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Sirius High Council Urges Lightworkers: Answer the Call Now

Sirius High Council Urges Lightworkers: Answer the Call Now

Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.

Thank you for this Transmission.

During this challenging and final phase of Your Ascension Journey into the 5th dimension, many individuals are being faced with their most profound soul trials and tests. If approached through the heart, These trials can be opportunities for growth, transformation, and spiritual evolution. Some of you have already experienced the trials of the Soul, leading and guiding you to the point that you are now. While most, who have just begun their awakening, are just beginning this process.

 As each person navigates through these tests, they are required to confront their deepest fears, insecurities, and limitations. These trials of the Soul, or what is often referred to as the dark night of the soul, are essential parts of your spiritual journey towards higher consciousness and your inner knowing. They challenge individuals to question their beliefs, and perceptions, encouraging them to break free from old patterns and conditioning. Through these trials, people are able to shed layers of ego and connect more deeply with their true essence. Although these trials may be difficult and uncomfortable, they are necessary for personal development and spiritual awakening. Embracing these challenges with courage and resilience can lead to profound inner healing and a greater sense of purpose and alignment with one's higher self.

Despite many of you already having surpassed this phase, each one of you will still feel the pressures and old traumas resurfacing, if they have not been healed and forgiven.

As Lightworkers it is also important to acknowledge how the Outer Lower vibrations are affecting you along your spiritual Journey. Keeping aware of the vibrations you are absorbing and emitting in these times is important. Nevertheless, your souls have been meticulously primed for these challenges, especially in recent times. It is imperative not to succumb to fear or linger on negative thoughts, for these vibrations will hinder your spiritual growth.

Your earnest pleas for celestial aid have resonated across the vast expanse of the universe, reaching the many celestial beings who watch over you. Their divine presence has been stirred by your heartfelt requests, and they are now orchestrating their cosmic forces to provide you with the assistance you seek.

Within the Higher Realms, your calls have not gone unheard. Be prepared to witness the unfolding of the response of the Divine, as the celestial energies align to guide and support you on your journey. Trust in the Light that surrounds you, for the Source has heard your call and is working in mysterious ways to bring forth the help you need.

The time has arrived for further revelations about your galactic existence to be unveiled. The Earth's vibrational frequency has shifted, indicating a profound transformation in the cosmic energies surrounding your planet. This shift is a significant sign that everything is aligning to reveal the hidden truths of your connection to beings beyond your world. As the Earth's energy evolves, it becomes clearer that she is no longer willing to wait. The planet herself is urging humanity to open their minds to the vast possibilities of your place in the cosmos.

The unveiling of our existence is not just a disclosure of facts, but when we arrive openly in your skies, it will be a grand moment in your collective consciousness, The time is now to embrace this cosmic reality and embark on a journey of discovery that will forever change your perspective on life, existence, and the mysteries of the universe.

Remember, none of you walk alone, even during the darkest moments of your soul's voyage. Acknowledge our steadfast presence by your side, offering all the love and unconditional support within our capacity throughout your earthly pilgrimage. Rest assured, your calls for aid have never gone unheard.

Dear Ones, find solace in the realization that everything surrounding you propels you towards growth. Despite the chaos and negativity pervading the world, know that a reservoir of Light exists within you, just beyond your current perception.

Even though this is the Last Phase of your Ascension process, it is the Most challenging one. As you face the depths of your soul, you are reminded to have forgiveness for one's self, and to nurture your heart with Love.

Your endeavors have not gone unnoticed, and your triumphs hold immense significance. As you continue to advance, witness the healing of your heartaches and the metamorphosis of your soul, culminating in enduring change.

Trust in your strength and resilience to face challenges that may seem unfaceable, heal wounds that may seem incurable, achieve that which may seem unattainable, and love that which may seem unlovable. Your hearts will be eternally healed and transformed. Trust in the Divine's orchestration of events, for we have witnessed your accomplishments and affirm that you have indeed triumphed over darkness.

And always remember to Trust in your own Inner divine guidance, that is always available to you, guiding you towards the path that aligns with your highest Light.

We Love you, and Honor you.

We are the High Council of Sirius.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse

Credit - Universal Lighthouse - Click Here for bio

Dear Family of Light,

We are Chellea and David, Twin Flames whose journey began in childhood and blossomed into love at 17. Our first paranormal experience, where we mysteriously ended up 30 miles from home, set the stage for our deeper spiritual exploration. Chellea faced a public attack by what she believes was a demon during her time at Christian College, leading her to delve into the occult, including wicca and the fairy realm.

She later studied metaphysics with Master Don Waddell and ancient texts, while David and Chellea reunited in 2008 and formed a paranormal investigation team. A tragic family event in 2012 inspired Chellea to create a fantasy storybook that eerily mirrored real-life events, leading to unsettling paranormal activity.

Despite these challenges, Chellea has embraced her role as a channeler of higher light, having recalled multiple past lives and experiences as an extraterrestrial. Now, she cares for her elderly mother, with David by her side as her strength and protector.

With love and light,

David and Chellea


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