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Receive Enlightenment Codes from the Sirian High Council

Receive Enlightenment Codes from the Sirian High Council

“Beloved ones of the light. We at the Sirian Council have been observing your progress on Earth.

We see your light quotients increasing and as your rise in frequency you may be finding challenges are coming to the fore front for you to look at. Some of these are very subtle as your guides gently test the waters to see if you are ready for the deep dive into the ascension fast track.

For those that have already committed to this you may be finding crisis points are being reached. Perhaps with health, wealth generations, conflicts manifesting within relationships or just the realisation you are at stagnation point with nothing manifesting or changing with ease for you. We in the Sirian Council have been tasked with supporting humanity through this next evolution point lasting until 2026 for many and until the Solstice 2024 for a few.

The energies of this time are about healing the final parts of yourself that still keep you separated from your Divine selves. Existing in your true light as a soul, an aspect of Divine source. So many humans have forgotten this, caught up in the delights of life on Earth with all your distractions, ego dramas and disconnection programming.

Now is another call to WAKE UP!

For those souls on the cusp of awakening well done but now take the next step. Overcome your fears. Fear is still being projected at humanity daily in your news, your healthcare and manufactured monetary systems to keep you subservient and trapped from accessing your greatest gift which heals all – your inner light.

Allow yourself to feel in your heart this is your true calling. Let yourself be guided in life intuitively but to do this you must regain your inner trust. This is done by returning your attention to within. So many humans live life looking out, comparing yourself to others, overwhelmed with information overload through social media, the internet and the pace of life on Earth with all the busyness demands.

We wish in this first transmission to support you in returning to your centre space.

Even Yoga these days has become an exercise work out rather than an opportunity to spiritually rebalance and connect with the breath and its movement through the body which opens up portals within your spiritual pathways in certain postures to bring enlightenment.

Now is the time to see the distortion grids and to build the temple within. Working on inner self development to heal the wounding you carry. Not just from this lifetime but from previous and ancestral too.

In doing this, the rewards are great. The feeling is indescribable to you at this time, for you are still not there yet, but very soon you will be. It is worth any heartache and struggle to finally come into mastery of who you are. It is the journey all souls seek in the Earth carousel but few remember that fact.

Finding yourself is a phrase we see humans use but most do not know who they are. Are you finding at this time a greater longer to be who you are? To be truly authentic and to live a life of authenticity? If you are not, you are still trapped in the density grids of distraction. If you are on the path and trying keep going you are nearly there at the crest of the mountain of your life.

We do not underestimate what you have been through and are going through. But we wish you to remember to ask for help. You are reading these words to get our enlightenment codes to take you on the next stage of your soul evolution path. We offer an exercise for you to follow.”


“Close your eyes and take your awareness to your breath.
Feel it slowly moving in and out of the body and let your shoulders relax.
Take a moment to check in with your physical body.
How is it feeling?
Notice any areas of tension, pain or aches.
Send love to these areas visualising pink healing light going into any organ or muscles or bone.
Feel yourself or intent to ground into mother earth’s loving embrace. Grounding and Grounding. As you do this you become fully present in your body in this moment.
If you feel restless or your mind is busy just imagine a wind is blowing away all the clutter from your aura and body. See any people or activities you must complete dissolving away into the distance.
Now you are with yourself.
Say hello to yourself and feel a smile break out on your lips.
Tell yourself you love yourself and accept all of yourself.
Now meditate for 5 minutes with yourself. Enjoying who you are and how your light feels.
This opens a portal to allow your higher self to speak directly with you to bring in wisdom.
When you are done open your eyes.

If no enlightenment came through for you ask why? Where you sat saying internally I’m not getting any information? I can’t get psychic knowledge for myself or similar stories. For that is your story matrix you live you life in.

You can change that by turning to positivity. I do receive guidance; I know what it feels like to allow myself to receive guidance. Keep practicing until you do”.

Images and Translation by CrystalWind.ca
This article was reblogged and posted with written permission from Alphedia Arara. Thank you! Do Not Copy!


Alphedia Arara is one of the world's top spiritual channels. She founded Elemental Beings Ltd a Scottish Mind, Body and Spirit company in 2004 after guidance from Archangel Metatron to write a book on her experiences with the Fairies and Elemental realms. As an environmental scientist and former political environment researcher in the Scottish Parliament, Alphedia started to see, feel and hear elementals when she was learning to walk again after suffering a serious illness in her early 20s that had left her bedridden for a year and a half unable to move. She now channels not only Dragons, Elementals, Unicorns and Nature Spirits but Goddesses, Crystal Skulls, Ascended Masters and Star Beings. She founded the Dragon Wisdom School in August 2013 at the request of the Dragon realm. original source here

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