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Norse Goddess Hel: Love Makes You Whole!

Norse Goddess Hel: Love Makes You Whole!

I am Hel, I will make you whole, if you let me.

Sometimes in order to be whole, you have to take it apart first, before putting it back together, it becomes an experience that you learn from.

But I am with you all the time, supporting and giving healing to you so that you can be whole.

By whole I don't mean when the life cycle is complete when you leave the physical life you have now.

Some say that they are not whole until they die, that then the goddess Hel comes and makes them whole, but the truth is that I want you to be whole while you are in this present life.

But yes, it is true in a way, because I am in control of both life and death. And of course I will heal you when you need it, if that is after you leave your physical body.

I make whole. I'm healing. I calm down, I balance. I relieve.

For me there is no death. Everything is life in different bodies.

For me, the job is to make you whole no matter where you are on earth.

I work with healing on earth but I am universal and have multiple jobs.

You can contact me whenever you want. No time or day or night is wrong.

Some of you think you find me easiest when it's dark moon? And down in the ground?

This is partly true but mostly wrong. In ancient times, people believed this and if they didn't look for me in the earth, they didn't find me, so then I appeared.

If you always look for me when the moon is this or that, then you will meet me.

If you look for me when it's full sun and the sky is blue, then you'll find me too!

The old traditions are so strong and have decided how contact with me is to be handled, but as I said it is based a lot on old fears, they thought I threatened people's lives.

People long ago, they wanted my nourishment and power, but did not want to work their own way and see it as a process they had to do themselves, in their personal, soul and spiritual development.

They wanted a quick fix from me. And when I refused to give them this, as that kind of healing goes against my principles, then they no longer had contact with me. Because I refused to play along to their sheet music!

Then they started to be afraid of me instead. And any sickness or death in their vicinity had to do with me, because I was angry with them and wanted to punish them, they thought.

That is why it is so important to know that I myself have suffered a lot from this. And that I still refuse to give in. I never give any extra magical power or life force so they can succeed in life. Oh no.

Those who try this with me run into a wall. When some have tried to use my powers for their own gain, worries and fears are created that they have sinned against me and that I want to punish them in some way and then their own fear becomes something they fall on. 

He who digs a pit falls into it himself. So I can explain it all. 

Do you understand now that you choose for yourself if you see me in black clothes and call me at dark moon, but if you call me at full moon, or new moon and see me in white clothes, that's just as well for me.

But I promote life! And I celebrate the joy of healing, relieving, and providing good care for those in need.

I like to anoint with healing salve and whoever knows me deeply gets the recipe, others don't, because it can't be sold, it can only be given. I only give the recipe to those who are not greedy or seeking to fill their ego.

I do not promote occult rites where the purpose is to harm others or oneself.

I do not promote occult rites where the purpose is to harm Mother Earth.

In my older days, I got so much evil on me, because many people thought I wanted to do harm. But again, it's about fears that grew, rumors that circulated and amplified.

I am whole, the opposite of broken. I am both light and darkness. Both day and night. 

I work very close to Hades who works in the Middle Kingdom. He and I cry together, when people don't believe in life in heaven, then they have to be helped to a place where they can live and it will be in the world of Hades.

But we constantly work together with the workers of heaven, the angels, and they constantly come to visit the Middle World and try to get the people from there up to heaven, which is the eternal home.

The world of Hades, the Middle Realm is not the eternal home, it is a stopover. A waiting room. 

Many on earth no longer believe that there is a heaven that welcomes them. And that is a sin and a shame.

All are welcome to heaven when that time comes. Heaven is our eternal home.

I recommend you to be grounded in your life on earth. Put down the cell phone, turn it off, turn off your router. Go out into the woods! Walk in the forest or in a quiet environment where you see trees and bushes.

All the new technology with mobiles etc. makes you more ungrounded. This means that you get less contact with angels and your higher etheric guides. 

Meditate every day. Shower for 5 minutes every day to cleanse your aura if you work as a medium.

Eat fruit and vegetables, preferably organic, preferably root vegetables as they ground you best. Eat berries, nuts, almonds, algae, mushrooms, seeds. Heat up to maximum body temperature otherwise vitamins etc. die. Of course you can cook porridge if you want, but remember that vegetables etc. have nutrients that are destroyed by high heat.

Let your gut and gut tell you what you want to eat. I myself stopped eating meat over 10,000 years ago. Yes it is true. The animals are my friends, I don't want to eat them.

Put your hands around your water glass and say. 

"I love you water, I bless you from my heart, I welcome you into my body and I gladly receive your healing power, I thank you dear water and pray that you will receive all the love, healing and respect of everyone on earth" 

Then you can drink your water, because now you have given thanks for the water, said a prayer for the water and blessed it from your heart, then you get a useful and life-giving water that heals your body in the way of water.

Every drop of water must be respected! Likewise, every breath shall be loved for you breathe in the being of the etheric world! Pray equally for all the elements! Thanks! Bless! Say a prayer for each element! Then you are on the right path in my eyes and in my heart!

I live in Agartha. It is in the soil. It is a place that has its own sun. But it is not in the dimension in which you yourself live. The light shines in Agartha, we love each other and we help each other. 

You live and develop regardless of which life or body you are in. But spiritual, spiritual and personal development is not always a bed of roses, then it is easier to want to take a shortcut, but a shortcut becomes a slow path.

You have a soul and it has a book in the akasha library and there is everything that you wish to do and learn in your current life. When you ask to read it, you may in some cases be approved for it. It is rare. Life is about getting into it head on. You are born on earth and do not remember much from life in heaven. As you get older, the little memory you had diminishes and finally when you are about 4-5 years old you no longer remember.

The meaning of life is to make mistakes and not to follow an instruction book. But the meaning of life is also to find out what is really important! 

Ask yourself what is most important to you! What warms your heart? What touches you and your feelings, what makes you feel joy, what makes you shine in your power of love?

When you leave your body, when your life here on earth is over and you go to heaven, there's only one thing you get to take with you, you know what I mean? What do you guess it is?

The only thing you take with you to heaven is love!

Love makes you whole, and my energy is love!

And yes, I work in heaven too! And yes I am also an angel in heaven, an archangel! But I won't say who, because it's not as important.

But everything is really connected, in a very good way, love is eternal, it makes you whole!

Live your life and make your mistakes, God doesn't judge you, don't forget to rejoice and dance the dance of love and follow your heart and believe in your dreams!

I love you,


Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Source Here

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