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Priestess Sinara: Extreme Weather, Cloning Scandals, and 5D Ascension

Priestess Sinara: Extreme Weather, Cloning Scandals, and 5D Ascension

Greetings Humanity,

I am priestess Sinara, the Arcturian High Council, and I reside on the star Arcturus of Bootes Constellation.

Today, I am communicating on behalf of Galactic Brothers and Sisters. As I mentioned before, we are not involved directly in the Earth’s Ascension, we are just observing from the distance.

Many unusual phenomena’s are happening in your reality, and some of them I am going to mention in this message. Light Beings including me are trying to enlighten humans with the truth through this telepathic transmission. Extremely hot temperatures in certain parts of your globe are causing a lot of discomfort for millions of inhabitants. This is related to the level of the Collective Consciousness in your reality.

The lower the Collective Consciousness is in a particular region, the more severe the weather can appear, the extremely high temperatures in Russia, Saudi Arabia, United States and etc. For example, Moscow, the capital of Russia, has never experienced so hot temperatures since 1890, flooding in the city from rain, hurricanes and even tornados. This part of the planet has change in flora and fauna. New species started to appear such as big brown snails, big spiders and etc.

Hot weather in Saudi Arabia made the road cones melt. The drastic temperatures are also right now in the United States, where the heat waves are present in many states. The importance of raising the Collective Consciousness is becoming crucial, otherwise the natural disasters are going to continue to appear on Mother Earth. Also, I want to warn everyone, who lives on the shore, to leave these areas, in the future these lands will be flooded. The planet changed its lower frequencies into higher ones, so everything on what represents low frequency, will be flushed out to surface.

Some of the rivers with their usual routes will change direction, lands slides will happen, in other places the land will be raised higher and new mountains will be formed and etc. Your direct responsibilities are to do daily silent meditations. We keep repeating about meditations quite often, as they are essential in your transition into higher realms. Recently, the Galactic Light Forces got involved in an incident on your planet.

A large sinkhole has swallowed the center of a soccer field in southern Illinois, Chicago in United States, it took down a large light pole with it. The hole is estimated to be at least 100 feet wide and up to 50 feet deep. The explanation for this event was a mine collapsed beneath this land. That is not true. Underneath of this sports field, recently a human cloning facility started its operation, Ashtar Command destroyed the whole structure, which had a few Reptilians inside.

For a few years, the Dark Entities were working on a new cloning factory, which would clone humans from a baby’s stage into the adulthood. Their top scientist figure out a more advanced version of the cloning process, this would make the clones last much longer, everything was set up and ready to start the process. The Galactic Light Forces blew it up by using their advanced technology from the Earth’s orbit.

They chose to carry out the destruction of this underground building at the time, when there would be no one on the field, especially children. The explosion of the cloning facility caused the sinkhole. Darkness wanted to clone humans in order to replace all of the dead politicians, presidents, actors and villains. Their old clones are not functioning properly, and all of their cloning factories were destroyed a while ago by Ashtar Command.

Your spiritual transformation is very important, if you want to move to 5D. First, you need to experience different stages of spiritual expansion during your existence, otherwise you can end up being stuck in the 3D Matrix reality for another millennium, what you don’t want. I conduct continuously special healing rituals to help to raise the Gaia’s vibrations. You need to completely eradicate the Dark Souls from your world.

I hope that you are learning on how to recognize false information from the real truth that is coming from false channelers, who are lowering your vibrations with their messages. Each message through this channel caries unique codes, which help to raise everyone’s awareness and it increases their vibrations. Please, find in you compassion and understanding for each other instead of meaningless judgments, which can only lower your frequencies. Your soul is your strength. Please, accept Supreme Love from Arcturians. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Be In Touch with Your Soul


Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca

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