through very simple things, such as helping a person in difficulty, whether physical or moral. This can be done by offering the Love and Light of your heart to the parts of the Earth in suffering, those where wars are raging, those where populations are in misery and famine.

The more of you there are to do this, the more you will offer the Earth and humanity the divine Strength and Power they need to move forward in Light, Gentleness, cordial understanding, Love. It is not enough to say “empty words” as you say, words like “I offer the Love of my heart” to the Earth and to humanity. It is important, when you do this, to be aware of what you are saying, to feel it in your heart and to visualize, if you can, the divine Light covering the whole Earth with its radiance.

Awareness in everything you do to help the Earth and humanity is very important. By doing this, you will support the energies of the Earth and humanity, you will gradually restore what needs to be brought to light such as the sweetness of Peace, serenity and well-being around you and on the entire Earth.

The times to come, which are likely to be very disturbing for a large number of you, need to be supported by your Love and your Light of the heart. This is very important because it is only on this condition that everything can, if you wish, that everything can be experienced more gently. Don't expect us to do all this for you. We will not do this until you understand that you, every human and all of humanity are responsible for what is happening on Earth.

You will say: “but I am not responsible for the wars and famine plaguing our planet”!

Are you so sure? If you do not react by sending Love, Light regularly around you, if you comply with the orders of your rulers, if you consider that they are right and that you are wrong etc.… etc.… then, you strengthen them in their ways of acting whether in restrictive laws in your life, whether in the decision of wars etc.… 

Do not doubt that wars are only the physical appearance of each other's desires for power. Wars are only desires to appropriate this or that country in order to amplify the false greatness of a strong man full of himself. Do not let yourself be influenced by government leaders who, under the pretext of supporting this or that country, will send it weapons to defend itself. 

Why instead of supporting a country not propose to the belligerent countries to create a peace pact by studying conditions that could satisfy both of them and thus create Peace. It would be so easy to bring Peace back to your planet! that would be so easy!

But you find yourself faced with rulers who on the one hand want to make trade and money by selling weapons, and on the other hand other rulers who wish to amplify these morbid states of war for their own power.

Do not follow the path of your leaders who only see their interest and not that of their people. Don't let them lead you down this amplified path of duality. On the contrary, offer them your Love and your Light. Yes, offer your rulers everything your heart can offer them that is most beautiful and most serene so that the Light with which they will be flooded will make them abandon this way of acting. 

You have this power to appease everything that no longer has any place on your planet: violence, disrespect, wars, the small human power of your rulers, etc.

See what you can do by regularly offering the Love of your heart in all conscience. Do you see the well-being that you can offer yourself to humanity?

Dear children of the Earth IT IS TIME, HIGH TIME TO ACT WITH YOUR HEART, WITH YOUR LOVE? YOUR LIGHT! You are your own healers but you are also the Love healers of your planet and your humanity.

We thank you. We love you.

Translation By CrystalWind.ca

Marie-Josée Andichou

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