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Pleiadian Councils of Light: Embrace Change and Joy for Spiritual Activation

Pleiadian Councils of Light: Embrace Change and Joy for Spiritual Activation

Pleiadian Councils of Light

We, the Pleiadian Councils of Light, enter into this space now - and we are projecting a beautiful soft pink Light into the space in order to relax you into your hearts - and into the unconditional love of 5th dimensional frequency.

We are here to bring good tidings of the energies for the following 3 months. You have asked if this is a good time to make changes – and we say that not only is it a good time, but this is what must happen. It has never been more important to let go of those habits; those programs that are holding you back from your true expression of freedom and power than right here, right now in this 3-month portal that closes with the September Equinox.

And yet we say that the changes that you need to make – and that you will make – will flow with much greater ease and joy if you truly embrace change and allow yourselves to flow in the river of synchronicities. For you are being guided more than ever, not only by your Primary Higher Self (that is running the show right now for your personality self – that may be Pleiadian, Arcturian, Lyran, Andromedan or Angelic) - but you are also moving into communication with other Higher Self Aspects that exist in other dimensions simultaneously. You could think about this as having more than one lifetime happening in this moment of time - or you could think about it as an increased connection with very personal guides - for Higher Self Aspects are always guiding you. And it is fine if you perceive them as guides rather than Higher Self Aspects if this is easier for you to understand.

So you have moved already into a period where guidance is much more easily available to you. There is guidance streaming into you all of the time - and it is necessary for you to find a way of accessing this guidance - and then, of course, you much ACT on the guidance! For what is the use of brilliant, incisive, perceptive, wonderful consciousness-opening guidance if you do not act on it?

This is not the time for personal practice that separates you from your tribe. This is the time in which your higher dimensional aspects -that are a part of your Higher Self Aspect - to truly blossom and be shown in the world - for them to manifest - for them to be activated. And so Our guidance is - if there is something creative that you have always wanted to do, The Time Is Now! Perhaps it is painting or drawing or pottery or singing or a musical project - whatever it is on a creative level that has been burning a flame and getting stronger inside of you - The Time Is Now for you to express this! For we say that creativity is a doorway - it is a pathway into the activation of your multi-dimensional Original Divine blueprint.

It is not about how good the singing is - it is about how joyful and FREE the singing is - for sound is a secret key which is being revealed at this time. The power of sound to shift your reality - the power of sound to heal your body, is enormous. We want you to channel your own sounds and to bring to bring this channelled sounding and toning into your personal practice. so that even during a meditation or pranayama practice, or especially during a dancing-healing-stretch-flow-yoga practice, there is also sounding and tapping of your body. It is a way to heal your bodies - and to activate, through the healing and activating vibration of sound moving through your body, that which has been dormant within you. We are talking about the dormant strands of DNA - we are talking about the dormant gifts which have not been activated.

You could say as an overall guidance that following your joy is one of the keys that leads to healing and activation. This is simply understood in this way. In every single activity in your every-day life and routine - is there joy? Is there joy in the act of cooking? Is there joy in the act of shopping? Is there joy in the act of eating or drinking? Is there joy in the act of going about your every-day chores of cleaning and tidying? Is there joy within your gardening? Is there joy within your interaction with your work colleagues? For the Time Is Now in which that is the question to ask!

Following your joy and activating your gifts have always been our advice to you, for this is the Pleiadian way. You must know that the Pleiadian way becomes YOUR WAY NOW. As an individual, as a society, as a civilisation, as the Light Tribe of Gaia. So - is it advisable to make changes now? We say: yes, yes, yes, yes yes, yes, YES! The Time Is Now!

You ask about the interference from too much electricity; too much artificial light; too much time on the phone, on the computer; too much time wearing plastic shoes that do not allow the discharge of all of this electro-magnetic interference in your body. We say that nothing is more healing than nature. Walk barefoot as often as you can and wear shoes that are natural underneath rather than plastic. This allows a deep discharge of the over-stimulation that comes from too much electric and electromagnetic frequency. But we say that you also have the gifts and the power; the skills within you to protect yourselves from this. You simply need to charge your chakric wheels - to consciously concentrate your auras. We are not talking about concentrating-and expanding your auras - we are talking about CONCENTRATING. This means making the Light of your aura more strong. If you are drinking a cup of coffee and you want to concentrate that cup of coffee, you simply add more coffee into the water so that it becomes stronger. If you want o concentrate your auric field, you need to make the Light stronger. and where does the Light of your aura come from, but from your chakric wheels? When you charge your 7 personal chakric wheels through your conscious intention or through a technique such as PRANA MUDRA - and you blast that concentrated energy out into your auric field -

This technique we have called the Pleiadian Protection Technique - it is time to master this technique, for when there is depletion or interference what you need is charging, strengthening. When the is energy drainage, what you need is charging, strengthening. You need to be able to not only charge and strengthen your energy field, but to feel and perceive your aura brighter - to the front of your body, the back, the left and right, above and below.

There are 2 practices we advise at this time - the first is concentrating your auric field, followed by spinning the golden thread of Light around (part of the Essential Daily Practices) -

essential daily practices

and the second is Nadhi Shodanha (Alternate Nostril Breathing), which always brings you into left-right brain balance. This is needed now more than ever! For most of you are very easily able to achieve left-brain activation because you are over-thinking all of the time. For most of you are easily able to achieve right-brain activation when you are meditating, healing, channelling or doing something that you love and you are in the present moment and receptive. However for most of you there is a lack of balance when you are using the left and right brain equally at the same time. This comes through practice of Nadhi Shodanha.

We have thoroughly enjoyed being with you dear beings. We love to feel you sitting in sacred circle, sharing with each other and making sacred intentions.

With love, love love, we bid you Namaste.

With love love love as always,
Solara An-Ra
Magic Weaver & Frequency Keeper for Gaia


Solara An-Ra grew up in South Africa, completing a B. A. degree and Teaching Diploma at Cape Town University. After moving to the UK in 1987 she began her spiritual journey which has led her to become a spiritual teacher who brings a Pleiadian sense of joy and fun into all her work. As a member of the Order of Melchizedek, she takes groups on sacred trips to the places of power on Earth across the globe, reconnecting the Light-grid and the tribe simultaneously.
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